Chicana Feminism as a Bridge: The Struggle of a White Woman Seeking an Alternative to the Eclipsing Embodiment of Whiteness (original) (raw)


In this article, we examine our own testimonios inspired by Chicana and black feminisms that have not only informed our research and teaching but have also helped us to make sense of our lives. We offer our testimonios related to theory, identity negotiations, and pedagogical concerns with teaching multiculturalism as a way to recognize and acknowledge that as academics, researchers, and teachers, we must continue to learn language from and create new language for our theoretical spaces that help us to express/navigate the complexity and multiple locations of struggles/resistance. Collectively, testimonios facilitate crucial lessons for examining the interconnectedness between Chicana and black feminisms through the lived experiences of those living in/on the margins as well as critical self-reflection that is needed to unlearn oppression existing within each of us.

Women’s Studies and Chicana Studies: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future, in Women’s Studies for the Future: Foundations, Interrogations, Politics, eds

Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future Chicana feminists' and Chicana studies relationship to Euro-American feminists and women's studies has been (and continues to be) largely ambivalent since the women's movement and inception of the fields in the 1960s and `70s. The nature of the relationship has to do largely with the fact that Chicana feminism and Chicana studies, though they emerged, in part, out of a common historical context with the women's movement, dealt with unique and specific political, economic, and social issues. The women's movement and mainstream feminism grew out of women's involvement in the black civil rights movement of the 1950s, the "new left" in the 1960s, and the unwillingness of such progressive social justice movements to examine the ways in which gender oppression structured and permeated society. Women's studies grew out of these movements along with other progressive curricular reform movements already in motion across university campuses. Chicana feminism and Chicana studies, while cognizant of and influenced by the women's movement, arose within the context of the Chicano protest movement and Third World liberation movements in the late 1960s and `70s. From the beginning, we can say Euro-American and Chicana feminist studies have had (and, to some extent, continue to have) different agendas, approaches, and goals.

Special Issue: Chicana/Latina Feminism(s): Negotiating Pedagogical Borderlands

Journal of Latino-Latin Amercian Studies (JOLLAS), 2013

This special issue of JOLLAS is a reflection and extension of Chicana/Latina feminist epistemologies (CLFEs) in education. Using the work of Gloria Anzaldúa and other Chicana feminist educators, such as Dolores Delgado Bernal, in conjunction with concepts of nepantla, testimonios, and Chicana feminist-third space, the contributors exemplify how CLFEs are embodied in education research in order to provide new pedagogical understandings and visions.

Special Issue-- (Re)envisioning Chicana/Latina Feminist Methodologies


JOLLAS (Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies) Special Issue Guest Editors: Cinthya M. Saavedra & Michelle S. Perez. Contributors: Dolores Calderon, Claudia Cervantes-Soon, Judith Flores Carmona, Karleen Pendleton Jimenez and Ruth Trinidad Galvan. The articles in this special issue of JOLLAS center critical methodologies in educational research. As Chicana/Latina scholars have reimagined pedagogical spaces, so too have they reinvented the methodologies needed for such rearticulations. The Chicana/Latina contributors help us navigate methodological landscapes and offer critical conversations needed in qualitative research. In particular the scholars focus on anticolonial conversations, critical ethnography, theories and methods of the flesh, critical reflexivity, Chicana feminist film-making methodologies as well as push us to consider the global North/South divide by decolonizing conocimiento and forming global alliances.

Chicanas/Latinas Advance Intersectional Thought and Practice

Gender & Society, 2019

despite the considerable body of scholarship and practice on interconnected systems of dominance and its effects on women in different social locations, chicanas remain "outside the frame" of mainstream academic feminist dialogues. this article provides an overview of the contributions of chicana intersectional thought, research, and activism. We highlight four major scholarly areas of contribution: borders, identities, institutional inequalities, and praxis. although not a full mapping of the chicana/Latina presence in intersectionality, it proffers the distinctive features and themes defining the intersectional terrain of chicana feminism.

Nurturing a Critical Race Feminista Praxis: engaging education research with a historical sensibility

Nurturing a Critical Race Feminista Praxis: engaging education research with a historical sensibility, 2022

This research article is a theoretical guide for scholars interested in bridging Critical Race Theories, Chicana/Latina Feminist frameworks, and historical sensibilities to disrupt whiteness within research about Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x education. We articulate the contours of a Critical Race Feminista Praxis and provide examples of its application by sharing lessons learned from carrying research centred on the experiences of Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x communities. We posit, social justice transformation is manifested when Education researchers uplift Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x histories of resilience and resistance by nurturing a Critical Race Feminista Praxis.

Sitios y Lenguas: Chicanas Theorize Feminisms

Hypatia, 1998

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A Chicana Feminist Epistemology Revisited

In this article, the authors simultaneously examine how education scholars have taken up the call for (re)articulating Chicana feminist epistemological perspectives in their research and speak back to Dolores Delgado Bernal’s 1998 Harvard Edu- cational Review article, “Using a Chicana Feminist Epistemology in Educational Research.” They address the ways in which Chicana scholars draw on their ways of knowing to unsettle dominant modes of analysis, create decolonizing methodologies, and build upon what it means to utilize Chicana feminist epistemology in educa- tional research. Moreover, they demonstrate how such work provides new narratives that embody alternative paradigms in education research. These alternative para- digms are aligned with the scholarship of Gloria Anzaldúa, especially her theoreti- cal concepts of nepantla, El Mundo Zurdo, and Coyolxauhqui. Finally, the authors offer researcher reflections that further explore the tensions and possibilities inherent in employing Chicana feminist epistemologies in educational research.