Donatus in melius ? A Vergilian Life by Philargyrius (original) (raw)


John Henkel

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Nimbus: Vergil, Lucretius, Sophocles and a New History of the Latin Language (georg. 1.328-29, Lucr. 6.253-55 and Soph. fr. 538 R.)

Luca Cadili

Papers on Ancient Literature: Greece, Rome and the Near East. Proceedings of the “Advanced Seminar in the Humanities” , Venice International University 2004-2005, edited by Ettore Cingano and Lucio Milano, S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria, Padova 2008, pp. 135-178, 2008

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miscet figuras. Servius über Dichtung und Realitätsbezug in Vergils Eklogen, In: Stenger, Jan R. (ed.): Spätantike Konzeptionen von Literatur, Heidelberg 2015, 135-161 (last draft)

Ute Tischer

Stenger, Jan R. (Hrsg.): Spätantike Konzeptionen von Literatur - Notions of the Literary in Late Antiquity, Heidelberg 2015

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Grief, Distance, and Death in Aen 12.945-52

Aaron Seider

The Classical Journal, 2018

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“Esegesi antiche della sesta egloga”, in Scholae discimus. Pratiques scolaires dans l’Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, textes réunis pas C. Longobardi, Ch. Nicolas er M. Squillante, Lyon, Collection Études et recherches sur l’Occident Romain – CEROR 46, 2014, pp. 151-76.

Fabio Stok

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Cosmic Inspiration in Vergil's Eclogues

Giampiero Scafoglio

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'Theocritus' Cooperative Interpreters, and the Creation of a Bucolic Reader', in M. Fantuzzi and Th. Papanghelis (eds.), A Companion to Greek and Latin Pastoral, Leiden 2006, 235-62.

Marco Fantuzzi

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Virgil the Magician, Dall'Antico al Moderno

Jan Ziolkowski

Dall'Antico al Moderno

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The Virgilian Tradition: The First Fifteen Hundred Years

Jan Ziolkowski


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William J. Dominik, ‘Reading Vergil’s Aeneid: The Gates of Sleep (6.893–98)’, Maia 48.2 (1996) 129–138.

William J Dominik

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Vergil's Library

Damien Nelis

Putnam/A Companion to Vergil's Aeneid and its Tradition, 2010

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Prefazioni a commenti tardoantichi: confronto tra Elio Donato e Servio

olga monno

Invigilata lucernis, 2006

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Rome's bucolic landscapes: Place, prophecy, and power in" Aeneid VIII

Ricardo Apostol


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Cicero trifft Vergil. Allegorese, Zitat und die Genese einer biographischen Notiz aus dem Leben Vergils (Serv. ecl. 6,11), MD 77 (2016), 57-99 (last draft).

Ute Tischer

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Questioning Virgil: poetic ambition and religious reform in Erasmus Lætus and Baptista Mantuanus

Trine Arlund Hass

Renaessanceforum - Journal of Renaissance Studies, 2016

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Sowing the Seeds of War: The Aeneid's Prehistory of Interpretive Contestation and Appropriation (uncorrected page proofs)

Nandini Pandey

Classical World, 2017

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Authorial pagination in the Eclogues and Georgics

John Schafer

TAPA, 2017

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Der obszöne Leser: Vergil-Kritik und apologetische Strategie in Ausonius' Cento nuptialis, 101-131

Raphael Schwitter

Museum Helveticum, 2016

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Donat, Servius et la Vita Vergiliana : méthodes et enjeux d’un résumé scolaire

Daniel Vallat

Epitome. Abréger les textes antiques, I. Boehm et D. Vallat (dir.), Lyon, 2020

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The pseudo-Vergilian Dirae and the earliest responses to Vergilian pastoral

Brian W Breed

Trends in Classics, 2012

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From Servius to Frazer: The Golden Bough and Its Transformations

Anthony Ossa-Richardson

International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 2008

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Reading Atmospheres: Ecological Aesthetics and Virgil's Eclogues

Timothy Chandler

MA thesis, 2010

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William J. Dominik, ‘Vergil’s Geopolitics’, in W. J. Dominik, J. Garthwaite and P. Roche (eds), Writing Politics in Imperial Rome (Leiden/Boston: E. J. Brill 2009) 111–132.

William J Dominik

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Vergilian Cities Visions of Troy, Carthage and Rome

Damien Nelis

Constructing and Modelling Images of the City, 2015

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Daniel López-Cañete Quiles, "Senex, segnis, se igni: a Note on Vergil, Georgics 3.95-100 and Aeneid 5.394-396"

Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos (SEEC)

EClas 155-156 (2019), 2019

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Speaking of Kings and Battle: Virgil as Prose Panegyrist in Late Antiquity

Catherine Ware

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'Suetonius De Poetis: the project and the life of Vergil'

Hugh Lindsay

Classicum, 2009

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The Pastoral from Theocritus to Virgil: Constructing and Deconstructiong a Literary Genre

Giampiero Scafoglio

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Scholia and Authorial Identity : the Scholia Bernensia on Vergil's Georgics as Servius auctus (proofs)

Luca Cadili

« Scholia and Authorial Identity : the Scholia Bernensia on Vergil’s Georgics and Servius Auctus », in S. Casali-F. Stok (edd.), Servio : stratificazioni esegetici e modelli culturali — Servius : Exegetical Stratifications and Cultural Models, Bruxelles, Latomus, 2008, pp. 195- 207, 2008

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A Marvelous Scene of Little Things: Honeybees and the Natural Order in the Fourth Georgic of Virgil

Colin Catlin

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Orpheus, the Poetics of Silence, and the Humanities

Angela Pitts

The International Journal of Literary Humanities, 2013

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What the text wants to say. Communicative intention and meaning in late antique Latin exegesis of literary works and the Bible (Incontri di Filologia Classica)

Rolando Ferri

Incontri di Filologia Classica, 2018

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"A New Reading of Aeneid 6.847-853." In Callida Musa: Papers on Latin Literature in Honor of R. Elaine Fantham (= MD 61), ed. by R. Ferri, J. M. Seo, and K. Volk. Pisa: Serra, 2009, pp. 71-84.

Katharina Volk

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Maius opus moveo. The Program of the Internal Proem in the Cento Probae (333-345)

Friderike Senkbeil, Christopher J Londa, Nina Mindt

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A Duet of Praise: Horace, Vergil and the Subject of Canemus in Carm. 4.15.32

Jonathan Zarecki

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Landscapes of War

Jessica McCutcheon

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Anagnostou-Laoutides, E. 2007. “Ancient Ritual and the Search for Arcadia: From Vergil to Poussin,” Transcultural Studies 2-3: 19-53.

Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides

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Pascua, ager, urbs. Virgilio e l’acqua dolce

Hartmut Wulfram

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Sic vos non vobis. A proposito di un episodio sospetto della biografia virgiliana del “Donatus auctus”

Paolo De Paolis

Sileno, 2013

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Review of E. Kraggerud, „Vergiliana: Critical Studies on the Texts of Publius Vergilius Maro” (Abingdon & New York, 2016)

Dániel Kiss

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