Acoustic Shockwave Cosmology, Big Bang, and PEMC The belief in emergent matter versus material rearrangement (original) (raw)

The Sonic/Acoustic Universe in Current Physics and Cosmology, in the Light of Mass/Energy/Information Equivalence Conjecture

The Sonic/Acoustic Universe in Current Physics and Cosmology, in the Light of Mass/Energy/Information Equivalence Conjecture, 2024

Our recent work on the nature of Gravity and Dark Energy is based on the Acoustic Code of Resonant Coherence, representing a fractal series of discrete EMF frequencies that are postulated to guide multiple processes in the cosmos and life and also in various non-animated processes related to life. This Acoustic or Sonic frequency pattern was revealed by us to be expressed at the macro-level as primordial quantum fluctuations (CMB, Gravitational waves, Zero-point Energy field oscillations, Light and color spectra of our Sun), on the meso-level that determine Life conditions (brain wave activity, life sustaining and disturbing EMF frequencies, tumor frequencies, as well as processes in physics such as superconductivity, entanglement, Boson energy distribution, Planck black/body oscillations and many other fundamental processes. It was shown that creation of Gravity/Dark Energy can be envisioned as the result of primordial electron/ proton pair production that induces left and right-handed vortices in a superfluìd quantum space/lattice, bipolar pairs that are associated with sound particles or phonons. This process can be described by toroidal geometry in the form of phonon-fermion quasi-particles or polarons, in which the dual positive/negative charged pairs generate a Bi-polaron structure. In a similar manner, positron/anti-proton pair interaction is conceived, adding the aspect of anti-matter to the dynamic model. The latter was modeled in a so-called mirror-universe (matter/anti-matter) concept, that together provides the geometry of the dynamic composite wave-particles framed by us as the Twin-Bipolaron modalities. We hold that this basic quantum data interactive structure, is omnipresent in all atoms and molecules. The intrinsic phonon guiding of this integral cosmological process focused our attention on a "Sound/ or Sonically"-mediated cosmology as earlier suggested in several studies, such as of Macken, Fedi, Verlinde, Vopson, Thomson and Langan. In the present paper we systematically compare the feature of the latter theories with our Twin-Bipolaron cosmology model, and find general agreement, but also some differences. In the latter respect, the Twin-Bipolaron model both provides a congruence with the heterotic string classes HO(32) and HE(64) version of current String theory and also can be seen as a fifth boson gauge interaction in the present Standard model. From several other Cosmology/Gravity models that were presented in the last decade, we conclude that there is increasing evidence for the manifestation of a sound-induced or sonic universe. We finally submit a hypothesis on the very nature of Dark Energy and Dark Matter on the basis of our Mass/Energy/Information Equivalence conjecture, indicating that the collective phonon/photon guiding aspect, generated by matter/antimatter annihilation, may represent the supposed Dark Energy, expressed as physical Information, while the quasi-particle phonon/electron/proton composites may reflect the unidentified Dark Matter. It is finally concluded that the Cosmos is neither a giant machine, nor a versatile computer but rather a musically inspired and fine-tuned electro/gravitational process, that requires an eternal observer or an omnipotent composer of the splendid symphony we all can experience.

A New Cosmological Model for Matter, Energy, Sound, the Origin of the Universe and Gravity


This paper is an abstract of a greater volume of work more than 30 years in formation. It is a thought experiment. In order to present certain concepts, statements are made without supporting scientific observations which would require a substantial manuscript to present. This paper defines a new fabric for space and hypothesizes that matter is formed from this fabric through the agency of Black Holes. Dark sound is theorized. As a consequence of this hypothesis a new model for the origin of the universe is given including new definitions for Black Holes, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy. Neutral electricity, cosmic planes and sub planes are defined. New processes for the coalescing of atoms, the rotation of planets and the observed phenomena of Cosmic Fire are given. Gravity is defined as the result of magnetism and chemical bonds between structures.

The Small Bang Model - A New Explanation for Dark Matter Based on


This paper presents a new cosmological theory entitled the "Small Bang" model, a variation on the Big Bang theory, in which all of the energy and matter observed in the Universe are generated from the process of cosmic inflation. In the Small Bang model, each galaxy arises from a small seed given by an antimatter micro black hole. In the cosmic inflation process this micro black hole grows exponentially, breaking up pairs of virtual particles and attracting those composed by antimatter, while repelling the matter particles relying on matter-antimatter repulsion interactions. At the culmination of this process, a rotating matter cloud is formed and at its center is an Antimatter Super Massive Black Hole (ASMBH). The effect of the ASMBH mass over the galaxy rotation is very small. However if we consider that the ASMBH has a large angular momentum, a significant influence over the galaxy rotation should be observed. Thus, the authors believe that the effects currently attributed to some kind of Dark Matter, can be explained in a model that considers the mass and angular momentum of the ASMBH that exists at the center of each galaxy. The Small Bang model also explains some open points in the Big Bang standard theory, like the missing antimatter in the galaxy, the galaxy formation process and the relation between the super massive black hole's mass and the galaxy mass. This new model also eliminates problems associated with the initial black hole singularity, like infinite temperature, by proposing a Universe that starts with an empty and cold space with a Planck length diameter. The Small Bang model also represents an innovation to the Big Bang model that has remained virtually unchanged for over 70 years. These new ideas have potential to change the way cosmologists perceive the forming of galaxies and of our Universe.

Revolutionizing Cosmology: The Small Bang Model and Its Implications on Universe Genesis

Physics & Astronomy International Journal, 2024

The Small Bang Model (SBM) introduces a revolutionary framework for the genesis of the universe, challenging conventional cosmological theories. By suggesting the universe originated from a zero-mass state, facilitated by antimatter black holes, the SBM provides fresh insights into galaxy formation and the distribution of matter and antimatter. This paper outlines the SBM's foundational principles, contrasts it with the Big Bang theory, and highlights its potential to resolve longstanding cosmological puzzles. Notably, it presents empirical validations demonstrating distinct mass relationships between supermassive black holes and their host galaxies, supporting a novel classification into matter and antimatter galaxies. The Small Bang model is founded on two pivotal concepts: the theory of Cosmic Inflation and the principle of 'Shunyata Universe's Genesis' (or 'Emptiness Universe's Genesis'), a framework envisioning the universe's inception as small, empty, and cold, entirely devoid of matter or energy. Within this Shunyata beginning, the cosmos as we witness today, abundant in matter and energy, was forged during the 2µs duration of cosmic inflation. Throughout this period, the substantial energy of the Inflaton field was harnessed either through the mediation of micro black holes or directly by the Inflaton's influence on the spacetime fabric itself. This era was marked by the continuous creation of matter and antimatter particle pairs (such as proton-antiproton and electron-positron, including the creation of photon-antiphoton pairs), permeating the entire expanding universe. The SBM predicts that the massive annihilation of antiparticles, induced by the inflaton field throughout the entire universe in the final 15 ns of cosmic inflation, generated two tomographic scans: Cosmic Antiproton Tomography (CAT) radiation and Cosmic Positron Tomography (CPT) radiation. These two tomographies serve as evidence of the inflaton field's existence, allowing us to calculate its principal parameters and also to create images of the interiors of hydrogen clouds that formed the first galaxies at the end of cosmic inflation. This

COSMOLOGY: In Support of Inflation

Science 291 (2001) 837-838, 2001

What created the initial inhomogeneities in the Universe that resulted in galaxies, clusters of galaxies and other large-scale structures? This problem continues to puzzle cosmologists.

Acoustic instabilities at the transition from the radiation-dominated to the matter-dominated universe

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2004

The transition from acoustic noise in the radiation-dominated universe to the density structures in the matter dominated epoch is considered. The initial state is a stochastic field of sound waves moving in different directions. The construction of the initial state is compatible with the hyperbolic type of propagation equation for density perturbations, and parallel to the theory of stochastic background of gravitational waves. Instantaneous transition between the cosmological epochs is assumed, and Darmois-Israel joining conditions are applied to match solutions for sound waves with growing or decaying modes at the decoupling. As a result a substantial amplification of the low scale structures is obtained.

Extended-Plasma-Electromagnetic Cosmology (EPEMC

The current massive paradigm shifts in Science are due to collaborative research and exposure, which increases rapidly with the advent of the World Wide Web. Almost every older paradigm has fallen under scrutiny, and new evidence emerges daily to support the more scientifically sound Plasma-electromagnetic Cosmology. By understanding how catastrophism and diffusionism are affected by massive plasma-electromagnetic events in recent changes to the Solar System Circuit, researchers will be better able to explain OOPArts, gaps in knowledge, and to simplify physics and other scientific studies, as well as close massive gaps in the literature that continue to dog Science, leaving loopholes for unscientific hypotheses, such as Flat Earth, Ancient Alien, and New Earth Creation. Ignoring the evidence harms the scientific community and perpetuates the racist history in archaeology and Egyptology, but it must be evidence examined in the light of laboratory proven physics, rather than mystical mathematics and science fiction fantasies. EPEMC is an attempt to reduction of the ‘equation’ of all variables while conforming to Occam’s Razor. While no questions in Science are ‘off-limits’ the author does not include pseudoscientific ideas to make the cosmology more appealing to the mainstream. It is, however, a paper and hypothesis for those that see the fialings of the current mainstream paradigm and seek better explanations. This whitepaper is a primer and wrapper for the hypothesis and is updated as more papers are written. Key words: Diffusionism - Catastrophism - Plasma - Electromagnetism - Pre-history

The Dark Matter Scatter How the Dark Universe Community is fraying, and in which directions, as a response to the DM crisis; How PEMC re-unifies the camps

Dark Matter has been in crisis for several years. Beginning in 2017, adherents began jumping ship with DM lifeboats, masquerading as both real science and classical Dark Matter. In previous parts the author discussed the predictable 'Charged' DM, the use of BEC (instead of ultracold plasmas), Dark ('Hidden') Photons, Negative Mass, and Neutrino radiation formed via Acoustic Shockwaves. In this paper, the absence of DM in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, as well as other places, will be discussed alongside blatant misrepresentations (such as Dark Matter 'glowing'), ultralight BEC's, and by contrast DM "heating up", which shows logical inconsistencies in DM theories. Contrasted with these disparate options, Plasma-Electromagnetism has a one-stop-shop for these observations with varying ranges of temperatures and behaviors which can describe all the matter, and repulsive forces without resorting to exotic (ie, 'made up') materials.