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The Effect of Different Mineral Admixtures on Characteristics of Concrete
This paper presents a review of the properties of fresh and hardened concrete by using mineral admixtures fly ash (FA), and silica fume (SF). In many countries, these materials are already used in manufacturing of concrete. However, these industrial by products is becoming popular throughout the world because of the minimization of their potential hazardous effects on environment. Some of these materials used as replacement for cement. Ultimately it results in the reduction of the cost manufacturing of concrete and reduces environmental pollution. In general, small particle size and higher specific surface area of mineral admixture are favorable to produce highly dense and impermeable concrete; however, they cause low workability and demand more water. To study the effect of mineral admixtures such as fly ash and silica fume on mechanical properties of concrete under the uniaxial compression experimental studies conducted. The cement was replaced by 10 %, 20 % and 30 % with fly ash and silica fume. The compressive strength test conducted on concrete specimen with different percentages of fly ash and silica fume at age of 7 days and 28 days.
Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Mineral Admixtures
This paper illustrates admixtures advantages such as fly ash, silica fume and granulated blast furnace slag in concrete as it influence the properties of it. The properties such as compression, split tensile and flexural strength which are of mechanical for the specimens of different grades are obtained. The specimens are of M35 grade which includes fly ash are in proportions 5%, 10% and 15%, silica fume of 5%,10% and 15% together as the replacement of cement and granulated blast furnace slag of 5%, 10% and 15% as the small replacement of filler material which is fine aggregate. The water cement ratio by trials is kept as 0.45 for all proportions. The ground granulated blast furnace sand improves the compactness and slows the chemical activity. The use of different admixtures in concrete gives a high performance in concrete construction. The mechanical properties such as compression, split tensile strength and flexural strength are determined on 28 day. Index terms-Silica Fume, Fly Ash, GGBS, high performance concrete I.INTRODUCTION The material which is simple and complex with more advantageous and economical is concrete. Except cement other natural materials varies in quality, performance and properties. Concrete are used in different conditions were ordinary conventional concrete does not exhibit the durability and performance properties. In such cases admixtures are used to make it more suitable. These admixtures impart economy and desired characteristics. The recent trend of high performance concrete is a heterogeneous material reduces the water cement ratio thereby increasing the slump value which results in high strength. The mineral admixtures improve the strength and durability of concrete. High performance concrete provides all enhanced properties in precast members for all types of constructions. The concrete which is of high performance usually contains both filler and chemical admixtures. Therefore, hydration rate of cement and the development of strength in HPC is quite varying from that of ordinary conventional concrete. Silica fume strengthens the transition zone whereas fly ash and GGBS are used nominal benefit of others. The two main folds, first is to produce concrete using alternate materials and secondly, to reduce the emission of carbon di oxide emission in concrete. This project work study deal with mechanical properties of these materials in the concrete construction. METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS USED To experiment the effect of fly ash, silica fume and GGBS the experimental work was done. The characteristic compression strength property of High Performance concrete is determined by the combinations given in the Table listed below. Fly ash and silica fume are done by replacement the cement in percentage of 5%, 10%, 15% each. Whereas GGBS is replaced by fine aggregate in 5%, 10% and 15%. II.FLY ASH The disposal of ashes from different materials has become thoughtful problem. Hence for the economical and conservation of cement in this project Fly ash of class type F is used which is produced by burning bituminous coal. This type of fly ash has less than 5% Calcium oxide. The fly ash shall confirm the chemical requirements in accordance to IS: 1727-1967. The composition of fly ash in chemical proportions are Tabulated below. III.SILICA FUME AS ADMIXTURE
There is great need to conserve all the natural resources. The various steps to be adopted in the direction that includes minimization of production of energy consuming materials and heavy utilization of industrial by-products. High strength concrete can be produce using such materials like fly ash, slag and silica fumes. In many countries, these materials are already used in manufacturing of concrete. Some of these material can be used as replacement for cement. Ultimately it results in the reduction of the cost manufacturing of concrete and reduces environmental pollution. To study the effect of mineral admixtures such as fly ash, slag and silica fume on mechanical properties of high strength concrete under the uniaxial compression and split tensile, experimental studies have been conducted. The cement was replaced by 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% with fly ash and slag respectively. The compressive strength and split tensile test were conducted on concrete specimen with different percentages of fly ash and slag at age of 7 days, 28 days and 56 days. This study shows that materials used in this experiment are suitable for HSC.
“A Study of Performance of Concrete with Mineral and Chemical Admixtures”
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2017
Fly ash and mineral powder are used for composite preparation of high strength lightweight aggregate concrete in this paper. The results shows, when we increase the percentage of the ground fly ash from 30% to 40% with 10% of Silica Fume the strength of concrete are increased. There is a decrease in the strength when 40% of Fly Ash is added with 5 & 15% of Silica Fume. Excellent composite effect is shown when fly ash and mineral powder are combined together, the pozzolanic reaction more fully and the interface transition region between the lightweight aggregate and the cement paste solidifies further, which makes the structure of the lightweight aggregate concrete more compact.
The aim of this research work is to investigate the optimum replacement of cement by silica fume and fly ash and to calculate the compressive strength of concrete. The cement has been replaced by fly ash and Silica fume varying in different percentage like 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by weight of cement. Concrete specimens of ratios 1:2:4 and 1:1.5:3 were prepared, cured, tested and compared in term of compressive and split tensile strength with the traditional concrete. Tests were conducted to calculate the mechanical properties for the concrete ranging from 7, 14 and 28 days curing both for compressive and split tensile strength. It has been observed that the compressive strength increases when cement is replaced 10% by Silica fume and Fly ash. However, the compres-sive strength is gradually reduced when the cement replaced more than 10%. The effect of Silica fume and Fly ash on various other concrete properties has also been investigated in this paper. It has also been observed that the use of Silica fume and Fly ash not only improve the various properties of concrete but could also be economical in cost of construction.
Effect of Mineral Admixtures in Concrete
The main focus of the present study is to analyse the effect of partial replacement of cement with minerals on the properties of concrete. In view of global warming, Cement industry is a major contributor in the emission of CO2 and the use of high level of energy resources in the production of cement leads to depletion of natural resources. In this present study, an attempt has been made to utilise the use of industrial and agricultural byproduct waste as a mineral admixture in concrete for partial replacement of cement that shall reduce waste landfill sites and pollution as well as minimize the consumption of natural resources. Among these industrial by-product are Fly Ash (FA), Silica Fume (SF), Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and Granulated blast furnace slag (BFS) for making the concrete there by reducing the CO2 emission. These mineral admixtures, commonly used in structural concrete, were studied here to assess their effect on the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The materials w...
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
Presently large amounts of fly ash are generated in thermal industries with an important impact on environment as well as humans. In recent years, many researchers have established that the use of supplementary cementitious materials like fly ash (FA), GGBS, blast furnace slag, silica fume, metakaolin, and rice husk ash, hypo sludge etc. can, not only improve the various properties of concrete, but also can contribute to economy in construction costs. This research work describes the feasibility of using Fly ash and Silica Fume as partial replacement of cement. The cement has been replaced by fly ash accordingly in the range of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60% by weight of cement and 10% of silica fume in common for M30 grade of Concrete. Concrete mixtures produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive strength and split tensile strength with the conventional concrete for 7, and 28 days. It is found that, 30% of fly ash and 10% of silica fume can be replaced and good strength obtained is comparable to the conventional concrete mix.
Istrazivanja i projektovanja za privredu, 2016
Soil blocks are usually stabilised with cementing materials, fibres or chemicals to improve their performance properties for construction purpose. This study investigates the properties of compressed earth blocks stabilised with a liquid chemical (Pidiproof LW+). Experiment was conducted using 0.5, 1 and 1.5% weight contents of Pidiproof LW+ to produce compressed earth blocks and cured at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The blocks were tested for density, absorption coefficient, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength. It was found that with the exception of density test, the chemical inclusion in the other tests significantly improved the performance properties of the compressed earth blocks. Furthermore, the higher chemical content (1.5%) inclusion in the compressed earth block provided better performance properties. The paper concludes that the inclusion of the liquid chemical in the compressed earth blocks generally improved the performance properties of the blocks. Recommendation is made to the use of other chemicals for applicability in earthen construction.
Now a day's high performance concrete is globally used in the infrastructure industry for strong and durable structure, to produced high performance concrete various supplementary cementitious material are used as mineral admixture. This research involves the use of Fly ash, Alccofine and Silica fume at various proportions to enhance the compressive strength of high performance concrete. the investigation was carried out by replacing 10% fly ash along with 17% of alccofine and 10% fly ash along with 17% of silica fume by weight of cementitious material. To cover a wide range of compressive strength of concrete various water binder ratio (W/b) of 0.25, 0.3 and 0.35 were used. The effect of various parameters such as percentage replacement of mineral admixture, water to binder ratio and corresponding compressive strength is studied on fresh and hardened state of concrete. The study mainly consisted of establishing relation between these parameters graphically. Investigation demonstrates that alcofine performs batter than that of silica fume along with fly ash in fresh and harden state of concrete.
An Experimental Study on Structural Grade Concrete Using Multi Mineral Admixtures
Supplementary cementitious material (SCM) such as fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag sand silica fume are extensively used in construction. A partial replacement of cement by mineral admixtures such as, fly ash, GGBFS, silica fume (SF) in concrete mixes would help to overcome these problems and lead to improvement in the durability of concrete. In this thesis of work, an attempt has been made to study the mechanical properties of structural grade concrete using ternary blend.