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The physics design of accelerator-driven transmutation systems
Nuclear systems under study in the Los Alamos Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Technology program (ADTT) will allow the destruction of nuclear spent fuel and weapons-return plutonium, as well as the production of nuclear energy from the thorium cycle, without a long-lived radioactive waste stream. The subcritical systems proposed represent a radical departure from traditional nuclear concepts (reactors), yet the actual implementation of
The physics of TRU transmutation a systematic approach to the intercomparison of systems
In this collaborative effort, a methodology is developed to enable systematic analysis and comparison of diverse nuclear fuel cycle strategies. First, transmutation potential is assessed by considering the neutron balance for destruction of each actinide isotope; a range of thermal and fast reactor systems are considered. In general, a harder neutron energy spectrum results in a more favorable neutron balance. The method is extended to compute equilibrium actinide compositions for a generalized fuel cycle model (open or closed). In this paper, the technique is employed to compare the transmutation performance of 1) PWRs with varying moderator-to-fuel ratio, 2) PWR closed cycle strategies with varying treatment of the minor actinide elements, and 3) fast reactors with either plutonium or transuranic recycle. The method is demonstrated to quickly evaluate the main characteristics of the associated fuel cycles (e.g., isotopic mass flows, neutron balance for critical enrichment) and give some indication of other performance parameters (e.g., reactivity effects). ε = J J J fuel If a core is fed by a source S j of J-nuclides, under neutron flux Φ, the fuel concentrations N J the J-family are time-dependent and described by the following matrix-type -GFC equation: ( ) J J dl n J
Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainties on Transmutation of Actinides in Accelerator-Driven Assemblies
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2004
The potential impact of nuclear data uncertainties on a large number of performance parameters of reactor cores dedicated to the transmutation of radioactive wastes is discussed. An uncertainty analysis has been performed based on sensitivity theory, which underlines the cross sections, the energy range, and the isotopes that are responsible for the most significant uncertainties.
System and safety studies of accelerator driven transmutation systems Annual Report 2000
This report concerns a study which was conducted for SKB. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily coincide with those of the client. iii PREFACE The research on safety of Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Systems (ADS) at the Department of Nuclear and Reactor Physics has been focused on: a) ADS core design and development of advanced nuclear fuel optimised for high transmutation rates and good safety features; b) analysis of ADS-dynamics c) computer code and nuclear data development relevant for simulation and optimization of ADS; d) participation in ADS experiments including 1 MW spallation target manufacturing, subcrtical experiments MUSE (CEA-Cadarache) Moreover, during the reporting period the EU-project "IABAT", coordinated by the Department of Nuclear and Reactor Physics has been finished and 4 other projects have been initiated in the frame of the 5 th European Framework Programme. Most of the research topics reported in this paper are referred to appendices, which have been published in the open literature. The topics, which are not yet published, are described here in more details.
Propagation of Nuclear Data Uncertainties in Transmutation Calculations Using ACAB Code
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2011
The assessment of the accuracy of parameters related to the reactor core performance (e.g., keff) and fuel cycle (e.g., isotopic evolution/transmutation) due to the uncertainties in the basic nuclear data (ND) is a critical issue. Different error propagation techniques (adjoint/forward sensitivity analysis procedures and/or Monte Carlo technique) can be used to address by computational simulation the systematic propagation of uncertainties on the final parameters. To perform this uncertainty assessment, the ENDF covariance files (variance/correlation in energy and crossreactions-isotopes correlations) are required. In this paper, we assess the impact of ND uncertainties on the isotopic prediction for a conceptual design of a modular European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT) for a discharge burnup of 150 GWd/tHM. The complete set of uncertainty data for cross sections (EAF2007/UN, SCALE6.0/COVA-44G), radioactive decay and fission yield data (JEFF-3.1.1) are processed and used in ACAB code.
System and safety studies of accelerator driven transmutation systems. Annual report 1999
This report concerns a study which was conducted for SKB. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily coincide with those of the client. iii PREFACE The research on safety of Accelerator-Driven Transmutation Systems (ADS) at the Department of Nuclear and Reactor Physics has been focused on: a) ADS core design and development of advanced nuclear fuel optimised for high transmutation rates and good safety features; b) analysis of ADS-dynamics c) computer code and nuclear data development relevant for simulation and optimization of ADS; d) participation in ADS experiments including 1 MW spallation target manufacturing, subcrtical experiments MUSE (CEA-Cadarache) Moreover, during the reporting period the EU-project "IABAT", coordinated by the Department of Nuclear and Reactor Physics has been finished and 4 other projects have been initiated in the frame of the 5 th European Framework Programme. Most of the research topics reported in this paper are referred to appendices, which have been published in the open literature. The topics, which are not yet published, are described here in more details.
New infrastructure for studies of transmutation and fast systems concepts
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
In this work we report initial studies on a low power Accelerator-Driven System as a possible experimental facility for the measurement of relevant integral nuclear quantities. In particular, we performed Monte Carlo simulations of minor actinides and fission products irradiation and estimated the fission rate within fission chambers in the reactor core and the reflector, in order to evaluate the transmutation rates and the measurement sensitivity. We also performed a photo-peak analysis of available experimental data from a research reactor, in order to estimate the expected sensitivity of this analysis method on the irradiation of samples in the ADS considered.
Transmutation of high-level nuclear waste by means of accelerator driven system
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 2013
To be able to answer the worlds' increasing demand for energy, nuclear energy must be part of the energy basket. The generation of nuclear energy produces, besides energy, also high-level nuclear waste, which is nowadays for geological storage. Transmutation of the minor actinides and long-lived fission products that arise from the reprocessing of the nuclear waste can reduce the radiological impact of these radioactive elements. Transmutation can be completed in an efficient way in fast neutron spectrum facilities. Both critical fast reactors and subcritical accelerator driven systems are potential candidates as dedicated transmutation systems. Nevertheless, an accelerator driven system operates in a flexible and safer manner even with a core loading containing a high amount of minor actinides leading to a high more-efficient transmutation approach.
Radiation Measurements, 1999
Experiments using 1.5 GeV, 3.7 GeV and 7.4 GeV protons from the Synchrophasotron, LHE, JINR, Dubna, Russia, on extended Pb-and U-targets were carried out using SSNTD and radiochemical sensors for the study of secondary neutron fluences. We also carried out first transmutation studies on the long-lived radwaste nuclei 12~I and 237Np. Ill addition, we carried out computer code simulation studies on these systems using LAHET and DCM/CEM codes. We have difficulties to understand rather large transmutation rates observed experimentally when they are compared with computer simulations. There seems to be a rather fundamental problem understanding the large transmutation rates as observed experimentally in Dubna and CERN, as compared to those theoretical computer simulations mentioned above.