A Reforma Protestante - Síntese à Maneira de Breve Compêndio (original) (raw)
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Um Resumo sobre a Reforma Protestante
Artigo resumido sobre o legado e os princípios da Reforma Protestante. (A Reforma Protestante foi um dos maiores acontecimentos na história da Cristandade).
Ao longo da história, houve grandes divisões entre os seguidores do cristianismo. No século XI, deu-se a separação entre a Igreja de Roma e a Igreja Ortodoxa; outra grande ruptura da cristandade, desta vez na Europa Ocidental, ocorreu no século XVI, no processo conhecido como Reforma Protestante. Varias transformações históricas ocorridas nos séculos XV e XVI podem ser associadas à Reforma, ou seja, transformações profundas na igreja católica romana.
A Transição para a Reforma em Reformados Portugueses
Retirement is a transition event that is characterized by an experience of adapting to change. Depending on how their protagonists may perceive it, their adaptive responses are different, exposing them to different states of vulnerability that interfere in what is an active aging. Project REATIVA aims to build an intervention program to promote health directed to individuals and families who are in a life cycle phase of middle age and experiencing a process of adaptation to retirement. As the first intervention of this project and in order to know the perceptions of individuals who experience a process of adaptation to retirement, as well as the strategies adopted to cope with this transition, we performed a descriptive study of a qualitative nature. The target population was individuals retired for less than 5 years, registered in health care providers in Primary Health Care (PHC), in the Regional Health Administration Center (ARS Center), who were identified through the collaborat...