After the Uighurs had became involved in Buddhism, the translation of Buddhist works led to the translation of a large number of texts including Buddhist teaching to Uighur Turkish. One of the most important works of this translation is known as Altun Yaruk. This book is a famous Buddhist sūtra (Uyg. sudur) and was translated from Sanskrit into Chinese and Chinese into Uighur Turkish. Although it is not known exactly when Sanskrit originated, it is thought that this date cannot be taken before the 5th century. Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese three times in different periods, as known as there is only one translation in Uighur Turkish. However, many researchers find surprising that such an important and famous work only once translated into Uighur and they believe that may be other translations. However, any data supporting this idea has not been revealed until today. On Altun Yaruk was translated into Uighur Turkish by Uighur translator Şingko Şeli Tutung, it has made valuable studies on various subjects of Turkish language until today. However, the translation of the work and other translation works in Uighur Turkish should also be considered in terms of translation science. In this study, in Altun Yaruk which is one of the most important and most voluminous works of Uighur Turkish, it has been examined descriptive verbs, indicating continuity and swiftness, and these verbs were compared with Chinese original text. Although the translation science is mentioned above, the methods and principles of translation science are not used in the study. Descriptive verbs are structures which it contains a main verb with gerund and auxiliary verbs with the actual verb in terms of the property of the time depending on the meaning of the actual verb meanings other than the properties of the auxiliary verbs formed by coming together. This complex structure has been used extensively since the oldest periods of Turkic. Today, in Turkish language the continuity, swiftness and potential verbs are used frequently. In contemporary Turkic languages and dialects, the structures of descriptive verbs are generally more diverse and more auxiliary verb acts in their establishment. The meaning of continuity in ancient Uighur Turkish is kal-, kel-, olur-, tur-, tut-, yat- yorı-; The meaning of the swiftness is provided by bėrauxiliary verbs. In the Giriş section of the article, the term descrition is emphasized. In the İnceleme section, first of all the above-mentioned verbs are not always used as auxiliary verbs when used after the words with the gerunds, these structures are sometimes explained as examples of the actual verb. 1.1. Süreklilik Bildiren Tasvir Fiilleri under the heading verbs -p kal- (1 sentence), -U, -p kel- (2 sentences), -U olur- (2 sentences), -A, -U, -p tur- (14 sentence), -U tut- (2 sentences), -p yat- (1 sentence), -U yorı- (1 sentence); 1.2. Tezlik BildirenTasvir Fiilleri under the heading verbs -A, -U bėr- (19 sentences) have been examined in detail in the alphabetical order of the auxiliary verbs. In this detailed analysis, the sentence in which the structure of decriptive verb was found in Altun Yaruk, the Turkish translation of the sentence and the Chinese form were given in the original text, the situation of the sentence in the Chinese text and the translation in Altun Yaruk have been compared. In the study, seventy-six sentences that were established with the bar-, bėr-, ıd-, kal-, kel-, olur-, tur-, tut-, yat- and yorı- verities with the possibility of expressing continuity and swiftness were examined. Forty-two of these sentences were found to contain the descriptive verbs. These sentences have been compared with the relevant chapters in the Chinese original text, and the attitude of Şingko Şeli Tutung in translation was observed. As a result, sometimes in the Chinese original text 恆 heng “permanent” and etc. words have been used. This sentence was translated with the descriptive verbs to Uighur Turkish. Although the structure of descriptive verb in Altun Yaruk is used with the effect of these words like 恆 heng etc., it is known that there is not a word that makes use of these structures in the majority of them and that the translator prefers the structures of descriptive verb in order to add power to the phrase.