Gamified Chaingrai Earthquake lesson learnt for Disaster Education (original) (raw)

2019, Disaster Risk Governance Academic Seminar 2018

This article aims to review the disaster education, which is established on activity-based on active learning. This studying induced the learner understand importance of disaster managements. The goal setting of disaster education is creating disaster resilient culture. KAP model as the knowledge, the attitude and the practice were generated through the role play in the game activities. The Disaster's knowledge transfer is very important, but it is not enough to initiated the behavior change. I use my experience from Chiangrai Earthquake to create "Quakequest Board Game". It's the Top-table board game. The players would be take the role play as the Chief Executive of the sub district Administrative Organization (SAO). They have to response and coping with the disaster risk. The players might know the disaster risk assessment equation to deal with the risk , the vulnerability, then increase the coping capacity in the final phase. The winner is the player who minimize the risk This game has three phases as; the emergency, recovery and preparedness phase. The player are learned the disaster characteristic from the mission from situation cards. The players have to communicate and negotiate to other Chief Executives SAO about their hazard and vulnerability to response the situation. The player will have the attitude of collaboration from the practices of the resource allocation along disaster management. The after action review (AAR) at the end might revealed the players risk assessment skills and led them link their lesson learnt about disaster management. The finding shows that the disaster education on the active learning might increased the understanding of the disaster risk reduction and the attitude of resource sharing. However, this game need more develop to the other target group in the future. Finally, the limitation of this board game is the game facilitator skill. Because the facilitator skill is the factor that determinates the players express their competence and showed their behavior which become the lesson learn to adjust their behavior. 2 1. Introduction A warning will be useless, if people do not know what to do in emergency scene. Absornsuda, S. (2008) said, Education is a part of awareness and preparedness. It is the least expensive and most efficient way for disaster mitigation, even without sophisticated and expensive technologies for early warning, the people can escape from and mitigate the impact of the natural disasters safely if they know the characteristics of the disasters scientifically. Disaster Education have gained useful knowledge and skill through qualified education are much better prepared to contribute to process of rebuilding their own live and even others' lives around student (Faupel, Kelley, & Petee, 1992) It empowered disaster risk reduction knowledge, confidence and practical skills. Every government in ASEAN are confronted with the challenge of mitigating disasters and minimizing the effects, But Thailand still lack of disaster education in compulsory curriculum or formal education. Disaster content just a part of the subject of social study by lecture based. Formal education may enhance cognitive ability, information processing and learning skills so individuals with higher education respond better in hard times, such as when the disaster strikes. Muttarak, R., and W. Pothisiri. (2013). said, Disaster education can enhance personal preparedness, which is crucial in mitigation the disaster risks. However, the effectiveness of such education might be limited only sub group of the population, such as highly educated individuals, Thus, policies the ensure universal access to formal education at least at the secondary level can be beneficial in reducing vulnerability and mitigating disaster impacts. Nevertheless, I find three problem of the disaster education from my activity based experience as 1) Lack of knowledge management (KM): knowledge mapping, categories or level of disaster management is not clear. KM of disaster must categorize by level of management from individual (self-organize) level, community level, sub district level, provincial level, and national level. Moreover, most information about disaster are meaning and effect of disaster. It hard to find the content related how to deal with the worst case scenario in practically. 2) Lack of local context integrated in the course: Scenario planning and experience linking in local context not often applied to the course. It' s not induce the learner understand the relationship among actors. 3) Lack of the "tool" and "How to": It hard to find the content about "How to survive" (self-organize) in Thai context. I don't have the education tool to make understanding the overview of disaster managements which linkage with self-organize to coping with disaster in individual level. While studying the disaster mitigation, the learner are not only given lectures to get the knowledge but also given the problems, or they set the tasks by themselves and they solve by themselves or by the cooperation with the other learner. (BRI and GRIPS. , 2007). The problem above are inspired me created the game named "QuakeQuest" as the tool for activity based disaster education. This game was construct by Gamification and KAP model to educate the disaster risk governance from Chiangrai Earthquake case study as followed.