Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik Di UPT Dinas Dukcapil Kecamatan Ngebel (original) (raw)
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Seiring dengan perkembangan tuntutan kebutuhan dan kepentingan masyarakat,instansi penyelenggara pelayanan publik dituntut untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan prima yang merupakan harapan bagi setiap masyarakat, Dalam upaya memberikan pelayanan publik yang prima, sangat diperlukan inovasi pelayanan publik untuk memberikan akses yang lebih luas serta menciptakan keanekaragaman metode pelayanan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ragam inovasi pelayanan publik serta kendala yang dihadapi serta solusi yang dilakukan pada Disdukcapil Kabupaten Buleleng Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan beberapa informan untuk memperoleh data primer dan juga melalui metode observasi serta studi dokumen. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengolahan data serta analisis data Analisis data akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif yaitu mengorganisasikan data,memilah-milahnya menjadi satuan yang dapat dikelola, mensintesiskannya, mencaridan menemukan pola, sehingga diperoleh suat...
Upaya Pemberian Pelayanan Publik DI Upt Puskesmas Balai Makam Kabupaten Bengkalis
Jurnal Niara
Public services provided by service providers must be synchronized with act no.25 of 2009 on public services in which there are stipulation of services, goods services, and administrative services for the society. The technical services unit (upt) of the puskesmas balai makam subdistrict of bathin solapan, bengkalis regency is a type of non-inpatient puskesmas under the supervision of the bengkalis district health service that provides services to the society, especially health services, however the facilities and infrastructure are not well implemented, payment system is not in accordance with the standard, and the problem of lack of availability of medicines for people who need health services. This study will elaborate the conduct of the services at how the implementation of services, supporting factors and inhibiting factors of health services. The result of the study will refer to the implementation of 5 indicators such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, ass...
JDKP Jurnal Desentralisasi dan Kebijakan Publik
Measurement of community satisfaction surveys in government agencies is needed as a form of community participation in assessing the performance of service providers in order to improve the quality of public services. Disdukcapil Magelang District has implemented 9 indicators of community satisfaction measurement. However, the results of the community satisfaction index still do not represent community satisfaction. This study aims to provide a new perspective on the measurement of the community satisfaction index in Disdukcapil Magelang District. The research method used is a qualitative research method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The theory used in this research is the five dimensions of public service quality according to Zeithaml (in Hartono, 2023), Tangibles (Physical Evidence), Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. Based on the five dimensions of service quality, the results show that there are two ...
Pelayanan Publik Bidang Transportasi Bagi Difabel DI Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Jurnal Socia, 2015
Research on transportation services for difabel is very important since currently in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) they do not obtain good public services so that they have not be independent and prosperous citizen yet. The objectives of this research are to analyze the public transporation service delivery for difable people and to identify the alternative solutions that can be implemented to provide fair and pro-disable transportation. The type of research method in this study is descriptive qualitative. Interview, observation and documentation are the method of gaining valid and reliable data. Data in this study is obtained by interviewing government institution that have responsibilities to provide transportation services such as Bureau of Social; Transportation; and Housing and Regional Equipments and also non-governmental organizations that concern on disability as SIGAB and SABDA. The researchers also employed secondary data gathered from documentation of governmental offices, mass media and other source of literature reviews: books and journals. The research's results show that Transportation; and Housing and Equipment Bureau have not delivered good transportation services to fulfill the need of disability yet. Recently there is only the Government of Yogyakarta City that provides pro-disable facilities. The government of Yogyakarta City has tried to adopt several disabilities' need in providing transportation services such as bus station and Trans Jogja, guiding block pedestrian for disability; and pro-disable traffic signs. However, the quantity and quality of those transportation services are not enough. The number of pro-disable bus stations and city bus are not enough yet. So do the number of pedestrian. The pedestrian are not enough since many of them are used for parking area and informal traders. On the other hand, the government of Bantul, Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul have not provided equipments that support transportation accessibility for disable people yet. The governments in those regions are on the way of improving the accessibility of disability into buildings and government offices, such as flat way for wheel chair users. Also, the Government of Sleman is better in comparison to other three regions in giving pro-disable pedestrian around government office.
Inovasi Pelayanan Administrasi Dukcapil Kota Denpasar di Era Pandemi
Public services as one of the most important services to be reformed, in this study will discuss innovations related to Disdukcapil services in Denpasar City. Disdukcapil service innovation provides an overview of the increase in the use of website-based public services. This study aims to find out and examine in depth about the innovation of Dukcapil administration services in Denpasar City through a new breakthrough in the canine system through the Akuwaras website. This research is a qualitative research with library research method, which will use the literature in accordance with the conditions in the field. The results of this study indicate that the Disdukcapil can innovate services efficiently, look at the situation during the Covid-19 period by trying to make a breakthrough in public service innovation, provide online services to prevent crowds for people who take care of administrative data, so that people can feel the service. During the covid-19 pandemic, the discussion of this research also provides an overview for the government to innovate without delaying services to the community, so it is hoped that the government can use applications related to population administration in the future.
Pelayanan Publik Pada Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu di Kabupaten Bulukumba
Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi), 2020
This article discuss about the level of effectiveness of public services One Stop Investment Service and Integrated Services regarding the management and issuance of Building Permit at Bulukumba Regency. The Office of Investment and Integrated Services (DPMPTSP) with the service unit for the management and issuance of the Buidling Permit is in the category of the most visited by the people in Bulukumba Regency. This condition has an impact on the high frequency of public services that occur in these service units, so it is necessary to know the level of service effectiveness. This study used a survey approach to employees of the Building Permit Service Unit and the community who use the Building Permit service. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used frequency tabulation and a Likert scale as the rating scale. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the level of effectiveness of public services at the Investment and Integrated Se...
This study aimed to determine the quality of personnel in improving public services in the office of Chief of Gorontalo City Pulubala. This study uses secondary data sources such as library research and documentation, among others, can be obtained from the district office, the news media and the Internet, as well as other literature related to the problems studied, namely the quality of service of the government apparatus in an effort to serve the community and also using interviews with informants that village heads, village officials and the public. The data obtained from these studies were analyzed by descriptive qualitative analysis method. The indicators in this study, researchers used the first indicator of the sub-indicators Productivity Work Attitude and Ability Village officials conduct administrative personnel, adherence to regulatory authorities with an indicator procedure / service procedures, and discipline with the presence of sub-indicators of urban authorities and ap...
i-WIN Library Perpustakaan Internasional Waqaf Illmu Nusantara, 2023
Dalam suatu negara hukum setiap kegiatan kenegaraan atau pemerintahan wajib tunduk pada aturan-aturan hukum yang menjamin dan melindungi hak-hak warganya, baik dibidang sipil, dan politik maupun dibidang sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya.dengan penyelenggaraan kenegaraan dan pemerintahan untuk menata masyarakat yang damai, adil, dan bermakna.
Penertiban Administrasi Desa Menuju Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik
Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M)
Penertiban administrasi merupakan hal terpenting dalam tatanan pemerintahan karena dari penertiban adminsitrasi pemerintahan bisa memberikan pelayanan pablik yang prima terhadap masyarakat, oleh karena itu urusan pemerintahan oleh pemerintah desa dan badan permusyawaratan desa dalam mengatur dan mengurus kepentingan masyarakat, Pemerintahan desa harus melaksanakan dengan baik sehingga mampu mendukung pelaksanaan fungsi administrasi pemerintah desa. Disamping itu pemerintah desa dan kelurahan merupakan satu aspek yang di anggap penting dalam rangka peningkatan dan pengembangan kinerja aparatur pemerintah desa serta pelaksanaan pemerintahan desa sehingga berdampak terhadap pelayana terhadap masyarakat, baik pelayanan kesehatana, administrasi kependudan dan lain-lain. Metode yang di gunakan adalah dengan metode wawancara, yaitu mendapat informasi atau data dengan cara bertanya langsung kepada responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya proses-proses administratif yang telah dijalank...
Mal Pelayanan Publik DI Kabupaten Kubu Raya
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur
Public services are activities service carried out by the organizers as an effort to fulfill public needs, that are profitable in a group and offer satisfaction even though the results are not bound by a physical product. Kubu Raya is a district located in the West Kalimantan province with a vast areas of 6.985,20 km² and a population of 522.174 persons. Every district community of Kubu Raya requieres a public services that provide service facilities for population administrations or permits and other documents. The public services provided by the District of Kubu Raya are various and are offer by their resepective organizer. Most of the time, the sevices needed by the population are located in different places of the district, this forces the person to make multiple different trip to multiple location while carying all the documents. The current organization isn’t effective and consume the time and the satisfaction of the user. Therefore, a place that regroupe most of the public s...