Cidadania e Insurreições Populares: contribuições para a crítica do conceito de “cidadania insurgente” de James Holston a partir de uma perspectiva marxista (original) (raw)
In this paper , we analyze the formulations of " insurgent citizenship " in Brazil from reading the work of James Holston, in his book Insurgent Citizenship: disjunctions of democracy and modernity in Brazil (2013) from a Marxist critical perspective. Holston, from the analysis of urbanization and periphery processes occurred in São Paulo, supports the emergence of this new form of citizenship, as opposed to what he called "differentiated citizenship", which, according to the author, was present in all historical moments in Brazil. Initially, we present briefly and critically, the main formulations of the concept of citizenship in the liberal theory, highlighting its shortcomings, notably from the Marshall's theory. Next step brings forth some considerations about citizenship from the writings Karl Marx. Immediately thereafter, in reason of an understanding that the historical tour conducted by Holston did not pay attention to prevailing modes of production in different periods of history and failled to analyze the commonalities among them that made possible the continuation of this "differentiated citizenship" in Brazil from the colonization to nowadays, we intend to redeem some historical aspects of the construction process of citizenship in Brazil, in order to demonstrate that if there is something that enabled the persistence of a citizenship that is revealed, according to Holston himself, very inclusive, however few egalitarian. We deepen,then, on the concept of "insurgent citizenship", trying to understand the nuances of this insurgency, which, in our view and ultimately, reveals itself as a potential insurgency against the capitalist mode of production. To check this hypothesis, we performed a short case study of the Community Dandara, an urban occupancy in Belo Horizonte/MG . Keywords : Insurgent Citizenship. Marxism. Overcoming of capitalism. Class consciousness. Popular organization. Community Dandara.