2017, Progressive Research – An International Journal

Biotechnology provides powerful tools for the sustainable development of aquaculture, fisheries, as well as the food industry. Biotechnology makes it possible to achieve increased growth rate in farmed species, boost the nutritional value of aqua feeds, improve fish health, help restore and protect environment, extend the range of aquatic species and improve the management and conservation of wild stocks. Apart from enhancing the production of aquatic species and offer environmental benefits, biotechnology also offer help in the use of synthetic hormones in induced breeding, transgenic fish, gene banking, uniparental and fish production and health management. Wide range of procedures for modifying living organisms according to human purposes going back to the history of the domestication of animals, cultivation of plants, and the improvements of these two through breeding programmes that employ artificial selection and hybridization. Over the years, our knowledge of fish breeding requirements has improved and the ability to induce breeding artificially developed, through the use of natural or synthetic hormones and/or environmental manipulations. These have been key factors that have facilitated the application of more advanced biotechnologies. Biotechnology, the use of biological systems or living organisms in production process according to has a wide range of useful applications in fisheries and aquaculture. Key words : Bio technology, fish farm ing sys tem, bio-remediation, transgenesis, gene bank ing.