Клисфен и demokratia (Cleisthenes and demokratia, in Russian) (original) (raw)
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The article discusses several issues on the biography of a prominent Athenian politician Glaukon, the son of Leagros and the relative of Pericles. The authors, basing on the fragment of the Attic red-figure vase from Olbia made by the Penthesilea Painter and marked with the inscrip- tion [ΓΛ]ΑΥΚ[ΩΝ] [K]AΛΟΣ, come to the conclusion that the birth of Glaukon should be dated to the mid 70s of the 5 th century B.C. It is suggested that the Attic vase by the Penthesilea Painter most likely appeared in Olbia, because Glaucon himself had visited this city during the Pericles’ Pontic expedition, shortly after 438 BC.
МАСКУЛИННОСТЬ И ФЕМИНИННОСТЬ В ЛИТЕРАТУРЕ РУССКОГО МОДЕРНИЗМА: СЛУЧАИ БЛОКА И ЦВЕТАЕВОЙ || Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2019. № 448. С. 30-34., 2019
Статья посвящена сопоставлению двух «систем гендерных координат» эпохи модернизма - А. Блока и М. Цветаевой. В результате анализа как художественных текстов, так и прямых, публицистических высказываний делаются выводы о разрушении гендерного эссенциализма в творческом сознании Блока и Цветаевой и об общей для них идее «нового» человека, который бы соединил в себе «женственное» и «мужественное» и тем самым стал существом высшего порядка. This article examines the constructing of gender in the Russian Modernist literature based on the works and life-building practices of two authors: Alexander Blok and Marina Tsvetaeva. Both poets create new (though relying on the long mythological and philosophical tradition) concept of femininity, but, in the case of Tsvetaeva, this novelty is radical, and, in the case of Blok, it is more related to the tradition. Tertium comparationis for these two cases is the fact that the important integral part of both poets’ artistic worlds was the gender-nonconforming figure of the female warrior. For Tsvetaeva, this image represents her alter ego (the main lyrical mask). For Blok, such a mask was the male warrior, and the female warrior was another fundamental plot actor. Thus, Blok’s lyrical hero appears in the most traditional role of the patriarchal culture, that of the warrior. But much less traditional is the fact that the main plot of Blok’s works, i.e. the Sophian myth with Gnostic origins, develops in two variants: not only of the imprisoned, enchanted and sleeping World Soul waiting to be rescued by the hero, but also of the hero which is kept by the forces of evil and ultimately released by the Sophia-like heroine. The traditional concept of male superiority is, therefore, partly overthrown in Blok’s artistic practice, but, in his direct statements, the poet usually stresses the affinity between the “heroic” and the “masculine”. It is also taken into consideration that Blok did not equate “masculine” with “male”, “feminine” with “female” and believed that the birth of the “new man” would happen as a union of the “masculine” and “feminine” elements. Tsvetaeva constructs gender, in particular, feminine, in a much more radical way than Blok. Her lyrical heroine is gender-nonconforming, masculinized (while Blok’s lyrical hero is rather conventional in gender sense) and not only infinitely superior to male characters who are, in turn, feminized and/or infantilized, but often does not need them at all: as a saint prophet, God’s herald on Earth renouncing flesh in general or as an Amazon despising men but not women. Her favorite heroines are androgynous, possessing both masculine and feminine traits (same as Tsvetaeva herself did, in her own opinion and in the opinions of others). Thus, the texts of both poets reflect the idea of the creation of the new, androgynous human who would be the creature of a higher order transcending the earthly baseness: the idea which was in the air of the Silver Age.
В статье ставится вопрос о необходимости сравнительного изучения древнерусского права на основе обычая и традиции, заключающихся в дописьменном "Законе Русском", отдельные положения которого вошли в договора Руси с греками. Сравнивается выражение древнефризского права «по закону» [фризскому] bi tha sida с выражением, встречающемся в отдельных пунктах договоров Руси с греками «по закону» или «по Закону Русскому». На основе сходства отдельных формул древнефризского и древнескандинавского права с древнерусским,отдельные положения которого содержатся в договорах Руси с греками, ставится вопрос о необходимости сравнительного изучения древних правовых норм, прерванного господством идеологии антинорманизма во времена СССР.