Archaeological excavations at Pueblo del Encierro, LA 70, Cochiti Dam Salvage Project, Cochiti, New Mexico : Section I. Kiva murals from Pueblo del Encierro [REDACTED REPORT] (Laboratory of Anthropology note ; 78I) / Polly Schaafsma. Santa Fe, N.M. : Laboratory of Anthropology, 1978. (original) (raw)

Illustrated detailed description of the Pueblo del Encierro (LA 70) kiva mural painting and its conservation and restoration. Report provides a detailed iconographic analysis and a comparative analysis of Hopi kiva mural paintings found at Hano and Walpi in Arizona. The report also provides an analysis of the iconography in reference to Navajo mythology and the Navajo Twin War Gods. Excavations (Archaeology) Cultural property protection Conservation and restoration (methodology) Kivas Kiva mural painting Kiva mural painting conservation and restoration Pueblo mural painting and decoration Pueblo ceremonialism Hopi ceremonialism Pueblo painting Hopi painting Hopi mural painting Iconography Iconographic analysis Iconographic comparative analysis Concentric circles Shields Shield motif Sun symbols Feathers Pueblo warfare Warriors Navajo mythology Twin War Gods Petroglyphs Navajo rock art Navajo rock paintings Anthropomorphism Comparative analysis Rock art Solstice Winter Solstice Precontact period Glaze A period 14th century Historic period Glaze D period 15th century 16th century Cochiti Dam Region (N.M.) Pueblo del Encierro (N.M.) LA 70 Jeddito (N.M.) Kuaua Pueblo (N.M.) Pottery Mound (N.M.) Hano (Ariz.) Walpi (Ariz.)