Frammenti di Appiano (2016).pdf (original) (raw)

2016 Ragione.pdf

P. Giuspoli e L. Illetterati (a cura di), La filosofia classica tedesca. Parole chiave, Roma: Carocci 2016, 2016

Amorosi 2016.pdf

Latona and the Lycian Peasants or Frogs appears in Ovid's poem "Metamorphoses": this painting is a new addition to the catalogue of Antonio Mercurio Amorosi (1660-1738) for the exhibition in Comunanza, August-October 2016


Maestri, colleghi, amici. Tra mondo classico e cultura moderna, 2016

Appunti Piemontesi.pdf, 2018

Appunti Piemontesi è una disamina dei possibili interventi immediatamente attuabili dalla Regione Piemonte in materia di trasporto ferroviario nelle aree non immediatamente afferenti Torino. E' diviso in quattro capitoli relativi ai quattro bacini in cui si divide la Regione oltre la linea. "Appunti Piemontesi" (Piedmontese notes) is a review of the possible actions immediately implemented by the Piedmont Region in the field of rail transport in areas not immediately afferent Turin. It is divided into four chapters related to the four basins in which the region is divided beyond the capital

2016. Santoro, Abbellire Palermo.pdf

Il saggio ricostruisce le vicende che, in linea con quanto avviene in altri aree, portano nel Quattrocento a una riorganizzazione delle strutture ospedaliere palermitane, con l'aggregazione delle tante piccole realtà assistenziali presenti nel territorio. A chiusura del saggio sono pubblicati i capitoli inediti del 1431 presentati dall'universitas di Palermo all'arcivescovo de Marinis per l'approvazione dell'unione degli ospedali in un solo, grande e nuovo, ente assistenziale.

Le editiones di Prisciano e i graeca. Considerazioni preliminari

Greco antico nell'Occidente carolingio. Frammenti di autori attici nell'Ars di Prisciano, a cura di L. Martorelli, Hildesheim - Zürich - New York 2014 (Spudasmata, 159), pp. 393-419

Very soon after the invention of the printing press, in 1470, the editio princeps of Priscian's collected works sees the light in Venice. In particular, this paper analyses the syntactic Greek-Latin lexicon (Instit. XVIII. 157-307) because it shows some peculiar characteristics: • The so-called “graeca”, which represent the words-lemmata (although there are some lacunas) • The loci classici, which are not reproduced entirely: some are transcribed some are not. A contemporary edition (1470/71) is also printed in Rome, this latter edition shows the following characteristics: • Some Greek words-lemmata (although book XVIII. 194 does not include any Greek term) • The loci classici often missing. In the following years, we can find further editions; however, they are not supported by a truly scientific philological method. These editiones in fact are often the reproduction of only one manuscript or a re-print of a previous edition with the addition of some corrections. It is thanks to Politianus (1454-1494) that philology begins to become a scientific method that forces the publishers to adopt a more intellectual approach. The 'giuntina' edition (Florence, 1525) shows the first attempt at applying a scientific method: • The collation with a good manuscript allowed the editor to fill some gaps of the graeca • The collation was only partial. After two years, the 'aldina' edition (Venice, 1527) is based on a codex antiquissimus (as we can read in the title page and elsewhere). A careful examination of some passages shows that this edition is a collection of readings from previous editions and of those from the earliest manuscript. This paper presents some synoptic examples from the mentioned editiones in order to show clearly the typical characteristics of the different editions. Therefore, there are three main steps: • 1470, the editio princeps, a fundamental masterpiece, which however contains lacunas and mistakes • 1527, edition based on the earliest manuscript. In this edition the graeca are a collection of readings from the previous editions mixed together with readings from the chosen codex. • 1855-59, edition by Hertz-Keil (Grammatici Latini series), edition that could be improved, but still remains the most valuable and reliable.

Appunti di piemontese.pdf

Some notes on Piedmontese language: history and geography, dialects, writing system and morphology: articles, classifiers, nouns, adjectives, verbs, negation. Some new perspectives on verbal system and its partitions.

RAMPONI Pietro.pdf

Dizionario biografico degli italiani, 86, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2016, pp. 251-253

Biografia del cronista bolognese Pietro Ramponi (sec. XIV)