Educación, diseño e innovación en Latinoamérica. Evolución, análisis de casos y perspectivas sobre la educación técnico profesional: un enfoque desde el emprendedorismo y el desarrollo local (original) (raw)

Proposal of an Integral Formative Model of Prospective Entrepreneurship through the Validation of the Entrepreneurship Career of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.

Universidad Nebrija, 2017

This doctoral thesis of transectional (2013-2016) - descriptive (General Enterprising Tendency Test, GETT) type, applied the phenomenological (descriptive) - hermeneutic (interpretative) method with an eclectic approach (quantitative-qualitative). The descriptive analysis allowed to infer, through its results, that an integral training model of prospective (foresight) entrepreneurship is applicable in the education system, in both, the public and private spheres, without the restriction of genre, age, or family experience in entrepreneurship. The explanatory analysis of the entrepreneurship training, the level of entrepreneurship and its relationship with the education imparted determined that the implementation of this model would establish the foundations of a national culture of entrepreneurship; allowing to cover all people from early to advanced age, where each person will undertake according to their own condition and according to the environment that surrounds it. In addition, the culture of entrepreneurship will promote entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship of all types and scope; being beneficial in the economic sphere, given the generation of employment; as well as in the personal field, given the satisfaction and emotional balance that it produces. The interpretative analysis highlighted that entrepreneurial education must be taught from childhood, through appropriate methodologies, and trained teachers; emphasizing that entrepreneurial education must be accompanied by business incubation, this means, that entrepreneurship programs must provide resources (human, material, financial, technological, marketing, administrative, knowledge and contact networks, among others) or the means to achieve them. Keywords: prospective entrepreneurship, integral formation, Education system, entrepreneurship, and intrapreneurship Vallejo-Fiallos, M. del Rocío (2017) Propuesta de un Modelo Formativo Integral de Emprendimiento Prospectivo a través de la Validación de los Emprendizajes de la Carrera de Emprendimiento de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Nebrija. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.34839.01440/1