A Educação Ambiental em Quatro Dimensões de Mundo: Uma Proposta Ecossistêmica [Environmental Education in Four World's Dimensions: An Ecosystemic Proposal] (original) (raw)
2002, Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo
Problems of difficult settlement or solution in the world, currently fragmented by academic formats, market-place interests and mass-media headlines, demand an ecosystemic approach to understand and deal with the dynamic interplay of the four dimensions of being-in-the-world (intimate, interactive, social and biophysical), as they combine, as donors and recipients, to induce the events (deficits and assets), cope with consequences (desired or undesired) and contribute for change (diagnosis and prognosis). Instead of dealing with the apparent “bubbles” in the surface (taken for granted problems), an ecosystemic approach focus on the core of the boiling pot, where the real problems emerge. A framework for evaluation and planning critically examine the configurations of the different dimensions of being-in-the-world as a condition for the emergence of new paradigms of power, growth, wealth, work and freedom embedded into the cultural, social, political and economical institutions (more critical than individual motives and morals). Ethical norms, peace building, environmental equilibrium are associated with ethically and ordered social experiences, with the development of morally relevant interests as the bases of rights-bearing. In the socio-cultural learning niches the methodology is participatory, experiential and reflexive; heuristic-hermeneutic experiences unveil the problems in a specific space-time horizon of understanding, feeling and action, disclosing subject-object relations and contentions (intimate dimension), group values and performance (interactive dimension), social, political and economic systems (social dimension) and the effects of proximal and distant natural and built environments (biophysical dimensions), in view of the transition to an ecosystemic model of culture (opposite to the current non-ecosystemic model).