Western Scythians and the Scythia in geographic and rhetoric spaces from the 1st to the 7th c. AD. / ЗАПАДНЫЕ СКИФЫ И СКИФИЯ В ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОМ И РИТОРИЧЕСКОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВАХ I–VII ВВ. Н. Э. (original) (raw)

"Scythians" of Lucian: the People and Their Epoch / "Скифы" Лукиана: этнос и эпоха

Antiquities of the Northern Black Sea region, the Caucasus and Central Asia: from Nikolay I. Veselovsky’s discoveries to current studies. St Petersburg, 2024

For “Scythians" Lucian's "Toxaris" dialogue describes a series of their traditions. All of them are not known among the Scythians-Scolotes of Herodotus. They were noted only among the Sarmatians from the beginning of the 1st c. CE. The geographical localization of the “Scythian” story is clear and allows us to connect them with the Siraces of Kuban Region. It is more difficult to understand why the story is told on their behalf. Due to the specific nature of the satirist’s work, it is much more difficult to guess the dating of the war between Bosporus, “Sauromates” and Alans with «Scythians». This is possible for 30-s of the 1st c. CE and for the middle of the 2nd c. CE. KEY WORDS: “Scythians" of Lucian, "Toxaris" dialogue, Sarmatian traditions of “Scythians”, Siraces of Kuban, possible dating.

Древнейшие греческие описания Скифии в интерпретации эллинистической географии / The most ancient Greek descriptions of Scythia in the interpretation of the Hellenistic geography

The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. 2003: Imaginary Realities in Antique and Medieval Texts, 2005

This article attempts to explain why geographical works popular in Roman times, and particularly Claudius Ptolemy's Geography, rely on long-obsolete information, derived from sources dating to the 7th-5th centuries BC, when depicting Scythia. The first section notes that the worldview in these works is based on the writings of Hellenistic geographers, primarily Eratosthenes. The second part demonstrates that, contrary to this general premise, descriptions of Scythia in popular works sharply contradict the views of most Hellenistic geographers, who questioned the reliability of ancient sources about this region. The third part supports the hypothesis that a revival of interest in ancient descriptions of Scythia may be attributed in part to the development of the "mathematical" approach to geography, pioneered by Hipparchus of Nicaea and most prominently represented by Claudius Ptolemy.

A Perusal of the Scythian Ethnic Name. / Чтение этнонима “скиф” (греческое Skuth и ассиро-вавилонское ишкуз, ашгуз)


Author examines a problem of correct phonetic articulation of the ethnonim Scyth. Based on the rules of ancient Greek grammar and also on the comparison of available written records of ethnonim Scyth in ancient Greek language and Semitic languages author comes to the conclusion that the correct transcription of the ethnonim Scyth is «Scuth». Comparisons of the ancient written records show us that the ethnonim «Scuth» of ancient Greek sources and ethnonim «Ashguz/Ishkuz» of ancient Semitic sources contain the same root – «guz/kuz». This conclusion confirms the fallacy of the beliefs of some scientists who insist that ethnonim Scyth have never existed.


Proceedings in Archaeology and History of Ancient and Medieval Black Sea Region, Vol. 12, 2020

The specific features of multi-figure scenes of the conflict between two groups of warriors on golden "caps" from the eastern outskirts of Scythia (Perederieva Mogila, Sengileevskoe-2, Kurdzhips) (figs. 1, 5, 8) and on the gilded bronze details of the sarcophagus of 2002 y. from Anapa (figs. 9-10, 14), the costume specificity of the personages, weapons set and the details of composition of each of these two opposing groups are considered. These details were previously overlooked by colleagues. The attempts to connect such compositions with one of the few texts known to Greek authors seem unpromising. These scenes represent the special, folk-like reality of epic songs, where a small group or a single hero defeats more numerous and better-equipped enemies. One of the enemies often tries to suddenly capture a prisoner. The positive heroes in doubles matches are always depicted on the right. The subjects with the collective hunt and the sacred scenes (the miracle hunt and the horses sacriface) that complemented it are analyzed for the stlengida plate Pesochin unique from Scythian gala female headdresses (fig. 25). The only deity on the Scythian weapons – the man-rooster with his accompanying dragons from the Soboleva Mogila (fig. 18) is originally associated with the art of Bronze Age Margiana (Margush), then with Khorezm (ethnically related to Margiana) and later used by Sogdians (figs. 20-24). Key words: Scythians, epic scenes and deitis, images of the 4th – early 3rd cc. BCE in the Eastern Scythia, cpecificity of compositions and costume, clashs of two groups of warriors, golden “caps”, details of sarcophaguses, headdresses and weapons.

“Scythians”: Old and New (to the Publication of the Reprint of the Literary and Political Almanac “Scythians”, 1917—1918)


In 2018, for the first time in 101 years in Russia, two issues of the literary and political almanac "Scythians" were reissued under the same cover (1917-1st issue; 1918-2nd issue). The ideological inspirer of "Scythians" was I. V. Ivanov-Razumnik (1878-1946). Combining on its pages the ideas of outstanding representatives of the Silver age (L. Shestov, V. Bryusov, N. Klyuyev, A. Bely, E. Zamyatin, etc.), the almanac became the quintessence of the "scythianism" ideology. This ideology regarded the Russian revolution as a national anti-bourgeois movement with messianic significance for the whole world. The new reissue of the book was initiated by the writer, Director of the "Lev Gumilev Center" and the leader of the "New Scythians" movement-Pavel Zarifullin. This article is a review of the new reissue of "Scythians", which includes two literary and political manifestos of generations-the past (old "Scythians") and the present ("New Scythians").

Хатиагский язык и скифские стратагемы (Xatiag language and the Scythian stratagems)

ALLON. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Honored Scientist of the Republic of South Ossetia, Professor Yu. A. Dzitstsoyty: Collective monograph, 2021

The Ossetian Nartiada contains a unique feature: the main heroes use an argot warrior language to communicate during battles and conflicts in order to keep the meaning of their dialogues in secret. In that way they obtain a strategic advantage over their enemies. Three such examples are analyzed and compared with real Scythian stratagems described in antique literary sources.