FRANSIZ ENSTİTÜSÜ ANADOLU ETÜTLERİ İSTANBUL KÜTÜPHÂNESİ (Eski Fransız Arkeoloji Enstitüsü Arkeoloji ve Târih Kütüphânesi (original) (raw)


Eski Anadolu coğrafyasında dağ kültü / Mountain cult in Ancient Anatolian geography, 2023

Mountains are earth formations that are seen as sacred and cult in world mythologies from the first human to the present day due to their huge masses, magnificent appearance, being a living space, and providing shelter, protection and hunting opportunities. Mountains have been an important element in almost all faiths for different reasons. Sometimes it was perceived as a divine place, a place of revelation, and sometimes as the cosmic center of the universe. Because of the value placed on them, it was considered normal to perform rituals on high mountain peaks and bury important people on mountain peaks. This feature of the mountains, which attract attention with their mysterious location and height towards the sky, made them attractive in all historical ages. Ancient Anatolia has a special geographical position. It is also known that it has a mountain range extending in parallel direction, which is difficult to overcome but can be passed through passes from certain points. Various societies living in Anatolia, like other societies, ascribed various meanings to the mountains and over time, they made these mountains become cults. For this reason, Ancient Anatolian geography has a very rich accumulation in terms of mountain cult. Thanks to these mountains, which witness the historical events and religious behaviors in the ancient Anatolian geography, it is evaluated that the region has a rich culture and belief accumulation. The aim of this study is to examine the place, importance and function of the mountain cult in the life of the societies living in the Ancient Anatolian geography. Within the scope of the research, the relations of the ancient Anatolian tribes with the mountain were handled in a multifaceted way in social, historical and cultural dimensions, especially in faith, and by making evaluations on the mountain cult, a contribution was made to the related field. Keywords: Cult, Mountain Cult, Mountain-God, Ancient Anatolian Beliefs, Ancient Anatolian Mountains.

Ankara İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü 1938-1953

Bu çalışma Ankara İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü'nün (Ankara İngiliz Enstitüsü) açılış sürecini ve kuruluşunu incelenmek maksadıyla hazırlanmıştır. Enstitü, cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra İngiltere tarafından Türkiye'de yürütülmek istenilen kültür hareketi için merkez olarak kabul edilmiştir. Türkiye'de İngiliz kültür hareketine öncülük etmekte olan British Council'in faaliyetleri sırasında; arkeoloji, tarihi eser, kültür faaliyetleri, propaganda ve kültür diplomasisi alanlarında yaşanan eksiklikleri gidermek amacıyla Ankara'da İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü açılmıştır. Konunun seçilme sebebi; İngiltere'nin ülkelerarası arenada uyguladığı çalışmalara ve kültürel araştırmalara verdiği önemi, son dönem Osmanlı coğrafyası ve erken dönem Türkiye Cumhuriyeti coğrafyası üzerinde inceleyebilmektir. Böylece İngiltere'nin Ankara İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü (günümüzdeki adı Ankara İngiliz Enstitüsü) aracılığıyla izlediği politikayı; enstitünün kuruluş fikrini, ulaşmak istediği hedefi, kuruluş aşamalarını, yaşanılan fikir tartışmalarını ve enstitünün kuruluş sonrası başlattığı araştırma faaliyetlerini inceleme olanağı bulmaktayız. Bu çalışma İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü'nün açılış sürecinde yaşananları Türk ve İngiliz bakış açılarıyla ele almakta; aynı zamanda enstitünün kurulum sürecinde yaşanan fikir ayrılıklarını, üretilen yeni projeleri ve varılan sonuçları incelemektedir. Araştırmanın kapsamı; arkeoloji, propaganda, diplomasi ve kültürel faaliyetler alanında genişletilmiştir. Çalışmada, birincil malzemenin dili İngilizcedir. Araştırmada, İngiliz Hükümeti ve raportörler arası resmi yazışmalar ve öneri formundaki yazışmalar ele alınmıştır. İngiliz Arşiv belgelerine dayanarak kaynak gösterimi yapılmış; ayrıca çeşitli inceleme ve literatür araştırmaları kullanılarak bilgiler pekiştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlarla İngiltere'nin izlemiş olduğu politikaların Osmanlı Devleti'nden, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne yansımalarına ve sonuçlarına açıklık getirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler Arkeoloji, Enstitü, Kültürel Miras, Kültürel Propaganda, Kültürel Diplomasi, Eski Eser, British Council, Ankara İngiliz Arkeoloji Enstitüsü, İngiltere, Türkiye. ix ABSTRACT DOSDOĞRU, Burak. British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara 1938-1953, Master's Thesis, Ankara, 2018. This thesis aims to examine opening progress and establishment of British Archaeology Institute at Ankara. The Institute was utilized as a centre for the British cultural propaganda in Turkey during the early republican era. The British Archaeology Institute at Ankara was established by the British Council in order to answer the need in archaeology, historical heritage, propaganda and cultural diplomacy. Main motivation behind choosing this topic as a master thesis was the curiosity to examine the importance of the cultural researches, cultural propaganda and the studies that England has applied in international platforms as well as during the late Ottoman and early Republican periods. In this way, I examined the policies pursued by England via British Archaeology Institute at Ankara (now British Institute at Ankara). The study also surveyed the idea of establishment, goals, establishment steps, discussions about the different opinions and the researches conducted by the institute following its establishment. The study aimed to shed light on opening process of British Archaeology Institute from both Turkish and British perspectives. The scope of thesis has been expanded on archaeology, propaganda, diplomacy and cultural activities. Primary sources for the research such as official reports and correspondences between British government and its agencies mostly derived from the British Archives. In addition to the archival sources, published materials and relevant studies related to topic were consulted. By the examination of aforementioned sources, the study aimed to explain the reflections and results of the English policies on Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey.


Celal Bayar is an important politician and bureaucrat who came to prominence during the latter stages of the Ottoman State and served during the foundation process of the Turkish Republic. He took part in the struggles during the War of Independence to ensure the independence of his nation. He is an outstanding states man who served effectively during the foundation and the planning of the institutions of the Turkish State; before being elected to serve as a minister, prime minister and as a president. He played an important role in shaping the economy policies observed by the newly founded Turkish State led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. His services to his country were not acknowledged only domestically but he was applauded in an international level too. In 1952, Denmark's first national encyclopaedia Salmonsen Konversations Leksikon allocated apart to influential Turkish politician and states man Celal Bayar, describing his life and activities. This current study will address the politic and economic activities of Celal Bayar under the light shed by this encyclopaedia and also address the importance of such importance being published Salmonsen Konversations Leksikon.