Thrace, Troy and Anatolia. Troy and its contacts to the Balkans - FULLTEXT (original) (raw)
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Дни на науката '2021, 2022
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Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" trägt dem Bedürfnis Rechnung, Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen. Thematisch findet darin die ganze Breite des Faches vom Paläolithikum bis zur Archäologie der Neuzeit ihren Platz. Ursprünglich hatten sich fünf Universitätsinstitute in Deutschland zur Herausgabe der Reihe zusammengefunden, der Kreis ist inzwischen deutlich größer geworden. Alle interessierten Professoren und Dozenten sind einge-laden, als Mitherausgeber tätig zu werden und Arbeiten aus ihrem Bereich der Reihe zukommen zu lassen. Für die einzelnen Bände zeichnen jeweils die Autoren und Institute ihrer Herkunft, die im Titel deutlich gekennzeichnet sind, verantwortlich. Sie erstellen eine druckfertig gestaltete Datei (PDF). Bei gleicher Anordnung des Umschlages haben die verschiedenen beteiligten Universitäten jeweils eine spezifische Farbe. Finanzierung und Druck erfolgen entweder durch sie selbst oder durch den Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, der in jedem Fall den Vertrieb der Ad multos annos, Magister carissime!
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The author presents a systematization of all ancient sources, which can be connected with the Thracian campaign of Antiochos II Theos. As a result he thinks that there are no indisputable evidences about a connection of this king with the Thracian lands, except his coins. Presumably he never makes war with the Greek cities over the Thracian coasts. Maybe the last were his allies, which were provoked the expedition against the anonymous ruler of Seuthopolis, as shows some epigraphic records and archaeological evidences. Key words: ancient Thrace, Antiochos II Theos, Lysimachia, Seuthopolis, Cabyle.
This paper deals with different meaning of the term Thracia used by ancient authors. The ancient authors as well as their modern counterparts, traced the territory of Thracia totally differently depending on whether they referred to ethnic or political boundaries. The borders differed from source to source. Ancient authors often used the noun Thracia in its primordial, earliest and widest extent as a geographical designation in archaized manner and meaning. This approach amongst other things has caused modern authors to formulate the pan-Thracian thesis according to which the entire south Balkan Peninsula was inhabited by Thracians. The author in this paper gives the parallel with Illyrians (Thracian and Illyrian both being demonym and ethnonym) and proposes to make a distinction between Thracii proprie dicti and Thracii vulgo dicti, i.e. between the Thracia stricto sensu and Thracia lato sensu, as it was the case with Illyrii proprie dicti – (Plin., NH III, 144) paraphrased in Illyriii vulgo dicti.) The author gives examples of using this notion from the Balkan Peninsula as a geographical name which etymological meaning was “the land or the cost”. This can be seen from Hecataeus (Hec., ap. Steph. Byz., s.v. Darsioi: ethnon Thrakion (Daorsoi was living on the left bank of the river Neretva to the Adriatic cost in Dalmatia). Apollodorus also used the term Thrakes for Histri on the Histrian peninsula (in today’s Croatia). These two examples evidenced that this designation had no obvious ethnic connotations, and should be translated as “Landers, “Mainland tribe”, or “Coastal tribe”, i.e. a tribe living on the mainland, or on the coast. This interpretation can be emphasised by data from Herodotus (Her., VII, 185) who describes the Thessalian tribes as “those Thracians living on the Thessalian Coast along the sea”. It was very well known to Herodotus’ audience that Thessalians are not Thracians. The borders of Thracia varied at different times so in order to outline the boundaries of tribes especially of the bordering, transitional areas and better distinction of Thracii proprie dicti from Thracii vulgo dicti, the method of Namengebiet or namespace areas can be helpful. By fragmentation of large areas (which is the essence of the method) rather than their expansion, the features of the areas may be more clearly established and then the limits of transitional areas between tribes mentioned in ancient sources can be detailed with greater accuracy.