Buku Manual Pembangunan Plot Konservasi Tanaman Penghasil Gaharu.PDF (original) (raw)

Pola Agroforestry Tanaman Penghasil Gaharu Dan Kelapa Sawit

Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, 2011

The development of agarwood (Aquilaria malacensis Lamk) plantation the mid of oil palm plantation is are of agroforestry systems, which needs to be further observed, especially spacing. The spacing influenced light intensity, which is the further the distance the more light could be capture by agarwood plants, and the shaded area decreases. The study is aimed to observe the optimum spacing in the oil palm plantation. The study site was located in Rokan Hulu Riau. The study employed a Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with three treatments for spacing: 2, 3 , and 4 m. Parameter observed are the growth (height, diameter, and survival rate and micro climate, and biophysicalcharacteristics). The result of the study indicators the spacing as treatment did not show significant effect to the growth of Aquilaria malacensis Lamk up tot 24 months old. However after 30 months the effects of the spacing is demonstrated for which four m spacing is the better for the growth and diameter of Aquilaria malacensis Lamk.

Aplikasi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Dan Kegiatan Pruning Dalam Optimalisasi Budidaya Gaharu Di Desa Duman Kecamatan Lingsar Lombok Barat

Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pembinaan bagi para petani Desa Duman khususnya istri mereka untuk mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan pohon gaharu mereka melalui aplikasi pendorong pertumbuhan dan pemangkasan. Peserta pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah istri Petani Desa Duman. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diawali dengan sosialisasi tentang pentingnya mendorong pertumbuhan dan pemangkasan pada budidaya gaharu. Kemudian, para peserta diberi kesempatan untuk mempraktekkan teori yang mereka peroleh dari sosialisasi. Fitohormon giberelin adalah penginduksi pertumbuhan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini. Dosis fitohormon tersebut adalah 1 gr untuk 2 liter air. Pemangkasan dilakukan dengan menebang cabang pucuk pohon gaharu menggunakan gunting tanaman. Daun dari cabang yang sudah dipotong pada kegiatan pemangkasan dapat diolah menjadi teh gaharu. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta telah memahami tentang penerapan pendorong pertumbuhan dan pemangkasan untuk mengoptimalkan pertu...

Pengembangan Tanaman Penghasil Gaharu (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke) Oleh Masyarakat di Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur / Aloeswood (Gyrinops versteegii (Gilg.) Domke) Development by Smallholders in Flores East Nusa Tenggara

In Indonesia, aloeswood trees have wide distribution and vary in genus and species in the same family of Thymeleaceae. Gyrinops versteegii is one of many aloeswood types that can be found in East Nusa Tenggara. As this species has economic value, some local smallholders in Flores Island have developed this species and looked after it in their own field. The research purpose was to obtain information about the pattern of aloeswood development by local smallholders in Flores Island NTT. The research procedure was done descriptively in order to find information about the development pattern of aloeswood and to obtain the site condition. Soil profile was made with 30 cm depth for each horizon and the soil was taken as a sample of each horizon. The research had done in 4 locations. Namely, district of Manggarai Barat, Manggarai Timur, Sikka and Flores Timur. The result showed that the development pattern of aloeswood has been established in smallholders’ field and mixed with a variety of plants, such as cocoa trees, banana, bark, pineapple, and coconut. Types of planting space vary from 2m x 3m to 3m x 4m. The site conditions showed that organic materials in the first location is about 0,47%-1,54% with pH 6,71-6,83, and sandy clay loam of soil texture. Second location showed that organic materials is about 1,27%-4,70% with pH 6,34-6,58, and sandy clay of soil texture. Third location showed that organic materials is about 1,07%-1,98% with pH 6,31-6,89, and sandy clay of soil texture. Fourth location showed that organic materials is about 1,07%-2,39% with pH 6,33-6,84, and sandy clay of soil texture. Keywords : Aloeswood, Gyrinops versteegii, Flores, Development pattern, Soil profile.

Survei Potensi Gaharu Dengan Sistem Agroforestri DI Kecamatan XIII Koto Kampar, Kabupaten Kampar (Studi Kasus: Desa Pulau Gadang Dan Desa Koto Masjid)

Wahana Forestra: Jurnal Kehutanan, 2018

This study aims to determine the potential of gaharu with agroforestry system in the village of Pulau Gadang and Koto Masjid Village. The research was conducted in Desa Gadang Village and Koto Masjid Village. The data collected is then analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of reseach conducted by gaharu plant species is Aquilaria malaccensis with the potential of the plant in the village of Pulau Gadang which is 7 years old as 70 trees, 8 years 920 stems and 9 years as many as 440 stems. Meanwhile, Koto Masjid Village is at the age of planting 7 years as many as 100 stems, 8 years as many as 300 stems and 9 years as many as 400 stems. The potential of gaharu plants in the community of Pulau Gadang Village with an average land area of ​​1.09 Ha / farmer, the average number of gaharu-producing trees is 84.12 trees / farmers, and the average tree / Ha is 78.03 trees / Ha / farmers. While in Koto Masjid village with average land area is 1.2 Ha / farmer, average number of tree 1...

Pelatihan Pengolahan Daun Gaharu Menjadi Teh Herbal Untuk Istri Petani Anggota Kelompok Tani Desa Duman Kabupaten Lombok Barat

LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2019

Pohon gaharu banyak terdapat di sekitar areal pertanian desa Duman dan sebagin besar tidak dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Padahal bahan tersebut merupakan bahan baku minuman teh herbal yang berkualitas. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan istri petani untuk mengolah daun gaharu menjadi minuman teh herbal. Kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu memberikan keterampilan baru bagi istri petani desa Duman sehinnga mampu membantu perekonomian keluarga. Partisipan dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 20 orang istri anggota kelompok tani Duman. Pengabdian ini dibagi menjadi dua tahap: tahap teori dan tahap praktek. Partisipan diberikan materi terkait bagaimana mengolah daun gaharu menjadi teh herbal pada tahap teori. Praktek langsung dilakukan oleh parisipan berdasarkan teori yang sudah mereka peroleh. Partisipan telah memahami bahwa urutan sistematis pengolahan daun gaharu menjadi teh herbal meliputi: 1) Pemilihan daun, 2) Pengeringan Daun, 3) Pencacahan daun, 4) Oksidasi daun, 5) Penyeduhan daun. Ber...