Mineralogical, Petrographic and Geochemical Study of Neolithic Polished Axes from Micula (NW Transylvania, Romania)

Two polished stone axes found at Micula (NW Transylvania, Romania) were mineralogicaly, petrographicaly and geochemicaly studied. The stone artefacts were assigned to the Neolithic period. Both are made from metamorphic rocks, i.e. amphibolite and hornfels respectively. The petrography, EMP, and PGAA analyses of the stone axes compared with geological information and the references data point to an extremely large range of possible geological sources for the rocks: from the northern part of the Apuseni Mts. to the northern part of the Eastern Carpathians or even the Bohemian Massif. Most likely, the place for collecting material could have been the alluvial sediments (boulders, pebbles) from the rivers nearby, such as Someş, Tisa, Crasna or Criş. Kivonat Tanulmányunkban a Szatmár-megyei Mikolából (ÉNY Erdély, Románia) származó két csiszolt kőbaltát vizsgáltuk meg, ásványtani, kőzettani és geokémia szempontból. A kőeszközök a csiszoltkőkorszakhoz sorolhatók. Mindkettő metamorf kőzetből készült, amfibolitból és szaruszirtből. A kőzettani és a prompt gamma aktivációs analízis, valamint a rendelkezésre álló földtani ismeretek alapján az amfibolit kőbalta esetében a nyersanyag származása több lehetőséget is felvet, az Erdélyi-szigethegységtől, a Keleti-Kárpátok északi vonulatán át egészen a Cseh-Masszívumig. Ugyanakkor primer nyersanyaforrásként a Szamos, Tisza, Kraszna és a Körösök folyóüledéke is valószínűsíhető. Rezumat Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele studiului mineralogic, petrografic şi geochimic asupra a două topoare şlefuite descoperite în raza localităţii Micula (NV Transilvania, România). Uneltele au fost atribuite epocii neolitice si sunt executate din roci metamorfice, unul dintr-un amfibolit, celălalt dintr-o corneeană. Caracterele petrografice şi rezultatele analizelor de microsondă electronică şi Activare Prompt Gamma comparate cu informatii geologice şi cu surse bibliografice indică o gama larga de posibile surse geologice: de la nordul Munţilor Apuseni la nordul Carpatilor Orientali si chiar Masivul Bohemian. Cel mai plauzibil, rocile din care au fost confecţionate topoarele au fost colectate nu direct din aflorimente ci din pietrişurile aluviale ale unor râuri din regiune: Tisa, Someş, Crasna sau Criş.

E. Starnini, Gy. Szakmány, S. Józsa, Zs. Kasztovszky, V. Szilágyi, B. Maróti, B. Voytek, F. Horváth, 2015, Lithics from the Tell Site Hódmezővásárhely-Gorzsa (Southeast Hungary): Typology, Technology, Use and Raw Material Strategies during the Late Neolithic (Tisza Culture)

“Archäologie in Eurasien" 31, Berlin, pp. 105-128.

The paper summarizes the present state of the ongoing multidisciplinary research on the stone artefacts (chipped, polished and ground stone tools) from the excavation of the Late Neolithic tell settlement of Hódmező vásárhely-Gorzsa, in southeastern Hungary. The excavated area represents the complete sequence of the Tisza culture, from its early phase to the later. Moreover, the excavation showed that the settlement had al onger life and that it was also occupied during the Copper, Bronze, Iron, Sarmatian and Middle ages. Some lithic artefacts were collected and examined from these occupational horizons as well. However, in the present paper only the preliminary results of the Tisza culture artefacts will be illustrated. Our method of research involves am ultidisciplinary, global approach to the whole stone assemblage, that is, chipped, polished and ground tools, which were studied from the point of view of typology, technology, use-wear and raw material analyses. These latter employed diff erent archaeometric technologies, ranging from macro-, meso-, to microscopic scale descriptions. The results achieved until now have shown that ac omplex network of interactions was activated at Gorzsa during the entire Late Neolithic habitation, and that the courses of the Temes/Timi ,T isza and Maros rivers acted as main axes for establishing these connections. Fig. 1 . 1 Map with the location of the tell Hódmező vásárhely-Gorzsa; 2 plan of the excavation squares; 3 -4 the present geographicals etting around the site.

Od gline do predmeta-keramika u neolitiku. From clay to artefacts. Pottery in the Neolithic

191 darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube 191 darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube OD GLINE DO PREDMETA -KERAMIKA U NEOLITIKU iNa miloGlav FROM CLAY TO ARTEFACTS: POTTERY IN THE NEOLITHIC 192 193 darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube Ulomak keramičke posude, 228 Fragment of ceramic vessel, cat. no. 228 darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube 200 201 darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube 202 203 darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava darovi zemlje neolitik između save, drave i dunava gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube gifts of the earth the neolithic between the sava, drava and danube

C. R. Lorinț, I. A. Bărbat, Local Natural Resources Used by the Early Neolithic Communities from South-Western Transylvania in Ground Stone Tools

Romanian Journal of MINERAL DEPOSITS , 2016

The natural resources of a geographical area start to be systematically exploited from the immigration of the first populations in a region. In time, this type of activity leads to the specialization of some settlements in the exploitation and transmission of raw materials to the other human communities. Our approach takes into account the first concerns about exploiting of the mineral resources by the prehistoric communities, more exactly by the Early Neolithic ones, in south-western Transylvania. One activity less common is the manufacture of polished stone tools. The first farming communities from the above mentioned area, also known as Starčevo-Criş populations, inhabited these region eight millennia ago, and they started exploiting gradually the local rocks for the needs of the new type of the Neolithic economy, based on the agriculture and livestock. Thus, after recent or past petro-graphic determinations results, we have a clearer picture on acquiring different types of raw materials which were used for the production of specific tools for Neolithic communities, such as: grinders, querns, hammers, axes, chisels etc. After the analyzing of the petrographical results, we can conclude that the first Neolithic communities from southwestern Transylvania exploited different types of rocks for the ground stone industry, most often sandstones, quartzites and andesites, the majority with occurrences in South of Apuseni Mountains or in North of Poiana Ruscă Mountains, other ones coming from the riverbeds of Mureş, Sebeş, Orăştie, Strei and Cerna rivers.

Book review: Ivan Gatsov and Petranka Nedelcheva. Pietrele 2: Lithic industry. Finds from the Upper Occupation Layers. Bonn: Habelt-Verlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-7749-4164-9


Books on chipped-stone assemblages are not a frequent event in the scientific discourse of the Balkans. This is the first reason this luxury book cannot be omitted. Another is the fact that the book presents part of the exceptionally rich lithic inventory of the well-known multilayer settlement of Mǎgura Gorgana Tell. The most recent achievement of the Pietrele project is the publication of the chipped-stone assemblages from the Chalcolithic layers. The book summarizes the results of a long and continuous study of these assemblages, thus compiling and completing the regular reports of its authors to the Eurasia Antiqua periodical. The text is structured in 12 parts-not necessarily chapters (incl. Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions and a chapter written by Ch. Nachev) consisting, in total, of 68 pages of text. An abstract, bibliography and 85 plates of drawings are presented after the main text. There are high quality colour photographs providing adequate visibility of features such as morphology and raw material of the artefacts, as well as numerous graphs and tables with statistical data aiming to facilitate the reading and comprehension of the text (fig. 1) The Introduction defines the book as an "interdisciplinary study of the techno-typological and functional characteristics and examination of the raw material system of procurement and supply of the blade technology in the Lower Danube area..."(p. 1). This statement (omitting the ambiguous use of 'procurement and supply' which should refer to the raw material and not to the blade technology) provokes big expectations in the readers. Moreover, it is asserted that the assemblages are analyzed in synchronic and diachronic aspects i.e.: i) in comparison with Chalcolithic assemblages from parts of Bulgaria and ii) as correlation between Neolithic and Chalcolithic inventories within the Tell itself (p. 1). Last but not least, the authors affirm a re-examination of the entire lithic material (i.e. re-assessment of their previous (!) study) with the invaluable help of J. Pelegrin, who worked on the site for a couple of seasons (p. 2). The introduction offers a comparative chronological table of four Balkan countries and Turkey but unfortunately does not contain a map of the site in its regional context, or any planigraphic or stratigraphic scheme which would be very useful (if not obligatory!) for the concrete study. Chapter 2 provides the methods of research with a short description of six categories of artefacts, which had been recorded, analyzed and interpreted. The list starts with a newly distinct cat