Editoriale: "Bergson dal vivo". In "Lo Sguardo", N. 26 (2018), I. (original) (raw)
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Bergson dal vivo [XXVI, 2018 (I)]
Lo Sguardo, 2018
The history of Henri Bergson’s (1859-1941) philosophy is one of the most complex and problematic of the 20th century. Bergson gained increasing popularity over the course of his life and career, to the point of becoming the French philosopher par excellence. His works – from the 1889 Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness to his last works from the 1930s – exercised a crucial influence on a wide range of fields in 20th-century French and European culture. Significant traces of his thought are to be found not just in subsequent philosophy, but also in the spheres of literature, psychology, science, epistemology, art, and theology. While the popularity of this French philosopher gradually declined after the 1930s, recent decades have witnessed a renewed interest – if not a genuine resurgence – in Bergsonian studies. The recent revival in Bergsonian studies has been fuelled by an important critical edition project, led by Frédéric Worms. The most important stage was completed in 2011 with the republication of Bergson’s eight major works and the Écrits philosophiques. To these, two previously unpublished landmark texts have recently been added: the two courses Histoire de l’idée de temps and L’évolution du problème de la liberté, which were held at the Collège de France in 1902/1903 and 1904/1905 respectively. Péguy entrusted two stenographers with transcribing the lectures when he could not attend the courses himself. The transcriptions from the two courses were then donated to the Fonds Doucet in 1997, and finally edited respectively by Camille Riquier and Arnaud François for “Presses Universitaires de France”, which in coming years will carry on the publication of other previously unpublished texts from the same collection. These publications lend a new voice to the philosopher through the famous lectures that so greatly contributed to his ‘glory’. Their content was hitherto completely unknown to 21st-century readers, with the exception of the brief summaries provided in the Mélanges and the few, partial transcriptions published in “Annales bergsoniennes” – some of which have already been translated into Italian (Storia della memoria e storia della metafisica, ETS 2007; Sul segno. Lezioni del 1902-1903 sulla storia dell’idea di tempo, Textus 2011).
La Continuità Spezzata. Il Riso Secondo Bergson (E Freud)
I castelli di Yale online, 2018
The famous essay Le Rire (1900) by Henri Bergson should not be considered as a deviation in his thought or as an isolated work. In fact, he began to deal with the study of laughter when he was a young school teacher in the French province, and he continued to theorize on it also after the publication of his famous book. In the present article we will try to give an overview of the interpretation of the laughter and humour by the French philosopher. We will put it in relation with the central idea of duree , and we will analyse what he meant by mecanisation de la vie along with the idea of the comic as an adult prosecution of children games. Furthermore, is laughter the other face of crying? Probably it is, and certainly it reflects the human need to escape from the constraints, as stated by Freud, the other great explorer of the unconscious, who absorbed many suggestions from both Darwin’s and Bergson’s works.
F. Leoni, R. Ronchi, Psyché. Bergson lettore di Plotino
Bergson, Plotino, 2019
Una riflessione sul posto di Plotino nella filosofia di Bergson e sul posto di Bergson nel pensiero contemporaneo dell'immanenza. Si tratta dell'introduzione all'edizione italiana del Corso di Bergson su Plotino.
Lucrezio e i mostri: tra Bergson e Canguilhem
Quaderni materialisti, 2014
La questione dei «mostri», lungi dall'essere una semplice o marginale curiosità all'interno del sistema lucreziano, è uno dei suoi concetti cardine; interpretazioni differenti di questo punto-chiave conducono verso letture opposte del senso dell'intero sistema. Il problema del luogo e della funzione teorica dei «mostri» nella filosofia di Lucrezio è strettamente-anche se impercettibilmente, almeno prima facie-legata con una serie di altre nozioni quali forma, foedera naturae, necessità, caso. I testi a nostra disposizione non permettono una risposta semplice ed inequivoca alla sfida teorica posta dalla figura concettuale. Per questa ragione è utile avvicinare il problema attraverso le due interpretazioni opposte di Bergson e Canguilhem. È precisamente nella tensione tra queste interpretazioni che può essere trovato il significato del materialismo e del determinismo di Lucrezio.