2018, NORDSCI Social Sciences Conference, Helsinki, Finland
University education throughout the world undergoes a fundamental transformation in terms of its role in society, the system of functioning, economic structure, and value. At present, many countries observe and discuss the crisis of universities. There is an opinion that The University from a purely educational institution is transformed into a business structure with all its specific rules and goals for achieving a commercial result. The main trends could be traced based on numerous analyzes, both internal and external, carried out in many countries and regions of the world. These analytical projects allow highlighting the most common development trends in this area and the challenges that some universities, perhaps even the most successful ones are already facing, but almost all other educational institutes will inevitably feel them in the near future. Is Kazakhstan's higher education system ready for these global changes? Is there a basis that will allow the universities of our country to withstand the onslaught of new demands and tests that will require new generations of young people as consumers and clients of educational services? Can Kazakh citizens count on domestic education in the future competition in the labor market? All these and other issues are of strategic importance because the social, economic and political development of our country directly depends on the answers. We chose five parameters from many others to analyze the development trends of modern higher education in Kazakhstan in local and global dimensions. 1. The democratization of access to knowledge 2. The content of educational markets and financing 3. Digital technologies 4. Global mobility 5. Integration with industry. These are the main trends that, according to experts, will determine the progressive development of universities around the world in the next 10-15 years. Understanding of the challenges and the need for reforms aimed at radical restructuring of the existing system, awareness of responsibility to the citizens of the country - these factors are present, hence the constant desire for reforms, steps forward, sometimes throwing in search of creative solutions. On the other hand, inadequate funding, weak management, reluctance to move away from traditional and therefore convenient ways, often negates many of the positive impulses and plans of the Ministry of Education and Science, which does not want to let the stirrups of power out of their hands, thus limiting the vital independence of universities in decision-making. However, there is still a hope for the survival of Kazakhstan universities in the new models. Keywords: Kazakhstan, education, development, university, reform