Tell Edfu 2017 - OI Annual Report 2017-2018 - 156-180 (original) (raw)

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Claes, W.; Hendrickx, S.; Devillers, A.; Hart, E.; Kindermann, K.; De Dapper, M.; Ikram, S.; Storms, G.; Swerts, C. & Huyge, D., From the early Old Kingdom to the Badarian. Preliminary report on the 2012 excavation campaign in the settlement area of Elkab [in:] Mączyńska, A. (ed.), The Nile Delta

Vermeersch, P.M.; Van Neer, W. & Hendrickx, S., El Abadiya 2, a Naqada I site near Danfiq, Upper Egypt. [in:] Hendrickx, S., Friedman, R.F.; Cialowicz, K.M. & Chlodnicki, M. (eds.), Egypt at its Origins. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams. OLA 138. Leuven, 2004: 213-276

CLAES W., HENDRICKX S., DEVILLERS A., HART E., KINDERMANN K., DE DAPPER M., IKRAM S., STORMS G., SWERTS C. & HUYGE D., 2014, From the Early Old Kingdom to the Badarian: Preliminary Report on the 2012 Excavation Campaign in the Settlement Area of Elkab


M. De Meyer, S. Vereecken, B. Vanthuyne, S. Hendrickx, L. Op de Beeck and H. Willems, 'The Early Old Kingdom at Nuwayrat in the 16th Upper Egyptian Nome', in: D. Aston, B. Bader, et al. (Eds.), Under the Potter's Tree. Studies on Ancient Egypt Presented to Janine Bourriau (OLA 204, 2011), 679-702.