Career Locus and Career Adaptabilities: A Self-Determination Perspective for Turkish University Students' Case (original) (raw)
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Examination of Career Choice Competency from Self-Consciousness Level Perspective
Education Quarterly Reviews, 2022
This research aims to determine the relationship between university students' self-consciousness levels and their career choice competencies, to examine the predictive level of self-consciousness and career choice competency and to examine the level of self-consciousness and career choice competence based on education level and gender. The research was designed as a relational screening model, which is one of the descriptive survey types. The research group consists of undergraduate and associate degree students studying at various state universities in Turkey. The research group consists of a total of 569 university students, 398 of whom (69.9%) are female and 171 of whom (30.1%) are male, aged between 18 and 24. 268 (47.1%) associate and 301 (52.9%) undergraduate degree students participated in the research. The average age of the research group was 20.12. In the data collection process; the Self-consciousness Scale, Student Career Construction Inventory and Personal Information Form were used. According to the results of the correlation analysis; a low level of positive and significant relationship was found between the students' self-consciousness levels and career choice competencies (r=.147). According to the results of regression analysis; it was found that the level of self-consciousness predicts career choice competency at a statistically significant level. The findings obtained from this study were discussed based on the literature. Keywords: Self-Consciousness, Self- Consciousness Level, Career Choice, Career Choice Competency
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 2019
The variables affecting final-year undergraduate students' career decision-making self-efficacy were explored in a group of 729 students across various departments of an urban university. A structural equation model was used to determine the variables that predicted students' self-efficacy in decision making, with results indicating that perceived career barriers exerted a significant and direct effect. The relationship between career barriers and career decision-making self-efficacy was significantly and partially mediated by hopelessness. The relationship between locus of control and career decision-making self-efficacy was significantly and fully mediated by hopelessness. Ré sumé. Influence du locus de contrôle, des barrières professionnelles perçues, des affects négatifs et du désespoir sur l'auto-efficacité de la prise de décision professionnelle chez les e ´tudiants universitaires turcs Les variables qui influent sur l'auto-efficacité de la prise de décision professionnelle des e ´tudiants de dernière année de licence universitaire ont e ´té explorées avec un groupe de 729 e ´tudiants de divers départements d'une université d'une ville turque. La modélisation en e ´qua-tions structurelles a e ´té utilisée pour déterminer quelles variables prédisaient l'auto-efficacité de la prise de décision des e ´tudiants de premier cycle universitaire en dernière année. Les résultats indiquent que les barrières professionnelles perçues avaient une incidence significative et directe sur l'auto-efficacité de la prise de décision professionnelle, ainsi qu'indirectement a ` travers le désespoir. La relation entre le locus de contrôle et l'auto-efficacité de la prise de décision en matière de carrière e ´tait significativement et entièrement médiatisée par le désespoir. Zusammenfassung. Der Einfluss von Kontrollüberzeugung, wahrgenommenen Laufbahn-Hinder-nissen, negativem Affekt und Hoffnungslosigkeit auf die
This study examined the relationship between career decision self-efficacy and personal-emotional life, including trait anxiety and positive and negative affect in a sample of 249 undergraduate students. Turkish versions of Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale–Short Form, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and Trait Anxiety Inventory were administrated. Higher career decision self-efficacy was associated with higher positive affectivity and lower trait anxiety and negative affectivity. Trait anxiety and positive affect were the significant predictors of career decision self-efficacy. Implications for career counseling and ideas for future research were discussed.
International Journal of Research in Counseling and Education
One of the purposes of vocational school (SMK) is as an education facility to prepare alumni who are ready to enter work field, but in contrary the highest number of unemployed in West Sumatra is dominated by SMK alumni. This research aims to describe the contribution of adversity quotient, self awareness and demographic factors to student career maturity. The study was conducted using quantitative descriptive methods. The research population were students of class XII at SMKN6 Padang as many as 392 students and a sample of research were 198 students. The technique used in this research waspurposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a adversity quotient, self awareness and career maturity scale was using Likert model, and the research data was analyzed using simple regression and multiple regression with dummy variables. The research findings prove that: (1) adversity quotient has an effective contribution of 23% to student career maturity, (2) self awareness contributing ...
Studia Psychologica, 2015
The aim of the present research was to investigate the role of self-determination (SD) and perceived emotional intelligence (EI) in adopting specific career decision-making strategies (CDMSs), and thereby to extend knowledge about personality factors playing a crucial role in adaptive ways of making career decisions. The study was conducted on a sample of 173 first-year university female students aged 19-25 using the questionnaires Career Decision-Making Profile (CDMP; Gati et al., 2010), Career Decision-Making Autonomy Scale (CDMAS; Guay, 2005), Academic Motivation Scale-College (AMS-C; Vallerand et al., 1992), and Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey et al., 1995). The results supported the importance of SD and perceived EI in predicting adaptive career decision-making (CDM); SD accounted for 2-34% of variance in CDMSs and the perceived EI explained additional up to 11% of their variance, even after controlling for SD. Higher SD and perceived EI were associated with more frequent use of adaptive and less frequent use of maladaptive CDMSs. Our findings might be relevant to career counselling.
Positive Psychological Factors of Career Development among Undergraduate Students
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, confidence and exploration factors of career development among undergraduate students. Also, it was hypothesized that Gender, Education status, Nature of study, Type of family would make significant differences in career self-efficacy, career confidence and career exploration. The study was conducted on 194 undergraduate students by the direct administration of career self-efficacy scale, the scale of career confidence, the scale of career exploration behavior-short form and personal information form. Among them 134 were males and 60 were females. The data were subjected to Karl Pearson's product moment correlation and one way ANOVA. The result revealed significant positive relationship among self-efficacy, confidence and exploration factors of career development and significant demographic difference in these variables among the undergraduate students. Female undergraduate students were found to have more career self-efficacy, confidence, career exploration behaviors than male undergraduate students. Undergraduate students without arrears are found to have more career self-efficacy and self-confidence than students with arrears. Career exploration behavior does not significantly differ between students without arrears and with arrears. The hosteller undergraduate students were found to have more career self-efficacy and career exploration behavior than the day scholar undergraduate students. Career confidence does not significantly differ between hostellers and day scholars. Students of nuclear family have more career self-efficacy than joint family undergraduate students. The results are interpreted based on the career development theories. Positive psychology talks about the promotion of positive psychological strengths like self efficacy, self confident. Like other developments, the career development is also of primary importance as it requires systematic manipulation of various human potentials. If matched there
An Empirical Investigation Of Career Optimism Among Turkish University Students
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2017
With the increasing popularity of positive psychology movement in the literature, optimism has attracted many researchers from a various field; however, career optimism has rarely been indicated in the organizational behaviour and human resource management literature. Career optimism, as a part of career planning attitude, is an important factor for career decision making which is a complex process. Indeed, we know little about what career optimism is, its antecedents and consequence in career decision making process among university students. In this study, we empirically demonstrated the relationship among emotional support, task performance, exhaustion at schoolwork and career optimism. By investigating 324 university students (age between 18 and 21) in Turkey, we found that parental emotional support and perceived task performance influences career optimism positively. We also found that exhaustion at schoolwork does not have a significant effect on career optimism. In this regard, theoretical and managerial implications of the study findings are discussed.
The final years of secondary school are a critical time in the Career Decision making process, with Career Indecision being a common problem faced by many secondary school students. The Career Decision making process has been conceptualized in terms of various theories and models. Low Career Decidedness has also been related to low work role salience, low self-esteem, and anxiety. The aim of the current research was to investigate the contribution of a range of variables on Career Decidedness, and to test two proposed models with a senior secondary school cohort (N = 125; years 10, 11 and 12). The first model predicted Career Decidedness from Career Salience and Procrastination and accounted for 17% of the variance of Career Decidedness. The second model predicted Career Decidedness from Process and Support factors of Adaptive Change Model. The best predictors of Career Decidedness, in the comparison between the two models, comprised Visualization, Planning, and Inner Drive from the Adaptive Change Model which accounted for 38.7% of the variance. Importantly, the previous findings that low self-esteem and elevated anxiety contributed to low Career Decidedness were not found. Future directions in research involving the factors of the Adaptive Change Model are discussed.
Self-Knowledge in Relation to Career Choice of Students in Stand Alone Institutions
Choosing a career is an extremely important decision. The present study is based on the premise that Self-Knowledge plays a crucial role in career choice of individuals. Self-Knowledge is the cognitive ability of individuals to maturely and accurately appraise their interest, skills and abilities in relation to their career choice. The vocational orientation of Stand Alone institutions manifest in the career choice and preference of the students. Since the career choice of the students in these institutions is already decided, an attempt is being made through this research work to find out the congruence between their self-knowledge and career choice. Thirty two per cent of the population in Stand Alone Institutions of West Garo Hills District in Meghalaya was selected purposively as sample of the study. Part I of the Competence Test of Career Maturity Inventory by Dr. Nirmala Gupta (CMI_G, 1989) was used. The data were analysed with the help of t-test in SPSS. The result showed significant differences in the Mean scores of Self-Knowledge of Male and Female students. Males were found to have significantly higher accuracy of Self-Knowledge than the females. However, it was found that majority of the students lacked accurate Self Knowledge in relation to their Career Choice. From this, it was inferred that the Self Knowledge of both Male and Female students in Stand Alone Institutions was not congruent to their Career Choice.