La pianta severiana nel Museo Capitolino, in Il tesoro di antichità (original) (raw)

Tre secoli raccontati nelle piante storiche di Roma

Analisi dei cambiamento dei geostorici di Roma dall'analisi della cartografia storica. The present work stems from the study of historical Roman maps, maps of Rome that are artistic masterpieces but also useful documents in retracing the urban, architectonic, social and economic growth in the eternal city. This is just an example of the spatial analysis that can be made with historical maps, which are rich in information and full of important details that can be studied one by one. In this article we have examined the urban changes and the water distribution inside the ancient wall of Rome, using the maps of the XVIth, XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries. Not confining ourselves to the most famous maps such as the work of E. Du Perac, A. Tempesta, G. Maggi and G.B. Fal- da, we also analyzed those less well-known, but yet useful for achiev- ing our purpose.

L’Heliogabalium del Palatino, i suoi giardini e la cultura materiale a Roma nell’età dei Severi

Mélanges de l'École française de Rome - Antiquité, 130-2 | -1, 467-508., 2018

The Heliogabalium on the Palatine Hill, its garden and material culture in Rome during the Severan period. Between 1985 and 1998, a series of stratigraphic excavations on the artificial terracing in the site of Vigna Barberini, on the Palatine hill, was carried out by the École française de Rome with the collaboration of the Soprintendenza archeologica di Roma. The archaeological excavations allowed the reconstruction of important phases of the topographic history of the site, which in the Severan age was occupied by the great temple (Heliogabalium) dedicated to Sol Elagabalus by the Emperor Elagabalus. This study illustrates fine table wares, coarse and kitchen ware, as well as lamps and amphorae from contexts dating back to between 191/2 and 220 AD and also examines the main contemporary Roman contexts, trying to reconstruct the productive and commercial dynamics in which ceramics and foodstuffs transported in amphorae were involved in the Rome market during the Severan age.

Indagine su un nucleo di materiali da sequestro dal Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia. Un possibile corredo dell’Orientalizzante antico

DAIDALOS 17, 2019

The aim of this work is to present the materials, for the most part unpublished, belonging to a group confiscated in 1962 and now stored in the National Museum of Tarquinia. The lot includes, besides ceramic vases, a bronze biconical urn and female ornamental objects. The most valuable artifact is a painted ostrich egg which had been, since its first publication made by M. Torelli, wrongly reported as coming from Montalto di Castro. After a scrupulous examination of the materials, characterized by an evident chronological parity, we hypothesize that they come from one Tarquinian sepulture of the Early Orientalizing period, whose richness appears to be of a very high level.

R. Perna, Il foro di Pollentia-Urbs Salvia tra l’età repubblicana e imperiale

“Picus” XLII 2022,, 2022

A partire dal 1999 gli scavi dell'Università di Macerata nel sito di Pollentia-Urbs Salvia (fig. 1) si sono rivolti anche all'indagine dell'area forense (9 in fig. 1; fig. 2). Le ricerche hanno consentito di acquisire informazioni preziose sulle più antiche fasi di sviluppo del primo nucleo insediativo, sulle modalità della nascita della colonia graccana di Pollentia e sul successivo sviluppo del centro demico in età augustea ed imperiale con il nome di Urbs Salvia. Lo scavo è stato organizzato sulla base di 4 saggi, tre nel lato sud (1-3H-L in fig. 2) 1 ed uno, saggio 4 2 , che ha riguardato i lati nord (settore 1 e settori 2-3; D-F e A-C in fig. 2; figg. 3, 4) ed ovest (settore 4; G in fig. 2; fig. 3). 1 Per quanto riguarda i saggi 1e 2 che occupano la parte est del lato meridionale del Foro vd.