Megalitismos del área de Huelva. Investigación y puesta en valor (original) (raw)
2018, J.C. Senna-Martínez, M. Diniz y A.F. Carvalho (Eds.), De Gibraltar aus Pirinéus. Megalitismo, vida e norte na Fachada Atlântica Peninsular (pp. 520-538). Lapa do Lobo, 2-4 de noviembre de 2018
The Huelva area presents a megalithism highlighed by the great architectural variability and the singularity of certain models of monuments. The development in recent years of a set of interventions with an interdisciplinary methodology in the Megalithic Route has contributed to the research, conservation, dissemination and social valorization of the megalithic heritage. In terms of research, a wide diversity of megalithisms developed in the area from the Middle Neolitic to the Early Bronze Age have been documented. The archaeological analysis of the sites has confirmed the existence of monuments with extensive architectural sequences and long-term uses, such as the Llanetes group, the dolmen of Soto and the El Seminario. The study of the construction phases and of the diachronic evolution of the sites allows us to propose a sequence of the area in great stages: 1) a standing stones from the Middle Neolithic; 2) an old and outstanding funerary megalithism from the beginning of the Recent Neolithic, with different models of dolmens (simple chambers, elongated chambers, covered gallery graves and multiple chambers); 3) the processes of monumentalization, re-construction and reuse of dolmens in the Last Neolithic and Copper Age; 4) the proliferation of collective underground (hypogeums) and semi-subterranean (mixed hypogeums and tholoi) tombs in the Copper Age; 5) the permanence of megalithism in the Early Bronze Age, through two forms of monumentality: In all the sites, have been carried out combined conservation works of diverse nature, which guarantee the preservation of these complex archaeological sites, their exhibition and use as visitable sites. At present, there are shotcomings in the heritage protection of megalithic sites, and this is one of the challenges to be solved in the future. KEY-WORDS: Megalithisms; Monumentalities; Research; Conservation; Valorization