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Поступила в редакцию 09.08.2016 г. После доработки 30.08.2016 г. Вихреразрешающая (1/30)° версия слабо-диссипативной модели DieCASТ [7] использована для моделирования процессов протрузии прибрежных антициклонических вихрей (ПАЦВ) в Основное черноморское течение (ОЧТ). При среднеклиматическом форсинге модель реалистично воспроизводит эволюцию Кавказского ПАЦВ (КПАЦВ) от его зарождения, возбуждения антициклонического меандра в струе ОЧТ, прохождения через ОЧТ до диссипации одиночного свободного вихря в восточном циклоническом круговороте. Рассмотрен также процесс двойной протрузии КПАЦВ и Кизил-Ирмакского ПАЦВ, их прохождение через ОЧТ и слияние в восточной части Черного моря. Пространственно-временные параметры эволюции ПАЦВ при протрузии хорошо согласуются со спутниковыми наблюдениями [15, 23].
In the book, all social block: the philosophy of history, politics, management, religion- atheism, science, interethnic relations, etc. For the purposes of The sociological research has developed a philosophical method and philosophical logic. The author examines the topic as a whole, without putting forward an idea-fix, avoiding moralization. The monograph does not have any ideological hue. Seeking to avoid the reproduction of common truths, the author refused the general educational character of the narrative, but offers completely original solutions to the topics discussed. At the same time, in the problematics and argumentation of their judgments is emphasized on the achievements of world science not only of public direction, but also physics, astronomy, mathematics, logic, psychology, Biology, linguistics, cybernetics, etc. This work is difficult to draw under any of the known schools or directions. Neither classicism nor neoclassicism; nor modernism ... but a particle of negation is not necessary. Will not succeed To avoid, perhaps, the stigma of " postmodernism, " under which understand everything that was not before. We do not set ourselves the task nor imitate any philosophical school, nor be different from it, which is essentially the same thing. Such detachment is due to the fact that philosopher examines social phenomena directly , without attaching dominant critique of existing theories, with one parties, and not expressing personal preferences for a specific, practical issues - on the other. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the subject of the book lies in the side from "eternal questions". On the contrary, the work emphasizes attention at the junctions and contradictions of various scientific directions, demonstrating a certain truth: the majority traditional questions there can be no answers, because themselves issues are traditionally meaningless, which, in turn, implies raising new questions . KEYWORDS : the philosophical method, the philosophy of logic, philosophy of history, philosophy of politics, economic philosophy, philosophy of science, metaphilosophy, ontology, epistemology, religion, atheism, ethics, village, socialism, denotat, designatum, paradoxes, causality, randomness, structure, prognostication, utopianism, ideology, raiding, racketeering.
CYBERFEMINISM in St.Petersburg 1993-1998 HISTORY, PRACTICE AND THEORY published in Catalogue of exhibition ZEN D'ART 2010
YDS Rusça Teknikleri 2 kitabı, 4 kitaptan meydana gelen YDS Rusça Teknikleri Serisinin ikinci kitabıdır. Kitap, B1 seviyesinde Rusça seviyesine sahip adayların B2-C1 seviyesindeki YDS Rusça sınavında başarılı olmak için gerekli Rusça Fiil Sisteminin en kapsamlı şekilde öğrenmesini hedeflemektedir. Kitabın sonunda adayların Rusça Fiil Sistemine tam olarak hakim olması planlanmıştır.
Текст статті 684936 1 10 20240116 (2)
The article examines gender stereotypes, social myths that influenced the formation of the genre convention of screen melodrama. In the vast majority of cases, the protagonist of a melodrama is a female character, on whose sympathy the dramaturgical cardiogram of this genre is built. The social, psychological, and cultural grounds that formed the typology of melodramatic stereotypes were taken into account. Attention is focused on certain changes in the gender strategy of melodrama, in particular, on the shift of plot emphasis to male characters. Without destroying its fundamental aesthetic canons, modern filmic melodrama proves a departure from stereotypical ideas about the social roles of men and women, shifting the emphasis from gender to personal qualities and focusing on the philosophical understanding of life's realities.
Компаративистика в биоэтике: значение и перспективы, 2018
Общецерковной аспирантуры и докторантуры им. свв. Кирилла и Мефодия