Ресурсний потенціал та структура господарської діяльності античних держав Північного Причорномор’я у V-III ст. до н. е. / Resource potential and the structure of economic activity of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region in V-III centures B.C. (original) (raw)


The thesis deals with multidimensional and complex research of resource potential and structure of economic activity of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region. The detailed analysis of geographical environment of these states is conducted and resource potential of their economy is defined. The structures of economic activity of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region are also investigated and the comparative analysis of these structures is conducted. For the first time in historiography the system analysis of both the whole complex of history and archaeological sources and information on complex of natural and agronomical sciences (soil science, paleobotany, geobotany, paleozoology, ichthyology, cultivation of meadows, ecology of plants etc.) is presented. Thus it enabled to explore not only known, but also potentially possible brunches of economy of all main ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region. That resulted in revision of traditional views on the structure of economy of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region. The main results of research are as follows: The assertion that the grain farming oriented on the export as the basis of economy of ancient polises of North-western Coast of the Black Sea (Olbia, Tyras, Nikonium) is reconsidered. It is shown, that the natural resources of this region were more favourable for development of the cattle breeding. This conclusion was fully confirmed by the analysis of archaeological, historical and arheobotanical data, which suggest the export nature of this industry. The idea of the export nature of the grain farming of Chersonesus is refuted. It is shown, that the land resources of Western Crimea were not favorable for production of export bread grains. The idea that the Kerch-Taman region was the granary of the Bosporus state is revised. The analysis of the land resources of this region showed the possibility for production of considerable volume of grain for the export was minimal. Consequently, the exported Bosporian grain had to be supplied from other districts of the state, probably – from the valley of the Kuban. The considerable role of fishing in the economy of all ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region is shown. Its export character in all of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region is proved, and not only in Chersonesus and Bosporus, as was thought before. Beginning of fish export from these states is referred to the V cent. B.C. and not to the Roman times as it was thought earlier. The comparative analysis of structures of economy of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region showed considerable distinctions between them. Obviously, the Greek settlers used different models of ecological adaptation in different regions. The agrarian components of economy of the ancient states of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region had some principal structural distinctions. So, agriculture of polises of North-western coast of the Black Sea region had a well-defined mixed cattle-breeding-agricultural character, while in Chersonesus it was agricultural. The level of agrarian specialization in Olbia, Tyras fnd Nikonium was not very high. While in Chersonesus this level was very high. The structure of agriculture of the Bosporian state in the Kerch-Taman region was more complicated. It included the elements of both above-mentioned structures. Taking into consideration everything mentioned above it seems rather doubtful that the colonization activity of Greeks in the Northern Coast of the Black Sea region resulted only from the search of fertile earths. Obviously, the process was far more complicated, and an agrarian component was only one of the elements, more or less important for every concrete situation. The export goods supplied from the regions under consideration to other Greek polices, also included the products of the cattle breeding (Lower Dniester region, Lower Dnieper region, Kerch-Taman region), fishing (all regions) and, to a less extent, hunting (furs, castoreum) and gathering (medical plants).