ASEDS: Towards Automatic Social Emotion Detection System Using Facebook Reactions (original) (raw)

Social Emotion Mining Techniques for Facebook Posts Reaction Prediction

As of February 2016 Facebook allows users to express their experienced emotions about a post by using five so-called 'reactions'. This research paper proposes and evaluates alternative methods for predicting these reactions to user posts on public pages of firms/companies (like supermarket chains). For this purpose, we collected posts (and their reactions) from Facebook pages of large supermarket chains and constructed a dataset which is available for other researches. In order to predict the distribution of reactions of a new post, neural network architectures (convolutional and recurrent neural networks) were tested using pretrained word embed-dings. Results of the neural networks were improved by introducing a bootstrapping approach for sentiment and emotion mining on the comments for each post. The final model (a combination of neural network and a baseline emotion miner) is able to predict the reaction distribution on Facebook posts with a mean squared error (or misclassification rate) of 0.135.

Analysis : Determining People ' s Emotions in Facebook


Social Network Sites (SNSs) play important roles in people's lives for sharing information. Facebook becomes one of the important platforms for interaction. Facebook allows people to have their own accounts to comment, express feelings and convey emotions via texts as well as emoticons. When a certain issue is discussed, monitoring such information becomes difficult since there are too many suggestions and the problems usually tend to be overlooked. Thus, this paper aims to identify the opinion mining and sentiment analysis components for extracting both English and Malay words in Facebook. Information, in terms of texts, are extracted and clustered into emotions. This work begins with transforming unstructured information into meaningful lexicons after extracting the Facebook's contents. All of the meaningful lexicons are stored in a database after manual identifications are carried out. With sentiment analysis, emotions are classified into happy (positive), unhappy (negati...

Emotion Detection using Social Media Data


Previous research on emotion recognition of Twitter users centered on the use of lexicons and basic classifiers on pack of words models, despite the recent accomplishments of deep learning in many disciplines of natural language processing. The study's main question is if deep learning can help them improve their performance. Because of the scant contextual information that most posts offer, emotion analysis is still difficult. The suggested method can capture more emotion sematic than existing models by projecting emoticons and words into emoticon space, which improves the performance of emotion analysis. In a microblog setting, this aids in the detection of subjectivity, polarity, and emotion. It accomplishes this by utilizing hash tags to create three large emotion-labeled data sets that can be compared to various emotional orders. Then compare the results of a few words and character-based repetitive and convolutional neural networks to the results of a pack of words and latent semantic indexing models. Furthermore, the specifics examine the transferability of the most recent hidden state representations across distinct emotional classes and whether it is possible to construct a unified model for predicting each of them using a common representation. It's been shown that repetitive neural systems, especially character-based ones, outperform pack-of-words and latent semantic indexing models. The semantics of the token must be considered while classifying the tweet emotion. The semantics of the tokens recorded in the hash map may be simply searched. Despite these models' low exchange capacities, the recently presented training heuristic produces a unity model with execution comparable to the three solo models.

Performance Evaluation Of Supervised Machine Learning Techniques For Efficient Detection Of Emotions From Online Content

CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2020

Emotion detection from the text is a challenging problem in the text analytics. The opinion mining experts are focusing on the development of emotion detection applications as they have received considerable attention of online community including users and business organization for collecting and interpreting public emotions. However, most of the existing works on emotion detection used less efficient machine learning classifiers with limited datasets, resulting in performance degradation. To overcome this issue, this work aims at the evaluation of the performance of different machine learning classifiers on a benchmark emotion dataset. The experimental results show the performance of different machine learning classifiers in terms of different evaluation metrics like precision, recall ad f-measure. Finally, a classifier with the best performance is recommended for the emotion classification.