Molecular dynamics study of Li0.6Pb0.4 binary alloy using first principle (original) (raw)
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KfK 4]44 THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN THE SYSTEM Li-Pb Part I: Preparation andcharacterization of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy and the Lipb intermetallic compound U. Jauch, V. Karcher, B. Schulz Part 11: Thermophysical properties of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy Abstract Part I: Preparation and Characterization of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy and the LiPb intermetallic compound Part 11: Thermophysical properties of Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic alloy Part 111: Estimation of the thermophysical properties in the system Li-Pb page 2 25 45 -1 -General Abstract This report describes the work performed on the determination of the thermophysical properties of alloys in the binary system lithium-lead, within the frame of theKfK-project of nuclear fusion technology. The preparation of the Li(J7)Pb(83) alloy and the intermetallic compound Lipb from the pure elements determines the contents of part I of the report, which includes too the characterization of the materials using chemical analysis, metallography, thermal and thermal differential analysis. The great importance of the characterization especially of the metallography is shown in presenting some results of the eutectic alloy fabricated by different producers under technical conditions. Because of the great importance of the thermophysical behaviour of the liquid eutectic Li(17)Pb(83) for the design of a liquid metal breeder blanket in the next European Torus, part 11 of the report describes the measurements and results of the thermodynamic properties (latent heat of fusion, specific heat, density, thermal expansion and surface energy) of this alloy. The results of the determination of the transport properties (thermal and electrical conductivity and viscosity) are presented, too. In part 111 the methods are given, which lead to an estimation of thermophys ical properties of Li-compounds with high Li-contents (> 50 at.%) in the solid state. -2 -THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN THE SYSTEM Li-Pb Part I Preparation and Characterization of the Li(17)Pb(83) eutectic &lloy and the LiPb intermetallic compound U. Jauch, V. Karcher, B. Schu1z Kernforschungszentrum Kar1sruhe Institut für Materia1-und Festkörperforschung Abstract Li(17)Pb(83) and LiPb were prepared from the pure elements in amounts of seve-ra1 hundred grams. The reso1idified samp1es were characterized by me1ting points (eutectic temperature), chemica1 analysis and meta110graphy. Using differential thermal analysis the heats of fusion were determined and the behaviour of the intermetallic phase LiPb in vacuum and high purified He was studied. The resu1ts from these investigations were app1ied to characterize Contents List of figures List of tables page 47 48 1 •
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Physical Review E, 1998
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Structure factors and phonon dispersion in liquid Li 0.61 Na 0.39 alloy
Pramana-journal of Physics, 2004
The phonon spectra for liquid Li and Na have been computed through the phenomenological model of Bhatia and Singh for disordered systems like liquids and glasses and the obtained results have been compared with the available data obtained by inelastic neutron scattering (INS) and inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) experiments. The effective pair potentials and their space derivatives are important ingredients in the computation of the dispersion curves. The pair potentials are obtained using the pseudo-potential theory. The empty core model proposed by Ashcroft is widely used for pseudo-potential calculations for alkali metals. But, it is thought to be unsuitable for Li because of its simple 1s electronic structure. However, it can be used with an additional term known as Born-Mayer (BM) core term. The influence of the BM core term on the phonon dispersion is discussed. The same pseudo-potential formalism has been employed to obtain the dispersion relation in liquid Li0.61Na0.39 alloy. Apart from the phonon spectra, the Ashcroft-Langreth structure factors in the alloy are derived in the Percus-Yevick approximation.
Physical Review B, 2019
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On the dynamical properties of the liquid Li–Na alloy
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 1999
Several dynamical properties of the liquid Li±Na alloy have been studied by both molecular dynamics simulations and by a theoretical memory function formalism. We present results for the Li 0X61 Na 0X39 system where comparison is performed with the experimental inelastic neutron scattering data. The obtained results for the partial dynamic structure factors reveal the existence of propagating sound modes for wavevectors k`1.4 # A À1 . Ó 0022-3093/99/$ ± see front matter Ó 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 2 2 -3 0 9 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 6 2 -8
Thermodynamics and structure of liquid binary alloys calculated using an analytic pair potential
Physical Review B, 1994
Analytic pair potentials proposed by Pettifor and Ward are developed using the Heine-Abarenkov pseudopotential for Li-Na, ¹K, and Na-Cs liquid binary alloys. The corresponding partial structure factors are calculated using the random-phase approximation. The calculated thermodynamic and structural properties using this real-space formalism are in good agreement with experiments.