The Importance of Guidance and Counselling in Higher Educati.pdf (original) (raw)

Student counselling services in a Nigerian University

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 1996

Universities the world over exist to respond to the conditions of their enwronments Thus umversmes m a multl-ethmc Nigeria are not only for the production of high level manpower but also for fostering naUonal consoousness, cultural integration and umty as well as for producmg in the students appropriate values and atlatudes for psychologically healthy clttzenry The Umversmty of Ilorm, Nigeria, m its organ~zaUonal structure and services recogmzes ~ts obhga-Uon for the facilitation of human development in ~ts fullest capacity The application of student counselhng for the development of this "whole person" is wewed from the perspective of primary prevention That is, student counselling is considered developmental rather than therapeutic and is aimed at assisting students to learn the techmques and skills mvolved in prohlem-solwng and long-term planning To this end, the Umversity of Ilonn addresses itself to the thmenslons of learning such as personal and interpersonal development, cmzenship and leadership skills trmnmg apart from academic development Services prowded include admission, housing, adwsement/counselhng, health, socml relauons, sports, lelsure-Ume acUvlUes and financial aids Various umts and committees of the umverslty share m the responslbilmes for rendermg these services through provision of facflmes and various informal learning opportunities for the productlon of psychologically matured otlzenry for the Nigerian nauon

The Face of Higher Education in Nigeria, Need For Counselling Interventions

Higher education has long been identified as the process that helps develop the total man physically, mentally, morally and technologically to enable an individual function effectively in any given environment in which he finds himself; so that he may become more productive, self-fulfilling and attain self-actualization. Hence, the purpose of this study was aimed at x-raying the challenges of higher education in Nigeria through funding and societal vices affecting teaching/learning environment, relationship, commitment and interest of lecturers and students. Counselling intervention and recommendations are made; based on awareness creation and to intensify education of parents, society, government/administrators, lecturers and students on the need to learn and achieve quality education base on effective and adequate funding and good management.

Access to Academic Advising and Counselling of Undergraduate Students in South East Universities in Nigeria

This study investigated the extent to which students have access to academic advising and counselling in South East Universities in Nigeria. The subjects for the study comprise 10,800 students drawn from the nine universities in the South East ,Nigeria. The instrument was validated by two experts in Guidance and Counselling one from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and another one from Ebonyi State University, Abakiliki all in Nigeria. A test-retest method of reliability was used and a reliablity co-efficient of 0.83 was obtained. Mean scores and z- test statistics were used in data analysis. The result included that there is no significant impact of academic advising and counselling services from six out of nine universities studied. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that Government should provide counseling centers in all the Universities to avail the students of academic advising and counselling for better academic performance amongst others

The Role of Guidance and Counseling Service on Academic Performance among Students of Umar Suleiman College of Education, Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria


This study was conducted in the month of March to August 2017 to examine the Role of Guidance and Counseling services on academic performance among students of Umar Suleiman College of Education, Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria. The study used descriptive survey study designs with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire from 100 students across NCE 1,NCE 2 and NCE 3 ; and interview guide to 5 teachers/counselors who are directly involved in Guidance and Counseling services. The data was analyzed in SPSS Version 6using the frequency percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation distribution tables. The findings revealed that the Guidance and Counseling services offered in the College included: academic, health, moral, and spiritual matters, the services offered proved to be moderately effective in influencing students’ study habits and much improvement in academic perfo...

The bases of guidance and counselling evaluation is to serve as a source for information on personal counselling, educational counselling, career development and placement to further education and work, in transitional stages of education


Introduction The bases of guidance and counselling evaluation is to serve as a source for information on personal counselling, educational counselling, career development and placement to further education and work, in transitional stages of education (Whiston, 2003). According to Mutie & Ndambuki (2003), a student faces many difficult situations in life today. He/she has to make wise choices in curricular and other activities, acquire basic study skills for optimum achievement, and adjust to his/her peers, teachers and parents. He/she also has to live and share facilities in the institutions, hostels, dormitories, with individuals from different economic and social backgrounds. The personal and social development of young university students’ has become the responsibility of learning institutions to the extent that today such institutions require a more formal structure and explicit definition of responsibilities (Owino, 2005). Consequently, there is increasing concern for a more c...

Analysis of Guidance and Counselling Towards Graduate Employability: A Case Study of Federal College of Education (Tech.), Gombe

This study was undertaken to ascertain the extent to which career guidance and counselling can serve as a tool for functional education and graduate employability. The study was conducted in Federal Collage of education (Technical) Gombe. A sample size of 500 was selected using stratified and simple random sample techniques, across the department of the final year students. The data collected from the sample were analysed using simple percentage and mean. The results obtained among others were as follows; that the level of guidance and counselling services among the students in the Federal Collage of education (Technical) Gombe was not significantly high. There was significant influence in academic performance of students who had received guidance and counselling services as against those who had not. That guidance services serves as motivation for acquisition of skills. It was recommended that guidance and counselling services should be improved upon, and that Guidance and counsellors should be employed by Federal Collage of education (Technical) Gombe authority. Priority should be focused on the attitude of students toward guidance service and that guidance/counselling services should be given at the point of entry and should be guided to point of graduation. A functional guidance counselling units should be established in all tertiary institution in Nigeria. Fund should be raised by the federal/state governments to maintain guidance units in all our university campuses. By so doing, students focus on their course of studies and those who need change of course to suite their career choice could be assisted through follow up; on graduation they could easily be employed and become functional and useful to themselves and society at large.

Counselling as a Learner Support Service for Enhancing Quality Learning for Students of National Open University of Nigeria, South-East Study Centres of Nigeria


This study investigated the extent counselling as a learner support service have enhanced the quality of learning for students of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) Study centres in SouthEast of Nigeria. Two research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. The descriptive design was adopted for the study. Survey research study that was carried out at the four Study Centres of NOUN in the SouthEast states of Nigeria The population of study was 4,765 students while a sample of 480 respondents were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was researchers` structured questionnaire titled "Counselling as a Learner Support Service for Enhancing Quality Learning" which was face validated by three experts. The Reliability coefficient of 0.77 using Cronbach Alpha was obtained. The research questions were answered mean while hypothesis was tested using Mann-Whitney U-test. The result from the study showed that counselling as a learner support to a high extent have enhanced the quality of learning at the NOUN SouthEast Study centres. Based on these findings, recommendations were made among which were that: National Open University of Nigeria should make provision for adequate media facilities for counselling so as to ensure that students are guided as expected. Availability of a standard well-equipped computer counselling room that provides for a more supportive counselling delivery will ensure that distance learners' problems are attended to at all times.

Guidance and Counselling and the challenges of Educational reforms in Nigeria.

This paper discussed the challenges of Guidance and Counselling for education reforms in Nigeria with specific reference to the Basic education sub-sector. Changes in education often come when the current practices are challenged and same questions being asked about the way things are done, which brought about the reforms in primary and junior secondary levels of education in Nigeria. Guidance and Counselling is discussed in this context so as to have a significant role of assisting individuals through the various systems for proper adjustment and understanding of individual strength and weaknesses. This paper conclude by establishing that Guidance and Counselling is very relevant in meeting the needs of education reforms at the Basic Education level and therefore recommend among other things that, there is the need for capacity building and professional development for members of the Counselling Association of Nigeria to abreast with modern trend comparable with any standard in the world.

Functional Academic Guidance and Counselling Programme as a panacea to Sustainable National Development in Nigeria

Annual Virtual Conference Organized by the Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 2021

Guidance and Counseling(G&C) has been identified as an important aspect in Educational and Training institutions by many countries in the world, owing to its internationally recognized role of improving all aspects of quality education. Although G&C programme has existed in the Nigerian learning institutions since the 1970s, these institutions still experience problems that are expected to be solved through joint efforts of all stakeholders in the provision of effective Guidance and Counseling services. This is a position paper of descriptive survey design type, using secondary sources aimed at presenting the concepts of Guidance, Counselling and National Development. It also discussed current status of implementation of Guidance & Counselling programme in Nigerian schools, some of the problems facing Guidance and counseling, stakeholders and facilities needed in the implementation of functional school guidance program. The paper concluded that the Federal and state governments should establish, equip, maintain and develop a "model/standard counseling centre" with modern equipment and infrastructure in the state capital for schools in the state to copy or emulate. Similarly, Joint efforts should be made by schools and ministries of education to provide adequate funds needed in the full implementation of guidance programme.