ความมั่นคงของเกาหลีใต้และการแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญของญี่ปุ่น (original) (raw)
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Rangsit Music Journal, 2020
Musical composition “String Orchestra and Flute” composed to celebrate the Korea-Thailand sixtieth anniversary of the diplomatic relations. The composition conveys different cultural aspects of the two countries. Compositional materials are based on Thai rhythmic pattern, Thai melody—Kangkaw Kin Kluay—and Korean musical modes, especially P’yŏngjo, Kyemyŏnjo, and Oeumgae (Five Notes System). The main motive is a collection of E, F, and A or set of (015) derived from 60th anniversary. This neotonal composition comprised motivic development, variation in fragmentation, and quartal/quintal chord.
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การกัดเซาะชายฝั่งทะเลเป็นปัญหาที่เกิดขึ้นในหลายประเทศ รวมถึงประเทศไทย ที่ได้รับผลกระทบจากภาวะโลกร้อนและการเปลี่ยนแปลงของสภาพภูมิอากาศ ทำให้สถานการณ์การกัดเซาะชายฝั่งรุนแรงยิ่งขึ้น บทความนี้นำเสนอการศึกษาเปรียบเทียบบทเรียนจากการจัดการปัญหาการกัดเซาะชายฝั่งใน 5 ประเทศ ได้แก่ สหรัฐอเมริกา เนเธอร์แลนด์ ฝรั่งเศส ศรีลังกา และเวียดนาม เพื่อเป็นแนวทางในการแก้ไขปัญหาการกัดเซาะชายฝั่งทะเลในประเทศไทย โดยมีการบรรเทาผลกระทบและปรับตัวที่หลากหลาย ตั้งแต่การใช้วิศวกรรมโครงสร้าง ไปจนถึงการใช้วิศวกรรมที่ไม่ใช้โครงสร้าง รวมถึงการมีกฎหมายและการสนับสนุนจากรัฐบาลและชุมชนเพื่อรักษาความยั่งยืนของพื้นที่ชายฝั่ง ทั้งนี้ ประเทศไทยยังขาดแผนยุทธศาสตร์ที่ชัดเจนในการแก้ไขปัญหาการกัดเซาะชายฝั่งและการบูรณาการนโยบายที่เกี่ยวข้อง ซึ่งบทเรียนจากต่างประเทศอาจช่วยในการพัฒนากลยุทธ์ที่เหมาะสมในประเทศไทย Abstract Coastal erosion is a significant issue in many countries, including Thailand, exacerbated by global warming and climate change, leading to more severe erosion. This paper presents a comparative study of coastal erosion management lessons from five countries: the United States, the Netherlands, France, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam, as potential models for addressing coastal erosion in Thailand. These countries have implemented diverse adaptation and mitigation strategies, ranging from structural engineering approaches to non-structural solutions, along with government policies and community involvement to ensure the sustainability of coastal areas. Thailand, however, lacks a clear national strategy for coastal erosion management and the integration of related policies. The lessons from these countries may provide useful insights for developing suitable strategies for Thailand's coastal erosion issues.
Global Peace Index and Peace Situation in Thailand
The Development of Peace Indicators and Measurement of Levels of Peace in Thai Society B.E. 2563, 2019
Although the levels of global peace measurement provides the comparison information at the national level, still there is a lack of information at the regional or provincial level, including the context of Thailand whether on economy, society, cultures, and politics. The research article aimed at 1) developing the peace indexes and indicators suitable for Thai society, 2) measuring the levels of peace in Thai society in order to formulate suggestions for peacebuilding. This study was conducted in the 2nd phase of year B.E. 2563 (by which the data was collected in year B.E. 2562). The study was both quantitative and qualitative research in which the indicators were produced at both the national and provincial levels. The data sources used were statistical data from relevant agencies that had been continuously collected and the data from the nationwide opinion polling which was collected by the National Statistical Office in a total number of 33,420 persons. The indexes were calculated under the framework of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) including Ebert and Welsh. The data on the peace levels in Thai society at both national and provincial levels were presented. The research results showed the results of a comparative study between year B.E. 2560 and B.E. 2562, it was found that the levels of peace index in Thailand of year B.E. 2560 that had a point of 3.42 was higher than year B.E. 2562 that had a point of 3.36. The calculation of the overall peace levels at the provincial level, it was conducted by which the provinces were divided into 5 groups with the highest and lowest levels of peace. The research results could be used for collaborative learning in educational institutions, as well as the formulation of the policy of relevant agencies in the field of peace.
This dissertation offers a revelation of the important turning points, disjunctures, and ruptures in the quest to build a civil[ized] society of multiethnic population in West Kalimantan province, Indonesia. By examining these turning points, disjunctures and ruptures, the dissertation focuses on two main themes. The first theme is the attempts by foreign or local rulers-Muslims, the Dutch, postcolonial regimes, and post-1997 crises regimes-to incorporate the highly diversified "pagan" population of West Kalimantan's Dayak into a civilized society. The second theme is the reactions of the ruled groups-subalternized during the process of society building in different epoch-to maintain their relative independence from the incursions of 'foreign' or 'non-native' ruling elements. This dissertation argues that the category of "Dayaks" has been constructed loosely first by the Muslim-Malay coastal rulers and second rather coagulated by the Dutch and finally exploited by the Dayak themselves during the post-colonial regimes. The full-blown manipulation of the category of "indigenous" group is taking place after the fall of the suppressive Suharto regime in 1998. The loose construction of Dayak by the Muslim-Malay coastal princes is finally hardened by the Dutch who fully launch the indirect rules: racialization between the rulers (Dutch, Chinese, Eastern Asians/Indian, Arabs) controlled under civic rules and the ruled (Malays, Dayaks, and other ethnics) adjudicated under each own customary rules. The attempts
รายงานวิจัย -- มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลพระนคร, 2558-2559Development of packaging from the shell, and the rest use from processing industry, jackfruit. The objective is to bring the debris to the jackfruit is the food. Use of design and manufacturing of sintered products, scrap plywood sheet, until Jack reached for the packaging of food, or of use in everyday life, to design and develop packaging started from the study data. Design of experiments to guide the experiment operation catalyst, jackfruit, plate compactor and a product design template packaging. By found that Shell's components should be used. Skin of the jackfruit, core of the jackfruit, wood has the appropriate qualifications. The use of any part in the compression is having trouble procuring raw materials and unique features not suitable to adopt the actual properties of plywood scrap jackfruit is sticky but strong enough flexibility in the design and manufacture of packaging and the smell of jackfruit, which is ...
Journal of Mekong Societies V, 2017
Ecosystem services (ES) is a concept concerning the relationship between humans and the environment. In the last two to three decades, this concept has drawn interest and has been applied broadly in international academic issues, policy making and environmental advocacy. However, the implementation of this concept regarding Thailand’s environmental problems remains in the early stages. This paper aims to stimulate interest, shorten the time and overcome difficulties in understanding the concept. It provides knowledge about preliminary ES by presenting the concept derivation and a critique from the “inside,” referring to relevant ES-related courses such as Biology, Ecology, Economics. The rest of this paper focuses on a critique from the “outside” in which the authors concentrate on a critique from the perspective of Political Ecology, which is critical of it and provokes a discussion of more serious environmental solutions. The paper concludes by indicating that ES is a dynamic conc...