Social and Public Policy Responses to Domestic Violence in Argentina and Cuba (original) (raw)

Abordaje sistémico en familias latinas sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica en Estados Unidos

Propósitos y Representaciones, 2017

El objetivo de este estudio es crear un modelo de tratamiento sustentado por el conocimiento de profesionales y que les permita el desarrollo de habilidades de los profesionales para su trabajo con las familias en crisis. Las participantes, profesionales de la salud del Latina Domestic Violence Program (LDVP) en Filadelfia, fueron entrevistadas individualmente y las respuestas fueron analizadas de acuerdo con la metodología de la Teoría Fundamentada. Las respuestas de las participantes sirvieron para enfatizar aspectos importantes relacionados con la situación de supervivientes de violencia doméstica. Las participantes identificaron dos elementos centrales necesarios para un programa ideal. 1: El programa debe tener la capacidad de abordar las necesidades biopsicosociales de la familia (necesidades económicas, laborales, educacionales y de salud mental). Las necesidades de las usuarias indocumentadas que no hablan inglés deben ser consideradas en la elaboración de un programa para f...

‘Judicialising and (de)criminalising domestic violence in Latin America’ special issue of Social Policy and Society 5 (1) January 2006: 103-14 ISSN1474-7464

This article analyses the specific ways in which Latin American countries have judicialised domestic violence over the last decade. In particular, it highlights the new definitions of spousal abuse and procedures adopted in both criminal and non-criminal courts. The region has seen two countervailing tendencies, the first to criminalise, through penal codedefinitions and higher penalties, the second to divert this offence into legal arenas that tend, either implicitly or explicitly, towards effective decriminalisation and downgrading of this form of social violence due to their emphasis on conciliation and transactional procedures. This has resulted, in many cases, in a two-track, hybridised treatment of domestic violence that is ultimately unsatisfactory in meeting the various needs of women victims.

The Process of Ending Domestic Violence among Latinas: Aguantando No Mas

The purpose of this study was to explore the sociocultural factors which play a role in the process of ending an abusive relationship among Latinas. Dimensional analysis was the method employed for the development of a grounded theory. Aguantando or enduring emerged from this study as pivotal in gaining an understanding of the process of ending an abusive relationship for Latinas. Participants indicated that personal and religious beliefs, the importance of family, and the needs of their children were reasons for aguantando or enduring the abuse. The decision to no longer aguantar, or endure, occurred through a series of encounters with "allies", the loss of hope their partner was going to change his abusive behavior, and the final realization that the well-being of the children was being affected by the abuse. These conditions led Latinas to take action by hasta aqui or drawing the line. Through their relationships with "allies," Latinas recognized their potential to salir adelante or forge ahead. Findings in this study indicate that familialism played a major role in the decision to stay or leave an abusive relationship. Family members supported Latinas leaving their abusive partners. Latinas often did not initiate plans to end an abusive relationship until effects of the abuse became evident in the children's behavior. Interventions and outreach programs integrating these Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. findings are proposed for the Latino community. Future research investigating the applicability of current theoretical models of domestic violence to the Latino population are proposed. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

Los nuevos delitos de " violencia doméstica " tras la reforma de la LO 11/2003, de 29 de septiembre

I. Introducción: violencia contra la mujer en la pareja y violencia doméstica En la aproximación al análisis de las nuevas figuras penales relativas al maltrato en el ámbito doméstico emerge constantemente una especie de paradoja respecto a los fundamentos que las informan. Es evidente que el impulso de las reformas procede de la conmoción social ante asesinatos de mujeres a manos de sus parejas y por la progresiva concienciación sobre el significado social de la violencia de género, pero las nuevas formulaciones parecen dirigidas a solventar lagunas que se alejan de aquel contexto, en una progresiva ampliación del campo de incriminación bajo el nombre de "violencia doméstica", o podríamos decir "supuestos asimilados".

How can domestic violence be best prevented and combated? Lessons from the Spanish experience

Domestic violence is not only one of the most pervasive violations of human rights in the world, but also a global public health problem. In Spain the rise of domestic violence as an issue of public concern in the last decade is an interesting case in point because it exemplifies both the success but also the limitations of the fight against gender-based violence. In the first part of the lecture I will describe the legal reforms made in Spain intended to result in the prevention of this scourge as well as in a comprehensive protection of victims. In the second part of the lecture I will interpret domestic violence as an instance of anomie, an important concept of classic sociological theory that can be used as a helpful tool to diagnose the underlying causes of this phenomenon. In the third part of the lecture I will review some of the shortcomings of the Spanish situation in the light of the prior discussion trying to show how inequalities in the households and in the labour market, the prevalence of high child poverty rates and a low development of family policies make it difficult the achievement of intended goals. The assessment of the underlying drivers of domestic violence in Spain will be made against the backdrop of European gender equality initiatives and mainstreaming policies.

Violence Against Men in Heterosexual Couples in the Latin American Context: A Review of the Main Findings and Methodological Aspects (La Violencia hacia el Hombre en la pareja heterosexual en el contexto latinoamericano: Una revisión de principales hallazgos y aspectos metodológicos)

International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 2022

Guzmán-Pimentel, M., & Rojas-Solís, J. L. (2022). Violence Against Men in Heterosexual Couples in the Latin American Context: A Review of the Main Findings and Methodological Aspects (La Violencia hacia el Hombre en la pareja heterosexual en el contexto latinoamericano: Una revisión de principales hallazgos y aspectos metodológicos). International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, 11(2), 30-59. Disponible en: ABSTRACT Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a phenomenon that has been analyzed from various perspectives, among them is intimate partner violence against men. An object of study that has been given little social and academic relevance in various regions. This study aims to identify the methodological aspects and most relevant findings of IPV against men in the studies carried out in the last two decades in Latin America. Following the guidelines of the PRISMA Model, a systematic review was carried out through a search in this subject area in six databases. The total of the initial references was 426, which were subjected to analysis through a purification process where, finally, 16 articles were obtained that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The main results highlight that, recently, the scientific community in Latin America has focused mainly on male victims and made contributions that allow for questioning of the social, academic, and scientific minimization of this phenomenon. The results are discussed highlighting that social stigma is what continues to hinder the recognition of male victims as a legitimate and valid object of research. KEYWORDS: violence against men, intimate partner violence, male victim RESUMEN La violencia hacia la pareja es un fenómeno que se ha analizado desde diversas perspectivas, entre ellas se encuentra la Violencia hacia el Hombre (VhH) en la pareja, objeto de estudio al que se le ha otorgado poca relevancia social y académica en diversas regiones. El presente estudio tiene como propósito identificar los aspectos metodológicos y hallazgos más relevantes de la VhH en los estudios realizados en las últimas dos décadas en Latinoamérica. Siguiendo las directrices del Modelo PRISMA, se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática a través de una búsqueda de trabajos en seis bases de datos. Las referencias iniciales fueron 426, las cuales se sometieron a un análisis por medio de un proceso de depuración donde, finalmente, se obtuvieron 16 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los principales resultados destacan que, recientemente, la comunidad científica en América Latina ha prestado más atención a las víctimas masculinas realizado aportes que permiten cuestionar la minimización social, académica y científica del fenómeno. Se discuten los resultados destacando que el estigma social es lo que sigue dificultando el reconocimiento de las víctimas masculinas como un objeto legítimo y válido de investigación. PALABRAS CLAVE: violencia hacia el hombre, violencia hacia la pareja, hombre víctima

Community Intervention in Context: Gender-Based Violence, Inequality and Intervention in the United States and Cuba


Gender-based violence is a persistent problem on a global scale. While the United States (US) has relatively well developed responses to gender-based violence, commonly referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV) or domestic violence (DV), those responses are subject to question on evidentiary as well as theoretical grounds. The authors examine the historical US response to gender-based violence and the challenges to its construction in the fields of law and social work. The authors raise Cuban practices as a potential antidote to the US approach, and invite further comparative dialogue grounded in authentic appraisal of existing models employed in each context.

Violence Against Women and Rights in Practice in Rural Ecuador_LatinAmPerspectives_2013-Friederic

"Las Colinas, a rural region of northwestern Ecuador, is considered a lawless frontier. Violence against women is common, in part because of its perceived legitimacy. Since 2000, various nongovernmental organizations have conducted workshops on women’s rights, producing contradictory effects on social relations and rates of violence. Understandings and manifestations of gender violence are changing as transnational human rights discourses enter Las Colinas and local women and men learn about human rights and gain access to state-based justice. Human rights and improved access to justice offer powerful openings for women and families, but their empowering potential is limited by growing social and economic vulnerability and discrepancies between rights-based subjectivities and preexisting understandings of the self. EN ESPAÑOL: Las Colinas, una región rural del noroeste de Ecuador, se considera una frontera sin ley. La violencia contra las mujeres es común, en parte debido a que se percibe como legítima. Desde el año 2000, diversas organizaciones no gubernamentales han llevado a cabo talleres sobre derechos de la mujer, generando efectos contradictorios en las relaciones sociales y los índices de violencia. Las concepciones y las manifestaciones de violencia de género están cambiando conforme discursos transnacionales de derechos humanos que llegan a Las Colinas y mujeres y hombres locales aprenden acerca de éstos y obtienen acceso a la justicia estatal. Los derechos humanos y un mayor acceso a la justicia abren nuevas puertas para las mujeres y las familias, pero su empoderamiento potencial está limitado por una creciente vulnerabilidad social y económica, así como las discrepancias entre subjetividades basadas en dichos derechos y nociones preexistentes del ser."

A New "Shield of the Weak": Continued Paternalism of Domestic Violence Services in Uruguay

Violence against women, 2018

Drawing on ethnographic and historical research, this article illuminates the limitations of the Uruguayan domestic violence services system. In spite of how advocates in Uruguay successfully used a human rights platform to secure legislation and services, this system now faces significant critique. Using Iris Marion Young's work on the "logic of masculinist protection" and historical parallels in Uruguay's welfare system, I discuss how a paternalistic approach may be to blame. I highlight how this paternalism contributes to the paternalism that problematically underlies gendered violence-reinforcing rather than addressing oppressive ideologies and structures that impede improving conditions for women.