Developing a Headmasters' Paternalistic Leadership Behaviours Scale in Turkey (original) (raw)
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Paternalistic Leadership Scale Turkish Adaptation a Validity -Reliability Study
International Journal of Educational Methodology, 2018
The first step towards discussing a phenomenon or a concept in-depth and with powerful scientific principles and methodology is to develop, adapt and utilize tools that accurately measure and discover the problem. For this purpose, the present study concentrated on paternalistic leadership, which is a new concept in the field of management, and reliability and validity studies on the scale (PLS) that was used to assess paternalistic leadership by Cheng et al. (2004) were conducted to add the scale to the national literature. The study was conducted on the data collected from 326 (EFA) + 255 (CFA) research assistants to determine the validity of the scale. In a determination of the reliability of the scale, item-total point correlations and Cronbach’s Alpha internal consistency coefficient were used. To determine how the scale works in different cultural and qualitative samples, the adaptation version was discussed by comparing it with the previous factor analysis studies of the PLS. The analysis showed that the adaptation version of the PLS, with the structure of its 3 sub-dimensional and 23-items, will able to be used in studies aiming to determine the characteristics of paternalistic leadership in the organizational structure and management processes of universities for the researchers working in the field of higher education. Keywords: Paternalistic leadership, paternalistic leadership scale, research assistants, scale development.
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 2020
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between school principals' paternalist leadership behaviors perceived by teachers and teacher performances. In this context, 431 teachers (313 women), (118 men) working in different institutional types were included in the study using the predictive research design. Data were collected through the Paternalist Leadership Behaviors Scale (Dağlı and Ağalday 2017) and Teacher Performance Evaluation Scale (Ozgenel, 2019). Data were having been analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression. As a result of the research, the moral, authoritarian and exploitative paternalistic leadership behaviors perceived by the teachers do not differ significantly according to the gender of the teachers, whereas male teachers have higher perceptions of benevolent paternalistic leadership. According to the seniority variable, benevolent, moral, authoritarian, exploitative fatherly leadership behaviors and paternalistic leadership total scores do not differ significantly. According to the schools where teachers work, the benevolent and moral paternalistic leadership behaviors and paternalistic leadership total scores do not differ significantly; However, teachers working in secondary schools see school principals more authoritative than teachers working in primary schools. Also, teachers working in high schools consider school principals more exploitative than teachers working in secondary school. As a result of the analysis of performance, female teachers 'performances are higher than male teachers, whereas teachers' performances do not differ significantly according to their seniority and school levels. Paternalist leadership is a type of leadership with high potential and the existence of paternalist leadership behaviors in educational organizations can be explained better by researching new concepts and adding new variables.
Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 2020
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between school principals' paternalist leadership behaviors perceived by teachers and teacher performances. In this context, 431 teachers (313 women), (118 men) working in different institutional types were included in the study using the predictive research design. Data were collected through the Paternalist Leadership Behaviors Scale (Dağlı and Ağalday 2017) and Teacher Performance Evaluation Scale (Ozgenel, 2019). Data were having been analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, correlation, and regression. As a result of the research, the moral, authoritarian and exploitative paternalistic leadership behaviors perceived by the teachers do not differ significantly according to the gender of the teachers, whereas male teachers have higher perceptions of benevolent paternalistic leadership. According to the seniority variable, benevolent, moral, authoritarian, exploitative fatherly leadership behaviors and paternalistic leadership total scores do not differ significantly. According to the schools where teachers work, the benevolent and moral paternalistic leadership behaviors and paternalistic leadership total scores do not differ significantly; However, teachers working in secondary schools see school principals more authoritative than teachers working in primary schools. Also, teachers working in high schools consider school principals more exploitative than teachers working in secondary school. As a result of the analysis of performance, female teachers 'performances are higher than male teachers, whereas teachers' performances do not differ significantly according to their seniority and school levels. Paternalist leadership is a type of leadership with high potential and the existence of paternalist leadership behaviors in educational organizations can be explained better by researching new concepts and adding new variables.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ilkokullarda gorevli ogretmenlerin kendi okul mudurlerinin paternalist liderlik davranislarina iliskin algilarini ve bu algilarin ogrenim durumu, mesleki kidem, cinsiyet, medeni durum, sendika uyeligi ve mesleki kidem degiskenlerine gore anlamli fark olusturup olusturmadigini belirlemektir. Betimsel tarama modelinde yapilmis arastirmanin orneklemi, 2016-2017 egitim-ogretim yilinda Mardin merkez Artuklu ilcesi ve bagli 8 ilce merkezindeki kamu ilkokullarindan basit seckisiz yontemle secilen 1059 ogretmenden olusmaktadir. Arastirmanin verileri, “Okul Mudurlerinin Paternalist Liderlik Davranislari Olcegi” kullanilarak elde edilmistir. Verilerin analizi sonucunda ulasilan bazi onemli bulgular sunlardir: Ogretmenlerin ilkokul mudurlerinin paternalist liderlik davranislari ile ilgili algilari “cok katiliyorum” duzeyinde saptanmistir. Ogretmenlerin ilkokul mudurlerinin paternalist liderlik davranislari ile ilgili algilari arasinda; “ogrenim durumu” ve “medeni durum”...
US-China Education Review B, 2015
In social psychology, the term "person perception" refers to the different mental processes that people use to form impressions of other people. This term includes how they form these impressions, and the different conclusions they make about other people based upon their impressions. Person perception can be a very subjective process that can be influenced by the characteristics of the person being observed, the context of the situation, and people's own personal characteristics. Educational leadership increasingly gained importance in today's world, because it is recognized that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes. There is also increasing recognition that schools require effective leaders and managers if they are to provide the best possible education for their learners. In order for students to have high-quality learning each year, schools must be highly functioning, which means that they must be led by effective principals. Studies note that the greatest impact on school success can be determined through the leadership practices of principals. The principals and school leaders who are implementing their roles and duties should be constantly reviewed and assessed for transparency in school, because their leadership has an impact on "teacher morale, job satisfaction, and motivation". Principals should have key skills related to communicating, facilitating, team-building, coaching, managing conflict, involving others in decision-making, and acting politically, also the development of technological advancement. This study aims to find the impact of school principals' leadership behavior on teachers and teachers' perceptions about the impact and the styles of their leadership. The survey is distributed in 10 public elementary schools in one region of Istanbul, Turkey. The sample consisted of 100 teachers; of which 64 were female teachers and 36 were male teachers. Questionnaire consisted of two parts: demographic information and questions about the perception of leadership behavior. The scale was developed by Demiray (2008) and validity and reliability tests proved that the questionnaire was reliable and valid. Analyses indicate that according to the teachers' perceptions, the important outcomes of the principals' leadership styles and behavior, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and coordination, were satisfying and effective some of the time. Furthermore, the results also provide evidence that the teachers believe they are not recognized for their achievements by their school principals. This case study will be the groundwork for a more comprehensive research about the teachers' expectations of educational leadership.
European Journal of Education Studies, 2021
This study investigated the relationship between school administrators' paternalistic leadership behaviors and preschool teachers' job satisfaction. The relational survey model was used in the research. The population of the study consists of 575 preschool teachers working in 81 schools in Batman province during the 2019-2020 academic year. Sampling was not used due to the lack of a good number of teachers in the research population. The "Paternalistic Leadership Behaviors Scale" and the "Job Satisfaction Scale" were used in the study. In the statistical analysis of the data, frequency and percentage, standard deviation, arithmetic mean, independent sample t-test, ANOVA test, LSD test, and correlation and regression analysis techniques were used. As a result of the research, there was a positive, moderate-level, and significant relationship between the family atmosphere and job satisfaction, a positive, moderate-level, and significant relationship between benevolence and job satisfaction, a negative, low-level, and significant relationship between authoritarianism and job satisfaction, a negative, lowlevel, and significant relationship between interventionism and job satisfaction, and a negative, moderate-level, and significant relationship between inadequacy and job satisfaction. As a result of research, it was concluded that the paternalistic leadership in the dimensions of authoritarianism, interventionism, and inadequacy had a negative effect on teachers' job satisfaction levels, and the behaviors in the family atmosphere and benevolence dimensions had a positive effect on teachers' job satisfaction levels. All i This study was supported by Siirt University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit (BAP) during the 2019-2020 academic years. ii The data of this study were taken from the master thesis written by Ferda Ekmen and conducted under the supervision of Veysel Okçu.
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education
School principals are expected to possess modern leadership abilities that place an emphasis on ideas like collaboration, innovation, technological advancement, and egalitarianism. The objective of this study was to establish the psychometric features of the scale of current leadership behaviors of school principals (SCLBSP) developed in accordance with teacher perspectives. For the scale's content validity, eight experts were contacted, and for each item, the content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were computed. Two different samples served as the basis for the scale development investigation. 253 teachers' worth of data were utilized in the exploratory factor analysis (EFA), whereas 215 teachers' worth of data were used in the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and measurement invariance studies. Cronbach's alpha, McDonald's omega, Split-Half method coefficients, composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE) values were...
Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi, 2012
Right-wrong attitudes and behaviors of people working in the organizations which have different working areas as administrators are among the reasons of the problems existing in these organizations. In this study, it was aimed to bring the discussion surrounding reasons and results of attitudes and behaviors and the question: "what is ethical?" to the agenda and to develop the School Administrators' Ethical Leadership Scale based on primary school teachers' perceptions by focusing on educational organizations. The scale was tested on 130 teachers working at 6 primary schools in the city center of Adıyaman and Gaziantep through a 27-item test form. The data gathered were analyzed using SPSS. After the factor analysis, it was found that the test form was made of a whole construct consisting of factor loadings ranging from 0,536 to 0,870 and 25 items. After item analysis, it was seen that an item had a low level of correlation and t value. The scale was formed as a 24-item scale after this item was removed. In addition, the scale's coefficient of Cronbach Alpha internal consistency was calculated as 0,973.
The main aim of this research was to study the teachers? effectiveness in reference to leadership behavior of principals. For fulfill the main aim of the study the researcher framed following objectives: to study the leadership behavior of principals and to study the teachers ?effectiveness in reference to leadership behavior of principals. Descriptive survey method was employed and the present study was confined to the principals (20 male and 20 female) and 200 teachers of 40 secondary schools affiliated to U.P. Board of Education purposively. Leader Behavior Scale (LBS) developed by Dr. Asha Hinger and Kulsum Teacher Effectiveness Scale (KTES) were used for data collection of leadership behavior of principals and effectiveness of teachers respectively. Mean. S.D. and C.R. Value were calculated to analysis the data. The result of the study concluded that gender differences do not exist in relation to leadership behavior of principals as both male and female principals are provided equal facilities. The leadership behaviour of school principals positively influences teachers? effectiveness. It differs with differential effectiveness of leadership behavior of principals.
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 2015
The present paper aims to study the leadership behaviors reported by principals and observed by teachers and its relationship with management experience of principals. A quantitative method used in this study. Target population included all principals and teachers of guidance schools and high schools in Dashtiari District, Iran. A sample consisted of 46 principals and 129 teachers were selected by stratified sampling and simple random sampling methods. Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) developed by Kozes and Posner (2001) was used for data collection. The obtained data were analyzed using one sample and independent t-test, correlation coefficient and crosstabs pearson chi-square test. The results showed that teachers describe the leadership behaviors of their principals relatively good. However, the principals themselves evaluated their leadership behaviors as very good. In comparison between leadership behaviors self-reported by principals and those observed by teachers, it was found that there is a significant difference between the views and evaluations of teachers and principals on all components of leadership behaviors of principals, except empowerment. In fact, principals have described their leadership behaviors at a better and more appropriate level than what teachers have done. From the perspective of both teachers and principals, there is no significant relationship between none of the components of leadership behaviors and management experience of principals.