The Impact of Auditor Qualifications on Earnings Management of Companies Listed on the Borsa İstanbul Industrial Index (original) (raw)
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Audit Quality and Earnings Management: Evidence from Turkey
Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, 2019
Earnings management is one of the controversial issues in the current business environment. The value relevance of earnings is adversely influenced by earnings management. The objective of this study is to analyze the association between audit quality and earnings management for non-financial firms quoted on Borsa Istanbul. Ordinary least square regression analysis is employed in this study in analyzing the association between earnings management and audit quality. Three different proxies for audit quality (auditor independence, audit industry specialization and auditor tenure) were analyzed based on a sample of 97 nonfinancial firms quoted on Borsa Istanbul from 2013 to 2018. Empirical analysis indicates that auditor independence and audit industry specialization are significantly negatively related with likelihood of earnings management and long-term auditor and client relationship enables the management of firms to more actively engage in earnings management. This paper finds support for the notion that the high-quality audit is one of the prominent factors that can mitigate earnings management practices.
Big Four Auditors' Audit Quality and Earnings Management: Evidence from Turkish Stock Market
Audit quality is considered as one of the factors affecting the reliability of financial information. Theoretical arguments and research findings suggest that audit quality constrains earnings management. Given that auditor's incentives to provide high quality audit is rather limited in emerging economies, the argument suggesting audit quality constrains the earnings management is likely to be questioned. The aim of this study is, therefore, to assess the effect of audit quality on earnings management by focusing on Turkish case, where auditor's incentives to provide high quality audit is limited. Using a sample of manufacturing industry firms listed on Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) for the years 2003-2007, we find that audit firm size as proxy for audit quality, does not have an impact on discretionary accruals. These results indicate that there is no difference in audit quality between Big Four and non-Big Four audit firms for restriction of earnings management in Turkey.
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Investment Management and Financial Innovations
This research aims to explore new evidence on the nature of the relationship between the effectiveness of audit committee and earnings management in one of the emerging economies, Jordan. In addition, it investigates how external auditor size might moderate this relationship. For this purpose, a panel data consisting of 64 industrial firms listed on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) is used, covering the period between 2009 and 2014. An index consisting of four characteristics is developed to measure the effectiveness of audit committee, namely audit committee independence, size, meetings and financial expertise. Results show that audit committee effectiveness has a significant and negative impact on earnings management. Moreover, a positive interaction effect of external auditor size and audit committee effectiveness on earnings management is found, which is supportive of the substitute relationship between the external auditor size and effective audit committee in reducing earnings manag...
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2021
This study presents an evidence on the importance of auditor's reputation, auditor's fee and auditor's scepticism to the quality of auditing earnings management. Using auditors from the Big 4 and non-Big 4 audit firms, a study was conducted to examine whether these characteristics of the auditors influence their audit quality on earnings management. The study was carried out using a questionnaire survey. The findings of the study suggest that auditor's reputation and auditor's fee do not necessary influence the quality of audit on earnings management. Rather, the auditor's scepticism plays an important role in influencing the quality of audit on earnings management. The study implicates that auditors should have greater scepticism to gain better audit quality in auditing earnings management practices. The evidence provided in this study could help enforcement bodies such as SEC in probing companies that manipulate their earnings reflected in their financial statement.
Relationship Between Auditors´Fees and Earnings Management
Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2017
This study investigates the relationship between audit fees and earnings management in the Brazilian market. In response to the research question, we used a sample of 300 firms listed on the BM&FBovespa for which it was possible to identify the amount paid to the auditors, using data gathered from the Economatica® database and the website of the Brazilian Securities Commission (Comissão Brasileira de Valores Mobiliários [CVM]). We analyzed the regressions with the aim of supporting or refuting the hypothesis that audit firms that charge less for their service tend to be more relaxed regarding earnings management by their client companies. The results support this hypothesis. The main contribution of this study is the possibility of stating that more aggressive earnings management occurs predominantly among firms that pay less than expected for audit services. This study evidences the perception of risk by audit firms and how this is reflected in the audit fees charged.