Joshua Blau, “Review of ‘Grammatik des klassischen Arabisch’, by Wolfdietrich Fischer,” ha-Mizrah he-Hadash, vol. 23, no. 3 (1973): 363-364 (Hebrew) (original) (raw)

jftLVª h la ö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx III-[k.M 4

PART III-Section 4 iz kf/dkj ls iz dkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la-278] ubZ fnYyh] ea xyokj] tq ykbZ 5] 2016@vk"kk<+ 14] 1938 No. 278] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2016/ASADHA 14 , 1938 ekuo la lk/ku fodkl ea =ky; ¼fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x½ vf/klw puk ubZ fnYyh] 5 ebZ ] 2016 fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2016 ¿11 ls 17 tq ykbZ ] 2009 ds lIrkg es a Hkkjr ds jkti= ¼la [;k 28] Hkkx&III] /kkjk&4½ es a vf/klw fpr fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2009 ds iz frLFkkiu es a À fe0 la-1&2@2009 ¼bZ 0 lh0@ih0 ,l0½ V (I) Vol. II.-fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x vf/kfu;e] 1956¼1956 dk 3½ dh /kkjk 26 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ rFkk [ka M ¼p½ vkS j ¼N½ ds va rxZ r iz nRr vf/kdkjks a rFkk 11 ls 17 tq ykbZ ] 2009 ds lIrkg es a Hkkjr ds jkti= ¼la [;k 28] Hkkx&III] /kkjk&4½ es a vf/klw fpr fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2009 ds iz frLFkkiu es a fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x fuEuor fofu;e l` ftr djrk gS ] uker%%& 1-y?kq 'kh"kZ ] vuq iz ;ks x ,oa iz orZ u% 1-1 bu fofu;eks a dks fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2016 dgk tk,xkA 1-2 os ,s ls iz R;s d fo'ofo|ky; ij ykxw gka s xs tks fdlh ds Unz h; vf/kfu;e] iz ka rh; vf/kfu;e vFkok fdlh jkT; vf/kfu;e ds rgr LFkkfir vFkok fuxfer gS a ] rFkk ,s lk iz R;s d la c) egkfo|ky; ,oa tks ] fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x] vf/kfu;e] 1956 dh /kkjk 3 ds rgr ekfur fo'ofo|ky; la LFkku gS A 1-3 ljdkjh jkti= es a vf/klw fpr fd;s tkus dh frfFk ls ;s fofu;e ykxw ekus tk,a xs A 2-,e0fQy0 ikB~ ;Øe es a iz os 'k gs rq ik=rk ekuna M% 2-1 ,e0fQy0 ikB~ ;Øe es a iz os 'k gs rq ,s ls vH;FkhZ ftuds ikl Lukrdks Ùkj mikf/k vFkok ,d O;kolkf;d mikf/k gks xh ftls led{k lka fof/kd fudk; }kjk Lukrdks Ùkj mikf/k ds lerq Y; ?kks f"kr fd;k x;k gks ] ftles a vH;FkhZ dks de ls de dq y 55% va d vFkok fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ds 7 fca nq ekud ij *ch* xz s M iz kIr gq , gks a ¼vFkok tgka dgha Hkh xz s fMa x iz .kkyh viukbZ tkrh gS ogka fca nq ekud ij led{k xz s M½ vFkok ,s ls iz R;kf;r fons 'kh "kS f{kd la LFkku ls led{k mikf/k iz kIr dh gks ] tks fd fdlh vkdyu ,oa iz R;k;u ,ts Ulh }kjk iz R;kf;r gS ] tks fd "kS f{kd la LFkkuks a dh


Rf sraRcH MtTll0Ds t0R BUS tiss ]\It . conpktins Chlpri 3 rctr sl'ould b. .blc to: 1-Idorify psblen aEs rh* aE lilcly b b. stldid in oreant'snns z DisN how prcblfl aGs on b€ idmdned in sor* sings 3. Sbk :@rd1 problm clefly aid pFisely r. Expljin how prih*y and Knlary dab h.lP dE Eemher ro da€loP a Pmblem t, D.wlop rllv r rnd (1npthdsive bibli%aPhi6 lor any or3rni,arionii l€sd.h 6, Wdb a li6F,e Firy d dy Stl6 roP,., dMdig the E emc6 in th€ z DcveloP a leaKh PbPosL t Apply,u you have l€n€d ro a sroup pmjRt th.r hi+r b€ a$j8n€d. Broad probtem atea Itlq 'ri.rlorofrl,rbnrd trobldm ingrnd lo.usnsor roch:f.rI ^ "rrcbl.n doesn dDr {m.rhing F \fnsly nron eells to be rt.niied ,mned, A trobr.m ..uL,i i u. L!hd! tindir8 the flghr trn$rrs n,Hl,r hdlp t, mpro\e e!{t,8 siruarion d Fn,bleu is rv ituiho rh.r.

DechowEstratto1-23 in Adamantius 19,

Sczione nurogmficl I Ia ronhorcnin oigotinn: tot ffirc nditatano / Th Oigerit Contnvcnl: d Malitem"ean AlJiit l^ (u.a di R. Al(-l^rl-F: [,\rfl) l"t,od'Eknc (k. Ar]J^It ' F.l1^1r') Fton Mthonib n Eftb,ttiru it Aniotisathr robat (l.l': I)ticHow) I'ortif* tanns. Giounni, Epilanio t b oigini .hlk 2,ini .oDttopmin oig? i'h' (r' r^n1) I;'t'o \oli.ico" ffa.l,lzioni xella eriti oigen;:ta sz−4o2)(AMoNAd(l,N′cNo)F,ntbkrliCnnoneGenhrto:dallannmuersinotkenitaallibinnconniontttalsattto(R.IJZZ′l.!sr)SnnnandtkBnhops:Otigot,Apokarastasis,a/Frclcs,′lzrticalPoliticsittSdficiu!ntua′DirJogi(RJ.cooDR′c′,)Oligcn.,glin,t′opono,ftieLsz-4o2) (A MoNAd (l,N'^cNo) F,ntbk rli Cnnon e Genhrto: dalla nnmuersin otkenita allibinn conniont ttal sattto (R. IJZZ' l.!sr) Snnn and tk Bnhops: Otigot, Apokarastasis, a/ Frclcs,'lzr tical Politics itt Sdf iciu !ntua'DirJogi (RJ. cooDR'c',) Oligcn., gli n,t'opono,fti e Lsz4o2)(AMoNAd(l,NcNo)F,ntbkrliCnnoneGenhrto:dallannmuersinotkenitaallibinnconniontttalsattto(R.IJZZl.!sr)SnnnandtkBnhops:Otigot,Apokarastasis,a/Frclcs,lzrticalPoliticsittSdficiu!ntuaDirJogi(RJ.cooDRc,)Oligcn.,glin,topono,ftieL'in to: le tuSio,'i di wn Ekio,. nin'in lR.. At!t^rt) lrt otiot'?,ria origcnilta trd IV e V sd.olo: li tc'ti'rtottinnzt d; I'dhdio. t Rifl.<Jioni d ntd,rin. di unn /arzz /c/ Irirlogo sulla viu di Gkrvrnni (iisostomo (4.M. (lRosso) 'theophilb asai'nt Johu Ll'tyann: rh fugnn' ofa tu lil'lj ud tl,c naou lor lolni dlp^itiox (ll V'rt Numrux) lVlnt tltc BitlnT Wott to the Sytol Joln {}ltryosan, Origcnh , ad I'e Pobti\ ol l')xbiot at Cox*antitople (S. Eu\.{) Dc divesis qurationibus ad Augurinumj ry′lt7ro.lbiq.t;sitohliLtury'lt 7ro. lbiq.t;sito hliLturylt7ro.lbiq.t;sitohliLtua (M. Brk,{srlo) I't ui'io,Eli l iitelk 'tn" idoigaktn: not. s l'ln H,ba(Ic zti Getokuo (S. M^NrELL' Sczione monognlica ll L:?r?oit,.!t ftlig;o d.Il c,iti ul nondo nedituraneo (IV-VII sec.) / 'fbc Religiw Egcino ofCisis in the Meditcrnrnem lVoid ('l' 7' Onturir) Ib'mtation oftb. Ttune &.tio" (8. Bn-roN-AsrtKnnNY) 'llr A'cetit Thxonont ofAtioch anl Edatn at tlr ofMonxnci'n lC'. Sl EwAm OSB) "Ncirtur Reghnhtg nor bd4 Th Mcsauat lnagiaaire a,t.t Syinc Ar.ttichn \8. BrrroN-AsIIK',()NY) La pnzziow ,lrlh Ltisi dig;o*t cabclorac ia alaoi tni nriti c agiognfci P,Ddotti ".gli n"tbi.nti .t.I ct is.oPato .li Ab"n'ulrid A. C^i/,rtal!t\ Shn\ng Cbtis,olosJ h a Ha,n.ncdicnl Cont^l: Tl'eo,lon ofMoputcli,ti hdcnnr ;, Fnt oJ'h,tkm?o'nu.otu' Cl /."grr (A. KorsxY-S. RUZER) .lnrer chrisrirnos etirn genrilimtis cuhores sed et vetcris legis srudioi rudicntircsint rdhibendi-: 7h. hnpnct ofT &tra*/!ies ox tle lntLlt*tual Lili oJ I'tk A"titt";tr (R.ltz7.t'lE'r't^\ 'flr httcnal Li*s ofBiblical Figaf i",hc Hrnn' ofRonnno' tl)c't (D. K|l.utl:.t'.k) Reuiitiag tltc Sinb(innr1 hmnq Point (l\. SaTT\ Dilfffe a 6ral'at;o'{ d'xn. cri'r: a$idlnt;oa d. l.n?.reur Ju'tini., a tu l,aP(Vigih w la shuttion cctlitinb) la uille ztt k coxrnuttrc des Troi Chaoitm (54o) lPH. BI.ruDF,\u) DathqScfer ia.n*'wcl: Dhi'toicizi g nid Rxhi'to*Un. n hui'h A?u4pe of lat ,artlzl,try (H,1. NrwM^N) thc Rnzktion of the Sodphic G.goryfon d h nuo 1".1i.., Man 'cr4'x (1. PER<'.:n'.t) Tln bn Ronan-Peninn lVff of602-28: F,n'tn a\d AtEtu ttiu?olit& liai nnd Hop* (L. Ce}jlstcE(t Il parndow di n hrianpo rtu mcca. Ui;potcsi n Giudici .aJr (M. (:Rosst L'ltofcnent lcs pcnbnnga '.,ipnnift' conn. rcfet le ln cmphxiti & tc<rc tlans /a Conrrncntaire urt Jean d'Origlnc (4. Arnu-Mlrhul') Dar Hyponrnenra ds Origenc zu dcn Psalmencnc nrlantc:ilnif da Ensebtu (C. B^NDr-F:X. Rlsct .Folid too it robis nna: panla ditin c tngu rnar,t ,ri Thct us in psalmos ntnibuii i GeroLt,,o (A-C^r,oNE) Iz date dc la l'asion dx Cltrin slon Erulbc le Ctsrlc lC. GoIGN^RD) ' 7-aclrysaprc"-Fehb h lrr neu cntlecL*n Honiliat det OiSaus (K MErzt-za) Chv"iqer aLxa,'drin. V (.t^x B)