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В статье приводится результат анализа микроэлементного состава основных абиотических компонентов экосистем нефтепромыслов, расположенных в криолитозоне, на примере территории Среднеботуобинского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения в Западной Якутии. Выявлено влияние природной геохимической аномальности территории на содержание и перераспределение подвижных форм Ni, Cr, Co, Cu и Mn в почвах, донных отложениях и поверхностных природных водах. В грунтах техногенно-преобразованных ландшафтов увеличивается концентрация подвижных форм Pb, Cd , As и Zn.
Before the oil industry face the challenge of enhancing oil recovery, which increases the efficiency of flooding as the underlying technology and the selection of the residual oil from the already flooded areas and from the reservoirs, which are being developed at other modes to the depletion or crowding. Flooding as a separate method of developing under favourable physical and geological conditions allows to reach the oil recovery factor (EOR) 0.65-0.7. However, flooding fields with hardly recoverable reserves (high viscosity oil, low permeability and large heterogeneity) recovery ratios reduced to 0.3-0.35. This problem is particularly relevant for deposits are in late stage of development at which despite the introduction of flooding reached the relatively low current oil recovery factor. Therefore, before the oil industry face the challenge of enhancing oil recovery, which increases the efficiency of flooding as the underlying technology and the selection of the residual oil from the already flooded areas and from the reservoirs, which are being developed at other modes to the depletion or crowding.
The article is focused on the peculiarities of using mini-heat and power plants (MHPP) for energy management of remote coal mines. Nowadays independent sources of energy supply are of the utmost interest. This is due to a relatively bad capital investment, a low cost of generated energy, selfsufficiency regardless of public energy networks. When making design and investment decisions about energy management while developing remote coal deposits it’s necessary to consider alternative options of energy supply in power consumption facilities, evaluate the prospects of using MHPP for these purposes, identify the areas of their economic efficiency taking into account a technically and economically reasonable planning horizon.At the design stage Option 1 (Power supply using diesel power plants) was taken as the fundamental method of energy supply. Two of the most efficient and technically feasible options were accepted as alternative. Option 2 – Power supply using diesel power plants and ...
Abandoned and unsuitable for agriculture areas allow for the placement of significant wind and solar power plants. These facilities appear localized in relation to the grid, despite the fact that some of them have network infrastructure and high-voltage power lines needed for transmission of electricity to the national network. However, the use of renewable is often raises questions about the impact on the reliability of the grid. This applies to balance of power consumption, stability dynamic processes in power systems, frequency control capabilities, and so on. In these processes, the determining factor is sensitive to current changes in capacity and scope of irregular changes of power generation. Assessment of reliability and stability of the network is performed from these factors. Combining of the different sources of energy used to ensure the stability of generating. Determining the optimal configuration of complex local power system requires mathematical modeling. A common method is simulation, which allows us to predict various possible combinations of data, using indicators such as average values (mathematical expectations), dispersion, allowable rate of change, distribution of probability. This approach takes into account statistics from different time averaging - monthly, daily, current (fixed intervals of a few minutes). Fundamentally important in this presentation is an opportunity to highlight the estimated component in the changing behavior of RES capacity. Timely forecasting and planning (for the current day and a day ahead) of renewable energy allow us to optimize the structure of a combined power and achieve economically satisfactory results, as well the implementation of environmental requirements and the needs to ensure reliable operation of the network. Multi-objective optimization is preferred because the presence of diverse requirements, and offered mathematical modeling of complex power system is an efficient way to achieve the goal.
In this article, the problem of training highly qualified personnel in the system of modern economic relations is considered, as well as personnel support for the development of an innovative entrepreneurial type economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The modern tendencies of acquiring certain knowledge, skills and competences, that is, preparation for the performance of professional functions, focused on the strategic needs of the economy, on the development of creative abilities, where high school plays the main role, are revealed.
Кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры математических методов и информатики в экономике, Волгоградский государственный университет Zeppelin89@volsu.ru просп. Университетский, 100, 400062 г. Волгоград, Российская Федерация Анна Вячеславовна Волкова Старший преподаватель кафедры математических методов и информатики в экономике, Волгоградский государственный университет a.v.volkova@volsu.ru просп. Университетский, 100, 400062 г. Волгоград, Российская Федерация И.В. Усачева, А.В. Волкова. Разработка программного обеспечения МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ, ИНФОРМАТИКА И УПРАВЛЕНИЕ 64 с помощью которых можно будет осуществлять мониторинг оборудования и принимать решение по проведению ремонтных работ.
The article analyzes the influence of minimal and zero tillage technologies - on its biological soil activity. Results for chernozems in southern Kostanay oblast are given The paper considers one of the possible approaches - the study of enzymatic activity, as well as the most favorable agricultural practices for the cultivation of crops. The advantage of using these indicators is not only the ability to quickly determine changes in ecosystems at very early stages, but also the ability to predict the extent and direction of the changes occurring in them. Among the various biological criteria for soil evaluation, the most rapid and promising are biochemical indicators that provide information on the dynamics of the most important enzymatic processes in soil:
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В статье изучены особенности экономического поведения с использованием категории «жизненный цикл». Актуальность объясняется тем, что исследования экономического поведения населения по традиционным переменным, а именно уровню дохода и особенностям потребления, показывают однообразные результаты. Однако доход и потребление изменяются в зависимости от возраста, семейного статуса, наличия детей, размера семьи, т. е. дифференцированы по этапам жизненного пути индивидов и их групп. Цель: выявить особенности экономического поведения населения (на примере финансового поведения) по этапам жизненного цикла. Проверяется предположение, что не только отдельные демографические характеристики, но и их некоторый набор детерминируют различия в поведении населения. Методы: общенаучные методы (анализ и синтез, систематизация и обобщение), методы социологического анализа данных массовых опросов населения (дескриптивный анализ, декомпозиция). Информационную базу составил социологический опрос населения ...