Review of Mohammed Rustom, The Triumph of Mercy: Philosophy and Scripture in Mullā Ṣadrā. Albany, ny: State University of New York Press, 2012. xii + 243 pages. (original) (raw)

The Intellect in Mullā Ṣadrā's Commentary on the Uṣūl al-kāfī

Philosophy and the Intellectual Life in Shi'ah Islam, ed. Sajjad Rizvi, forthcoming

Mullā Ṣadrā's (d. 1045 AH/1636) vast output consists of extended efforts in very different fields of knowledge. While perhaps most famous for his voluminous and original philosophical texts, his works on strictly religious genres, such as the methodological principles and practice of commenting on the Qurʾan or the Shiʿi traditions, are easily comparable to them in quantitative terms. This naturally arouses the question of the relation of the two branches of literary activity. Did Mullā Ṣadrā conceive of them as parallel pursuits equally worthy of, or indeed requisite for, an Islamic scholar? Or did he rather perceive them as hierarchically related, one serving as preliminary, foundational or instrumental to the other? And if that is the case, how and on what basis did he rank them?

Sadra’s Philosophical System as a Model in Islamic Philosophy

Sadra’s Philosophical System as a Model in Islamic Philosophy, Mulla Sadra, Transcendent Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Transcendent Theosophy, Alparslan Acikgenc, Imamain Al-Hassanain (p) Institute of Islamic Thought and Shiism Heritage, Alhassanain Network,

Understanding of Glorification toward God through Mullā Ṣadrā's Commentary on Q.S. al 'aʿlā

This article will try to explain Ṣadrā’s views and thoughts contained in one of his monumental work, Tafsīr al Qur’ān al karīm. The main problem which is the object of this research is Sadra's philosophical views and thoughts in Ṣadrā’s interpretation (tafsīr Q.S. al ’aʿlā). This study is an attempt to explore the benefits of these important aspects of religious sources unearthed from the instructions of Qur'an combined with rational principles of philosophical and mystical experiences (intuitive) of Ṣadrā. This study is important because it is till now emerging groups that debating the importance of philosophy. Some groups consider that the philosophical teachings is foreign things and contrary to the teachings of religion, especially to the Qur'an and sunah of the prophet; the notion that between philosophy and the Qur'an have a distance that cannot be put together. Of course, such view is contrary to the views of the Muslim philosophers. The Muslim philosophers believe that between philosophy and revelations (divine laws) are not contradictory. In fact, both have a synergistic relation.

An Annotated Bibliography of the Works of Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) with a Brief Account of His Life

An Annotated Bibliography of the Works of Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) with a Brief Account of His Life, Mulla Sadra, Islamic Philosophy, Transcendental Philosophy, Transcendental Theosophy, Islamic Theology, Islamic Kalam, Theology, Islamic Thought, Ashary, Ashariyat, Islamic Philosophical School, Muslim Thinkers, Muslim Thinker,

Mullā Ṣadrā and the Project of Transcendent Philosophy: Religion Compass 10/1 (2016): 3–14, 10.1111/rec3.12190

In this study, we have endeavored to elucidate the ‘project’ of Mullā Ṣadrā’s transcendent philosophy (al-ḥikma al-mutaʿāliya), an expression that Ṣadrā himself saw fit to describe his philosophical works. The meaning and method of Ṣadrā’s transcendent philosophy, which inform his unique philosophical positions, can be better understood when it is placed against the backdrop of discursive philosophy (ḥikma baḥthiyya) of the Muslim peripatetics (al-mashshāʾīn). In explaining the project of transcendent philosophy, Ṣadrā suggests that the mutaʿllih (deiform one) like any other ordinary philosopher builds theoretical models to describe the nature of reality and its diverse phenomena. However, what sets him/her apart from the latter is that he/she believes that through spiritual practices his/her soul can be transformed to the extent that he/ she can attain presential knowledge (al-ʿilm al-ḥuḍūrī) of the reality of being (ḥaqīqat al-wujūd). That is, he/ she can well penetrate the true essences (al-dhawāt) of things insofar as this is a possibility.

The Possibility of the Nobler (imkān al-ashraf) in Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Its Historical Origins

Oriens, 2023

The principle known as the possibility of the nobler (qāʿidat imkān al-ashraf) is arguably one of the most often employed principles in later Islamic philosophy. In its standard formulation it states that if something baser exists, a nobler thing must have existed prior to it. A similar argument from the degrees of perfections has had a long career in the history of Western philosophy as well, with its beginnings reaching Stoicism. In Christian theology and philosophy it serves most importantly as a proof for the existence of God in the so-called henological argument of Aquinas. In Islamic philosophy it directly derives from the ex uno non fit nisi unum principle. Since the formulation of its standard version by al-Suhrawardī, the validity of the principle has been conditioned on that it is only applicable to the intelligible beings, hence its main objective is to offer a proof for the existence of the intellects. The article analyzes the application of the principle in Ṣadrā’s phil...