Metacognitive knowledge about problem-solving methods (original) (raw)

Metacognitive Skills and Problem-Solving

International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 2021

The purpose of this study is to investigate the metacognitive strategies that middle school students used in the process of solving problems individually. The study group consisted of 37 middle school students in the eighth grade. The students were asked one non-routine word problem, and their written answers were collected. After solving the problem, the students filled out a self-monitoring questionnaire that requested them to reflect retrospectively on the metacognitive strategies they employed for the problem. In order to obtain detailed data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six students, three of whom gave correct responses and the other three gave wrong answers to the problem. The data was analyzed through the model of metacognitive activity during problem-solving. The results showed that metacognitive skills have a significant effect on students’ problem-solving success. The study found that students with high metacognitive skills tend to solve the problem corr...

Students' metacognition in solving non-routine problems

Al-Jabar : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

Students’ metacognition abilities based on their aspects have different levels. Metacognition aspects had categorized into parts of awareness aspects, evaluation aspects, and aspects of regulation. This study aims to describe how students are metacognitive in solving non-routine problems based on awareness, evaluation, and regulation characteristics. This research is a descriptive qualitative study with a sampled class VIII A Junior High School Batik Special Program (PK) Surakarta, which consisted of six students. The instruments in this research are non-routine problems or tests, observation sheets, and interview guidelines. The questions validator in this research are two teachers and a Mathematics Education lecturer from the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The data collection technique uses tests, observations, and interviews. The data analysis technique of research had carried out through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. This study c...

Developing Metacognitive and Problem-Solving Skills through Problem Manipulation

In a collaborative effort between our university’s department of chemistry and the academic resource center, we designed a model for general chemistry recitation based on a problem manipulation method in which students actively assess the skills and knowledge used to answer a chemical problem and then manipulate the problem to create a new one. This reflective process aims to facilitate student engagement with the chemistry problem-solving process and to enhance student metacognition by helping students identify their knowledge gaps. The recitation format provides an opportunity for students to work collaboratively on this process and to present and discuss their work. Student response to this new style of recitation was overwhelmingly positive. In addition, students easily assimilated the vocabulary of the methodology into everyday conversation and were better able to articulate their learning needs.

Metacognitive Experiences: Mediating the Relationship between Metacognitive Knowledge and Problem Solving

Education and Science, 2019

This study examined the mediating role of metacognitive experiences in the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and mathematical problem solving performance. The mediating effect of metacognitive experiences in the hypothesized model was tested through the latent variable structural equation modeling statistical analysis technique. The proposed structural model of problem solving was tested with the data obtained by using convenience sampling method from 406 eight-grade students. The results indicated that students’ task related metacognitive experiences have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and problem solving performances. The results are important for two reasons. Firstly, it addresses the assessment of metacognition by presenting the important role of metacognitive experiences in governing the relationship between metacognitive knowledge and actual performance. Secondly, the model analysis was conducted just over a single math problem. The use of metacognitive experiences as an online single-problem-oriented self-report metacognitive assessment tool might pave the way for easy assessment of student’s metacognitive functioning

Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Method in Developing Metacognitive Knowledge at Secondary School Level

VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences

This study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Problem-Solving Method (PSM)by using the acronym IDEAL in developing metacognitive knowledge at secondary level. The research was modeled in experiment-control groups design. A random selection of 120 students was taken from grade IX in the subject of General Science. These schools were randomly selected from the district on tehsil bases. 60 students from each school were divided into both control and experimental groups 30 students each randomly. The Revised Metacognitive Assessment Inventory (RMAI) was used to determine students’ metacognitive knowledge i.e., declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge. An Independent Samples t-test was used for analysis of the data. The lecture method was used in the control groups while the PSM was employed in the experimental group. The post-test results of the experimental and control groups on the bases of knowledge about cognition i.e., declarative, procedural and condition knowl...

Investigating the relationship between problem-solving and metacognition among university students entering university education

Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 2016

Understanding and solution of science problems, advanced-level mastering of science knowledge and methods cannot take place without this ability. However, research has suggested that in recent years students starting their BSc in science do not possess the necessary level of this skill (Radnóti, 2010). Finding the reasons is a multi-faceted and complex task. This study describes an investigation whose purpose was to explore the interrelationships between problem-solving and metacognition. The investigation involving 156 students entering BSc education in biology at the University of Debrecen was carried out in autumn 2014. Problem-solving was measured using a series of tasks on biology and general, everyday life topics while metacognition related to problem-solving was assessed using the MCAI (Metacognitive Assessment Inventory) standard devised by Cooper and Urena (2009). To establish correlations, students were grouped into clusters based on their results in the two tests, which allowed us to perform a more detailed and more thorough analysis. The study presents the results for the various clusters and the conclusions that could be drawn from them.

Design and Validation of Teaching Instruments Oriented Problem Solving to Train Students' Metacognitive Skills

This research aims to develop a valid teaching instrument. The developed teaching instruments oriented problem solving to train students' metacognitive skills at acid base titration topic. The specifications of instruments included the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheets, and tests. The problem-solving model have four steps. The steps as followed understand the problem, devise a plan, carry out the plan, and look back. The indicators metacognitive skills namely planning, monitoring, and evaluating. Research design of teaching instruments used Research and Development design (R&D) from Sukmadinata. Validation data were obtained from experts assessment used validity instrument. The data were analysed using Likert scale. Based on the expert assessment, the teaching instruments were developed valid, reliable and can be used in learning with little revision. T. K. Ngang, S. Nair, and B. Prachack, “Developing Instruments to Measure Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Skills among Malaysian Primary School Pupils,” Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, vol. 116, pp 3760 – 3764, 2014 [2] R. Pulmones, “Learning Chemistry in a Metacognitive Environment,” The Asia Pacific-Education Research, vol. 16:2, pp 165 - 183, 2007 [3] M. Cooper and S. Sandi-Urena, “Design and validation of an instrument to assess metacognitive skillfulness in chemistry problem solving,” Research: Science and Education, Journal of chemical Education, vol. 86:2, pp 240 – 245, 2009 [4] G. Schraw and D. Moshman, “Methacognitive Theories,” Educational Phsychology Review, vol. 7:4, pp 351 – 371, 1995 [5] T. Gok, “The General Assessment Of Problem Solving Processes And Metacognitive In Physics Education,” Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, vol. 2:2, pp 110 – 122, 2010 [6] G. Polya, “How To Solve It,” New Jersey: Princenon University Press, 1973 [7] J. Dostal, “ Theory of Problem Solving,” Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, vol. 174, pp 2798 – 2805, 2015 [8] King, Goodson, and Rohani, “High order Thinking Skills,” The Center for Advancement of Learning and Assessment, pp 7-117, 2013 [9] M Ibrahim, “Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran (Pelatihan Terintegrasi Berbasis Kompetensi Guru Mata Pelajaran Biologi),” Jakarta : Depdiknas, 2003 [10] T. Plomp and N. Nieveen, “An Introduction to Educational Research,” Netherlands : SLO, 2010 [11] G. Borich, “Observation Skill for Effective Teaching,” New York : Mac Millan Publishing Company, 1994 [12] Depdiknas, “Panduan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar,” Jakarta : Depdiknas, 2008 [13] R. Arthur, “Achievement of The Civil Engineering Evaluation Program,” American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3:8, pp 946 – 967, 2015 [14] J. Surif, N. H. Ibrahim, and M. Mokhtar, “Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge in Problem Solving,” Procedia Social and Behavioral Science, vol. 56, pp 416 – 425, 2012 [15] S. Imel, “Metacognitive skills for adult learning,” ERIC Publication no. 39, 2002 [16] M. Tuncer and F. Kaysi, “The Development of Metacognitive Thinking Skills Scale,” International Journal of Learning & Development, vol. 3:2, pp 70 – 76, 2013 [17] R. Chang and J. Overby, “ General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts,” New York : Mc Graw Hill, 2011 Advances in Engineering Research, volume 171 132 [18] Mendikbud, “Permendikbud No 22 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan,” Jakarta : Kemendikbud, 2016 [19] R. L Arends, “Learning to Teach,” New York : Mc Graw Hill, 2009

Improving The Problem Solving Skill Through Metacognitive Strategies Assisted by Student Worksheets

Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST), 2019

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of metacognitive learning strategy assisted by student worksheets based on troubleshooting even though only for a short amount of time to develop students' physics problem solving abilities. This research design using quasi-experiment design. The study population was students of class XI MAN Yogyakarta 1 with two sample classes totaling 53 people taken through cluster random sampling techniques. Collecting research data through study documentation, observation, and tests. Analysis of research data using descriptive analysis techniques and quantitative analysis (independent sample t-test). This study shows the results that the application of metacognition learning strategy assisted by student worksheets based on troubleshooting in a relatively short period of time is not effective to produce physics problem solving abilities.