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This study aims to reformulate the institutional relationships between legislative bodies and independent state institutions, by taking case studies of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). This research was conducted with a normative method using a conceptual and statutory approach. The results showed that the DPR-KPK institutional relationship can be formulated into authority relationship, supervisory relationship and financial relationship. In terms of the authority relationship, the principal-agent approach is used to place DPR as the principal whose duty is to support and provides the resources needed for the KPK as its agent. In this context, the KPK is the recipient of the task whose authority is within the subject of DPR. For the Supervision Relationship, The New Public Management Model (NPM) is used to initiate better supervision through the input and output control mechanism. Input control is carried out by DPR through the legi...
Questioning the Independence of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and Judicial Restraint
Atlantis Press, 2023
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), an independent state institution, continues to face threats. The extension of the term of office of the current KPK chairman through the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 112/PUU-XX/2022 is not based on the principle of universal law, namely, the principle of non-retroactivity. This study aims to examine two problems: the legal implications for the independence of the KPK after the Constitutional Court's decision and the judicial restraint on the position of the Constitutional Court in extending the term of office of the KPK leadership. This study used normative legal research with a statutory approach. The results of this study showed that the degree or degradation of KPK independence is increasingly evident. The extension of the term of office through a retroactive Constitutional Court decision violated the universal principle of law. The extension of the term of office of the current KPK chairman has no urgency because they still have the opportunity to be re-elected in the next period.
Jurnal Penelitian Hukum De Jure
2019 was a year full of turmoil for the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) due to the revision of the KPK Law after 17 years of the KPK Law being in effect. Despite many rejections, the latest KPK Law was still passed in September 2019 so that it became Indonesia's positive law. Therefore, the statements of the problem in this research are: what is the cause of the KPK Law revision and what is the impact of law enforcement on corruption by the KPK after the ratification of the latest KPK Law. The purpose of this research is to find out the reasons for the revision of the KPK Law and the impact of the implementation of the latest KPK Law. The method used in this research is a normative juridical method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research indicate that there are several weaknesses of the previous KPK Law which have an impact on the performance of the KPK so that it has not provided maximum results. In fact, regarding the impact of the enactmen...
Corruptio, 2021
The existence of the Corruption Eradication Commission or Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)’s Supervisory Board to oversee KPK's work is the result of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. This new legislation mandates the KPK Supervisory Board to perform four primary duties. One of the duties of the Board's authority, permitting or not permitting KPK to conduct wiretapping, search, and/or seizure corruption crimes, sparked public outrage due to the fear of attempts to weaken KPK. This research is served for determining whether the role of the KPK Supervisory Board as a licensee for wiretapping, search, and seizure of criminal acts of corruption is functional and will run effectively and efficiently in tackling the eradication of corruption. The research method used is qualitative research with descriptive presentation and a normative juridical approach. According to the findings, the pro-justice authority delegated by law to the KPK Supervisory Board, namely granting permits for ...\_Vol.9\_Issue.2\_Feb2022/IJRR-Abstract042.html, 2022
Corruption is a threat to democratic principles, as well as the security and stability of the nation of Indonesia. Institution established the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has the task of conducting an investigation, investigation, prosecution of criminal acts of corruption. The board of Trustees was formed in order to carry out its function is to supervise the implementation of the duties and authority of the Commission. Regarding the duties of the Supervisory Board is to supervise the implementation of the duties and authority as at first, give permission or not to give permission tapping, shakedown, and/or seizure, after the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 70/PUU-XVII/2019, the authority of the Board of Trustees only as a watchdog and sets the code of ethics of the leadership and employees of the Commission KPK. The problem formulation in this research consists of: 1) What is the role of the Board of Trustees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the enforcement of the law against corruption? 2) How the position of the Supervisory Board in granting permission related to wiretapping, search and seizure in the institutions of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on the prevention and eradication of criminal acts of corruption after the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 70/PUU-XVII/2019? This research is a normative legal research with the approach of legislation (statute approach) the assessment by using the technique of data collection by the research literature (library research) and interview. The results of the research, the impact on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) after the existing Board of Trustees is increased accountability, professionalism and integrity in the implementation of the duties and authority of the Commission. In the annual report found of the Supervisory Board KPK where in the year 2020 the Board of Trustees have been doing Oversight Coordination Meeting to evaluate the implementation of the tasks and authority of the KPK. During the year 2020, the Board of Trustees has received 252 (two hundred fifty-two) report on the complaint. And then related to the handling of the code of ethics of the Board of Trustees has received reports of as many as 31 (thirty one) reports and a total of 15 (fifteen) reports that followed.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding IJMMU, 2020
One of the duties and authorities of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) is to draw up regional regulations. To carry out this task, DPRD members will usually conduct comparative study activities to other regions. As a consequence, state finances are used to finance these activities. This research took place in the city of Cirebon, West Java. This research focuses on the effectiveness of comparative study activities carried out by the DPRD with the performance achievement target. Also, this research will answer whether comparative study activities have regulations that can limit the corrupt behaviour of DPRD members. This research uses descriptive research method. This study concludes that the implementation of work visits and comparative studies conducted by the Cirebon City DPRD in 2017 and 2018 in the framework of preparing the Cirebon City Regional Regulation is following the regulations. The regulation is based on the Standing Orders of Cirebon City DPRD members. However, the implementation of this comparative study has not been effective in supporting the improvement of the performance of DPRD thus it has the potential to cause acts of corruption.
Reconstruction Efforts for the Eradication of Corruption within the National Legal System
This study aims to identify and explain the principles of anti-corruption in the various rules that can be used as the foundation of reconstruction prevention of Corruption . This research is a normative law. Data collection techniques used were interviews and by library research . The data analysis was conducted through qualitative analysis methods. This analysis was performed using analysis of the theoretical basis as the knife in explaining the phenomena that are the focus of this study. The results show that the strategy of eradication of corruption can be performed on the elements of legal substance, that is to revise the existing weaknesses in the legal substance of the Law on Corruption Eradication, setting sanctions, in the form of illicit enrichment, the clarity of the regulation on the system the best evidence and clarity regarding setting minimum sanctions. Elements of the legal structure relating to the selection mechanism of political will by the organizers state appara...
Pros and Cons of the Corruption Eradication Commission in the Perspective of Law Politics
Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Economics and Health (ICLEH 2020)
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as an independent Special Commission, free from the influence of any authority, was formed on the basis of a solution step over public distrust in eradicating criminal acts of corruption handled by the Police and the Prosecutors' Office previously considered not optimal. KPK's performance is based on the Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia No. 30 of 2002 felt less effective, optimal, and professional, in order to achieve the goals of the Republic of Indonesia to realize a just, prosperous, and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia, a legal reform was made through No. 19 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia No. 30 of 2002 concerning the Corruption Eradication Commission. The Republic of Indonesia Constitution No. 19 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Constitution No. 30 of 2002 concerning the KPK had a significant influence on the development of national legal politics. Because, lead to differences in judgment. The government assesses the legal reform of the KPK Law as "strengthening" in line with the Constitutional Court's decision No. 36/ PUU-XV/ 2017. Instead, observers/ legal experts assess a "weakening" of the performance of the KPK in its duties and authorities. The methods used Empirical Juridical Writing.
Unram Law Review
The amendment on corruption eradication legal policy after the enacmnet of Act Number 19 Year 2019 Concerning the Amandment of Act Number 30 Year 2002 Concerning Corruption Eradication Commission derived pros and cons among legal expert and activis of anti corruption. This study aims to determine the political policy of corruption eradication after Act Number 19 Year 2019 in force. This research is a doctrinal study and using statute approach and conceptual approach. Result of this study showed that there is considerable change in the corruption eradication act includes: the institution of Corrution Eradication Commission subsumed as part of executive institution, internal supervision under Supervision Board, transformation of Corruption Eradication Commission employe become State Civil Servant. In addition, there are numerous augmentations on the duty and fuction of the Commission. Those changes impacted to the internal body of Corruption Eradication Commission, particularly toward...
KPK Authority Review in the Impact of Corruption Eradication
The unclear wiretapping mechanism and no limits of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)'s authority in wiretapping have led to public discourse that the authority has violated the private rights. KPK itself in wiretapping has no restrictions. KPK investigators see there is a criminal act of corruption or still a criminal act of corruption then KPK investigators have the right to wiretap. KPK is an institution established by the Indonesian government in 2003 under the legal basis of Article 43 of Corruption Law. KPK was formed to maximize in the case of eradicating corruption crimes in Indonesia that have been rampant, for that KPK is authorized to intercept as regulated in Article 12 of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law. KPK tapping authority allegedly violates human rights because there are no rules that regulate in more detail and clear in wiretapping. This research will analyze the authority of KPK super power so as to make KPK has no restrictions in carrying out i...