Network simulator (original) (raw)

Key Features and Optimum Performance of Network Simulators: A Brief Study

In the network area, to establish a network in real time for any experiment is very difficult. To test a simple problem takes a large amount of time and cost. So it is not quite possible to implement the whole network scenario in a real time. There are many tools which helps network developer to test their network scenarios virtually whether the network is able to work in real time environment. The network simulators are used for performance analysis in the field of communication. With the help of these simulation tools both the time and cost of testing the functionality of network have been reduced and implementations are made easy. In this paper, we briefly discuss the main features of different simulators, new developments and also discuss their advantages and disadvantages in the field of network simulation. We hope that the people who face difficulty in selecting a proper suitable network simulation tool in their research this paper is helpful for them.

A Practical Approach of Network Simulation

Detecting and Mitigating Robotic Cyber Security Risks

Communication is a very important area of research in the present era. Expansion of globalization and reduction in the cost of electronic devices has made communication very effective. A large number of researchers from academics and industries are involved in the research on communication and networks. Any novel idea has to be verified on the simulator. A number of simulators are available for network simulations such as Network Simulator (NS2 and NS3), OPNET, NetSim, OMNeT++, REAL, J-Sim and QualNet. NS is an open-source simulation tool that runs on Linux. It is a discreet event simulator for networking research and provides substantial support for simulation of routing, multicast and IP protocols. This chapter provides an overview of NS in a much simpler way. At the completion of this chapter readers will be able to write tcl script to simulate a scenario of network. Every simulation on NS generates a huge trace file; the study of this can be done with the help of AWK script.

Network Simulator-3: A Review


— Due to growth of computer networks and complex scenarios the role of Network simulators in research field cannot be ignored. Simulators are useful tools when one wants to consider time and resources, implementation of new security solutions, performance estimation etc. it provides a virtual environment for an assortment of desirable features such as modeling a network based on a specific criteria and analyzing its performance under different scenarios. The newly proposed network simulator NS-3 supports coupling, interoperability, good memory management, debugging of split language objects, coding in C++ and object oriented concepts, as well as supports models supported by NS-2 and most suitable for wireless networks. The primary purpose of this paper is to compare and review this new simulator, as well as find its advantages in the field of research and how it is different from others. We also discuss the current demand of industry as well proposed a framework for a simulator whic...

Network Simulation Tools Survey

— In the network research area, establishing of network in a real time scenario is very difficult. A single test bed takes a large amount of time and cost. So implementation of a whole network in real world is not easily possible and very costly to. The simulator helps the network developer to check whether the network is able to work in the real time. Thus both the time and cost of testing the functionality of network have been reduced and implementations are made easy. In this paper, we introduce the main features of different simulator and consider their advantages and disadvantages. We hope this survey prove to be a good reference source for those people who feel difficult to select the appropriate network simulators for their research.

Architecture, design and source code comparison of ns-2 and ns-3 network simulators


Ns-2 and its successor ns-3 are discrete-event simulators. Ns-3 is still under development, but offers some interesting characteristics for developers while ns-2 still has a big user base. This paper remarks current differences between both tools from developers point of view. Leaving performance and resources consumption aside, technical issues described in the present paper might help to choose one or another alternative depending of simulation and project management requirements.

A Study on Large Scale Network Simulators

Simulation of network is a very complex task. Network simulation is a modern technique used to analyze the behavior of the network. Simulation method analyzes the behavior of large, complex and highly volatile system. Network simulator software predicts the behavior of a network. It allows the designer to test new networking protocol and change the existing protocol. Through network simulator a program controls the behavior of the network by calculating the interactions of different network entities using various mathematical formulae. The behavior of the network and the various applications and services it supports can then be observed in a test lab. Under different conditions the attributes of the environment can be modified in a controlled manner to assess how the network would behave. In simulators, the computer network is typically modeled with devices, links, applications, etc. and the performance is then analyzed. Simulators usually support the most popular protocols and netw...

A Comparison of Network Simulators for Wireless Networks.

publication descriptionInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation , 2017

In communication and computer network research, network simulation is a method where a program models the conduct of a system. This is done either by computing the connection between the distinctive system elements utilizing mathematical formulas, or from real time perceptions from a production network. The software which predicts the behaviour of the computer network is known as network simulator. There are number of network simulators such as NS-2, OMNET++. OPNET, Prescan and Veins etc. Therefore, the main problem for the researchers is the selection of network simulator for the evaluation of a particular research work. The main focus of this paper is to compare open source network simulators and to identify an optimal network simulator for the research community. We briefly survey new developments in the field of network simulation and conduct a performance comparison between network simulators ns-2, and OMNET++. alternative to perform testing and evaluation. Also the simulators provided a path to reproduce new testing conditions and a testing environment. In this paper, we checked the performance requirements and the memory usage of two different simulators. In both cases, OMNET++ performance is slightly inferior than NS-2 simulator. As the use of different research work, researchers must consider the advantages and limitations of different simulators under different conditions. The NS-2 and OMNET++ are best choices in terms of open source simulators in research. NS-2 is generally common in academic research but the main limitation is its complicated architecture. OMNET++ is generally used in industrial area and as compared to NS-2, it has well designed simulation engine and powerful GUI.

A Survey of Network Simulation Tools: Current Status and Future Developments


Abstract In the network research area, it is very costly to deploy a complete test bed containing multiple networked computers, routers and data links to validate and verify a certain network protocol or a specific network algorithm. The network simulators in these circumstances save a lot of money and time in accomplishing this task. Network simulators are also particularly useful in allowing the network designers to test new networking protocols or to change the existing protocols in a controlled and reproducible manner.

Introduction to Network Simulator NS2


The objective of this textbook is to act as a primer for NS2 beginners. The book provides information required to install NS2, run simple examples, modify the existing NS2 modules, and create as well as incorporate new modules into NS2. To this end, the details of several built-in NS2 modules are explained in a comprehensive manner.