Scientific conference: “The Fate and significance of the heritage of monasteries dissolved in former Royal Prussia. On the 180th anniversary of the dissolution of the last monasteries in Gdańsk”, (Gdańsk, 22 October 2015), Studia Historica Gedanensia, t. 9, 2018, s. 251-254. (original) (raw)

The Prussian dissolution of monasteries in Silesia against a background of secularization processes in Poland and Europe. International scientific conference, Wrocław, 18-21 November 2010. Book of summaries

Marek Derwich, Marek L. Wójcik (eds.), Pruskie kasaty klasztorne na Śląsku na tle procesów sekularyzacyjnych w Polsce i Europie = The Prussian dissolution of monasteries in Silesia against a background of secularization processes in Poland and Europe, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo WTMH, 2010, pp. 242, 2010

A wave of monastery dissolutions of the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th c. overwhelmed nearly the whole Catholic Europe. It exerted a huge influence not only on the monasteries and orders it affected, but also on the history of the Church and many areas of life, not only of the monastic one. Its consequences changed the religious, cultural, social and economic landscape of Europe. The conference has been organized to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Prussian king Frederick William III’s edict dissolving almost all monasteries of the Prussian Silesia region. Its purpose is to present the origins, the course and the outcomes of the then ongoing dramatic processes against the background of monastery dissolutions in modern and contemporary Europe of the period between the 16th and the 20th c. Sessions are of interdisciplinary character. The participants are not only historians of various specialties and epochs, but also art and culture historians, archivists and library science specialists. The conference opens the commemoration of 200th anniversary of the State University of Wroclaw establishment in the year 1811.

The main assumptions of the project "Cultural heritage of dissolved monasteries on the territory of former Poland and in Silesia in 18th and 19th c.: fate, significance, cataloguing"

in: Hereditas Monasteriorum 1 (2012), pp. 363-368, 2012

The project The cultural legacy of the monasteries resolved in the former Polish Commonwealth and in Silesia during 18th and 19th centuries: the fate, importance, inventory is implemented under the National Programme for Development of Humanities (11H 11 021280), from the funds of Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The main aim of the project is to initiate a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and generally accessible scientific description, and inventory the cultural legacy left by the resolved monasteries as an important part of spiritual and material national heritage. This is the first in Europe attempt of identifying and documenting scattered collections of more than a thousand monasteries. The territorial scope of the queries will contain Poland and several neighboring countries, while within the formal range will be included different types of objects: archives, old prints, books, other variety of movables (e.g. liturgical, everyday objects, remnants of the equipment, including e.g. pharmacies), buildings and other facilities in situ, and also the natural and archeological remains, at the moment investigated slightly or not at all

The Teutonic Order and monasteries in Gdansk Pomerania in the first half of the 14th century, Studia z Dziejów Średniowiecza, 26, 2023, s. 86–109.


Rafał Kubicki The Teutonic Order and monasteries in Gdansk Pomerania in the first half of the 14th century The subject of this study is the attempt to characterise the policy conducted by the Teutonic Order towards monasteries in Gdansk Pomerania in the first half of the 14th century. In current assessment, it has traditionally been indicated that the order would consequently apply limitations in terms of friar convents foundations in Prussia and would pursue towards a strict control of all the congregations whose locations were based in Gdansk Pomerania. The article primarily indicates two factors contributing to the relations between the Teutonic Order and the cloisters in Gdansk Pomerania, namely the process of implantation and territorialisation of the Teutonic Order offices in Gdansk Pomerania. The conducted analyses determine that the relations between the Teutonic Order and the monasteries in Gdansk Pomerania were not as much of a result of its consequently conducted policy as of a resultant of numerous factors stemming from the situation occurring in a given friar congregation (the Cistercians) or referring to a specific cloister (as in the instance of the Dominicans in Gdansk). Whereby the Teutonic Order usually acted as a territorial ruler confirming transactions of purchase, bestowals or exchange of estates, as well as an arbitrary body in disputes with other institutions (with town authorities). Such role was also performed by local commanders or the Grand Master of the Order himself. Participation of the latter was ordinarily connected with the necessity for general regulation, as was the case in the instance of the general confirmation of monastery estates in Oliwa and Żarnowiec conducted by the Grand Master Ludolf König. In general, mutual relations of the Order and the convents were adequate if not even good. It must be highlighted that the position of the Teutonic Order towards the monasteries in Gdansk Pomerania were an element of a broader Church policy conducted in the area also towards the bishop of Wloclawek and the archbishop of Gniezno. streszczenie Rafał Kubicki Zakon krzyżacki a klasztory na Pomorzu Gdańskim w pierwszej połowie XIV w. Przedmiotem opracowania jest próba charakterystyki polityki prowadzonej przez zakon krzyżacki (niemiecki) wobec klasztorów na Pomorzu Gdańskim w pierwszej połowie XIV w. W dotychczasowych ocenach tradycyjnie wskazywano na konsekwentnie stosowane ograniczenia odnośnie do fundacji klasztorów mniszych w Prusach i dążenie zakonu niemieckiego do poddania ścisłej kontroli wszystkich zgromadzeń posiadających swoje siedziby na Pomorzu Gdańskim. W artykule wskazano przede wszystkim na dwa czynniki mające wpływ na relacje zakonu niemieckiego z klasztorami na Pomorzu Gdańskim, to jest na proces implantacji klasztorów i terytorializacji urzędów zakonu niemieckiego na Pomorzu Gdańskim. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że relacje zakonu niemieckiego z klasztorami na Pomorzu Gdańskim były nie tyle następstwem konsekwentnie realizowanej przez niego polityki, ale raczej wypadkową wielu czynników, wynikających z sytuacji panującej w danym zgromadzeniu zakonnym (cystersi) i odnośnie do konkretnego klasztoru (przykład dominikanów w Gdańsku). Przy czym zakon niemiecki występował zazwyczaj jako władca terytorialny, potwierdzający transakcje kupna–sprzedaży względnie nadania lub zamiany dóbr oraz jako arbiter w sporach z innymi instytucjami (z władzami miejskimi). Funkcję taką pełnili miejscowi komturzy lub sam wielki mistrz zakonu. Udział tego ostatniego był zazwyczaj związany z potrzebą ogólnej regulacji, jak w przypadku generalnej konfirmacji dla dóbr klasztoru w Oli wie i Żarnowcu dokonanej przez wielkiego mistrza Ludolfa Königa. Ogólnie, wzajemne relacje zakonu z klasztorami były poprawne, jeśli nie wręcz dobre. Trzeba też podkreślić, że stanowisko zakonu niemieckiego wobec klasztorów na Pomorzu Gdańskim było elementem szerszej polityki kościelnej prowadzonej na tym terenie także wobec biskupa włocławskiego i arcybiskupa gnieźnieńskiego.

The revival of the Franciscan monastery in Namysłów in the XVII century in the view of the first chapter of the Convent's Chronicle


Nach diesen wir in das Closter gangen, und weiters in die Kirchen, allwo Herr Ertz-Priester das Te Deum laudamus intoniert, welches hernach die Musicanten mit Trompeten und anderer music continuiret 1. When on 8 October 1675, the sounds of praising hymns sung by the reformed brothers 2 filled the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the ongoing two-decade dispute, about the reclaiming of the local Franciscan facilities, ended. The extensive ceremony of handing over the keys and all of the documentation confirming the community's property rights in the facilities, with the participation of local officials, religious authorities and local believers, as mentioned in the fragmentary account of one of the imperial commissioners quoted above, was preceded by numerous disputes and struggles conducted diplomatically, involving both municipal, religious and royal authorities. For in order to reclaim the facilities, to which claims were made, it was necessary to present an appropriate and full historical and legal argument, being the substantive basis for the final decision in the restitution process, before the majesty of the ruler. Thus, the brothers browsed through the provincial archives, religious and city chronicles, instruments or grants, so that after the information, adequately 1

Privately Founded Benedictine Monasteries in Medieval Hungary - a case study: Pétermonostora, the monastery and a settlement without written history

Abstract The paper gives an overview on the development and morphological characteristics of privately founded Benedictine monastic complexes in medieval Hungary between 1000- 1300. More closely, the essay focuses on the affiliation and topography of the monastic sites in the Great Plain Region, drawing conclusions on the role of the monasteries in the contemporary settlement and road network, and their relations to noble residences. The discussion is supplemented with the case study of Pétermonostora, which is interpreted as a representative development model in the context of privately founded monasteries of this region. Zusammenfassung Die Studie gibt einen Überblick über die Bildung und den morphologischen Charakter der Benediktiner Eigenkirchen zwischen 1000-1300. Bei näherer Betrachtung fokussiert die Untersuchung auf die Verbindung und die Topographie der Klöster der Großen Ungarischen Tiefebene und zieht Rückschlüsse über die Rolle der Klöster in dem zeitgenössischen Netzwerk der Siedlungen und Wege und ihre Beziehungen mit Residenzen. Die Diskussion ist mit der Fallstudie des Klosters Pétermonostora erweitert, welches Beispiel für ein typisches Entwicklungsmodell im Rahmen der regionalen Eigenklöster erklärt ist.