The Use of Geometric Constructions in the Development of Some Geometry and Mathematics Learning Aspects and Geometric Thinking Levels among Student-Teachers of Mathematics - In Arabic (original) (raw)

2018, Journal of Mathematics Education - Egyptian Society for Mathematics Education

This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using geometric constructions in developing some learning aspects of geometry and mathematics, and geometric thinking levels among student-teachers of the mathematics. Therefore, the study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What topics of geometric constructions can be included in a proposed unit of geometric constructions for the student-teachers of mathematics? 2. What are the features of the proposed unit to develop some learning aspects of geometry and mathematics, and geometric thinking levels among student-teachers of mathematics? 3. What is the effectiveness of the proposed unit in developing some learning aspects of geometry and mathematics among student-teachers of mathematics? 4. What is the effectiveness of the proposed unit in developing geometric thinking levels among student-teachers of mathematics? 5. What is the correlation relationship between the development of some learning aspects of geometry and mathematics, and the development of geometric thinking levels among student-teachers of mathematics? Therefore, the researchers prepared a unit in geometric constructions included eight topics. Each topic includes a set of geometric constructions. The study used a one-group pretest – intervention - posttest. The study sample consisted of (44) student-teachers majoring in mathematics at the faculty of education. The study tools were a test of learning aspects and the geometric thinking test according to the Van Hiele. The results of the study show the effectiveness of the proposed unit in the development of learning aspects of geometry and mathematics as well as enhancing the levels of geometric thinking. The results of the study also indicate that there is a correlation relationship between the learning aspects geometry and mathematics and geometric thinking. In light of these results, the current researchers recommend the need to expand the idea of geometric constructions into geometry curricula as well as highlight the importance of connecting them to different fields of mathematics.

Teaching of Geometric Construction in Junior High School: An Intervention

Journal of Elementary Education, 2016

Geometric construction has been one of the topics in Mathematics that account for poor performance in both internal and external examinations among pupils in Junior High School. This interventional study sought to find the difference in the performance of pupils who were taught geometric construction in abstract and those who were taught practically. A total of 60 pupils were used in the study. A well-structured lesson with Teaching and Learning Materials was used. The pretest and posttest assessments were deployed to ascertain the effect of the interventional teaching methods. Before the intervention, 87% of the pupils scored below the average mark of 50 and only 13% scored above the average mark of 50. The posttest results of the abstract method group were similar to the results of the pretest. However, after the intervention 87% of the pupils scored above the average mark of 50and only 13% scored below the average mark in the practical group. The pupils taught with the practical method performed far better (t =-41.44) in the posttest compared to those taught with abstract method. In conclusion, the use of appropriate methodology, and Teaching and Learning Materials will together make pupils appreciate geometric construction.

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Teaching of Geometric Construction in Junior High School: An Intervention Cover Page

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Research on How Secondary School Pupils Do Geometrical Constructions Cover Page

Geometrics Objects in the Final Grade of Middle Schools in B&H, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey and Students' Progress of Geometrical Thinking which their Mathematical Curricula Enable

IMVI Open Mathematical Education Notes, 2018

The powerful development of geometric thinking among the students of the final grade of Middle School enables them to progress better through mathematical contents in the upcoming High School. In order to gain insight into possible levels of development of students' geometric skills, we have examined the mathematics curricula of the final grades of Middle Schools in B&H, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Our intention was to gain insight into geometric contents planned in these teaching programs of the aforementioned socio-political communities. As a connecting thread of our observations, we offer the following conclusions regarding the previous research. All observed models have a significant common part that relates to the teaching and learning of geometric solids. In the case where this part of the curricula would be complemented by geometric transformations, it would then be possible to estimate that these curricula open the possibility of a full development of robust abilities among pupils. The authors think that although the quality of mathematics teachers' work has a significant impact on the formation of geometric proficiencies and abilities of pupils in schools, the influence of policy makers of mathematics education and mathematical curricula designers is more significant. The authors are also very close to the suggestion that each of these societies should form a permanent team of experts for monitoring applications and further development of mathematical curricula.

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Geometrics Objects in the Final Grade of Middle Schools in B&H, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey and Students' Progress of Geometrical Thinking which their Mathematical Curricula Enable Cover Page

Geometric Objects in the Final Grade of Middle Schools in B & H , Croatia , Macedonia , Montenegro , Serbia , and Turkey and Students ' Progress of Geometrical Thinking which their Mathematical Curricula Enable


The powerful development of geometric thinking among the students of the final grade of Middle School enables them to progress better through mathematical contents in the upcoming High School. In order to gain insight into possible levels of development of students’ geometric skills, we have examined the mathematics curricula of the final grades of Middle Schools in B&H, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Our intention was to gain insight into geometric contents planned in these teaching programs of the aforementioned socio-political communities. As a connecting thread of our observations, we offer the following conclusions regarding the previous research. All observed models have a significant common part that relates to the teaching and learning of geometric solids. In the case where this part of the curricula would be complemented by geometric transformations, it would then be possible to estimate that these curricula open the possibility of a full development of ...

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Geometric Objects in the Final Grade of Middle Schools in B & H , Croatia , Macedonia , Montenegro , Serbia , and Turkey and Students ' Progress of Geometrical Thinking which their Mathematical Curricula Enable Cover Page

Educational construction of geometry and the use of concrete materials as a learning process

Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, 2020

The research stood out for a didactic reflection that meets the need for experimental constructions in the classroom, with concrete materials to assist in the process of teaching and learning geometry in elementary school. In this sense of attributing an analysis to this problem, we have as axis, mathematics education, as a way to stimulate students for the development of workshops in which they aimed at the construction of didactic materials as a process of learning mathematics. The process of constructing the concept of geometry that attribute the skills and competencies to be developed in the students at this stage, allowed the same to develop a particular type of thought to understand, describe and represent, in an organized way, the geometric spaces, informing the importance that this content has in their social life as a citizen. Through the construction of geometric figures with manipulated materials, we study all the concepts of the figure, through this tool, thus stimulatin...

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Educational construction of geometry and the use of concrete materials as a learning process Cover Page

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Topic Study Group No. 13: Teaching and Learning of Geometry—Secondary Level Cover Page

Geometric Constructions in the Current Math Teacher Training Courses at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Acta Scientiae

Background: Math teacher training in Brazil has been the subject of numerous studies under the most diverse approaches. From a historiographical perspective, we can highlight the performance of the Oral History and Mathematics Education Group and the History of Mathematics Education in the Research Group, both acting more directly with the narratives. Disciplines with the content of Geometric Constructions have historically been part of the training of Mathematics teachers. At issue in this text is the contribution of these disciplines to the formation of future teachers. Objective: This paper adds elements to mapping Mat teacher training and performance in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and in Brazil, expanding discussions about the state and the possible role of geometric disciplines in undergraduate courses. Design: We present the normative documents of such courses and disciplines and the narratives, in the end, comparing the relevant literature for their analysis based on the ...

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Geometric Constructions in the Current Math Teacher Training Courses at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Cover Page

An Investigation into the Strategies Used to Teach Geometric Constructions in Secondary Schools: A Case of a Secondary School in Lusaka District


This paper endeavors to investigate the strategies used by secondary school teachers in the teaching of Geometric Constructions. A qualitative method was used to obtain data and richer information about the topic. The study involved three grade twelve teachers of mathematics at a selected secondary school in Lusaka district. Lesson observations were done four times with each teacher, interviews and focused group discussions were also conducted. The study revealed that teachers used learner-centered approaches of teaching which included demonstration, discussion, problem solving, question and answer, inquiry and teacher exposition methods. However, their performance in class was affected due to lack of resources. The study also identified other strategies which could improve learner performance through learner participation. Based on the findings it was recommended that Continuous Professional Development (CPD) on Geometric Construction for teachers should be conducted in order to en...

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An Investigation into the Strategies Used to Teach Geometric Constructions in Secondary Schools: A Case of a Secondary School in Lusaka District Cover Page

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Geometrical Constructions in Dynamic and Interactive Mathematics Learning Environment Cover Page

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International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools Cover Page


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