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Currently, sport is not just a specific kind of human activity, it is a social phenomenon that promotes the elevation of the prestige not only of individuals, but of whole communities, including the state. The level of success in sports activities is provided by the relations in the system "athlete-coach", "athlete-team", and “athlete-athlete" with the leading organizing role of "athlete-coach". The psychological and pedagogical potential of this system determines the effectiveness both at the level of sports achievements of the athlete and the team, and at the level of the attitude to sport in the space of social relations.
Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 2021
Стаття присвячена дослідженню концептуальних питань спортивного права, що дозволяють розглядати його як галузь, що має ознаки відносної самостійності та характеризується складністю норм. Проаналізовано вітчизняну нормативно-правову базу регулювання спортивних відносин. Зосереджено увагу на приналежності спортивного права до освітньої сфери, а саме зарубіжному та вітчизняному досвіді викладання дисципліни «Спортивне право» в закладах вищої освіти. Проаналізовано думки конкретних дослідників щодо недоцільності запровадження Спортивного кодексу України через нерозвинену на відповідному рівні систему норм цієї галузі та проблеми подальшої адаптації законодавства до таких змін.
В статье представлены результаты исследования, посвященного изучению влияния евразийской системы дуг неста-бильности на территориальные споры в Южно-Китайском море (ЮКМ), приоритеты США, КНР, СРВ и РФ в отноше-нии ЮКМ в соответствии со стратегическими уровнями Сунь-цзы, а также воздействию этих факторов на развитие внутриполитической ситуации во Вьетнаме. В сложившейся ситуации сценарий опоры на США представляется риско-ванным для Ханоя, поскольку следование стратагеме «опираясь на дальнего, противостоять ближнему» создает угрозу стабильности власти в Ханое. DISPUTES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA AND INTERNAL POLITICAL SITUATION IN VIETNAM The article presents the results of a study on the influence of the Eurasian System of Arcs of Instability on territorial disputes in the South China Sea (SCS), the priorities of the United States, People's Republic of China, Vietnam and the Russian Federation regarding the SCS in accordance with the strategic levels of Sun Tzu, as well as the impact of these factors on the development of internal political situation in Vietnam. The current rapprochement between Hanoi and Washington can be viewed as a logical result of Chinese policy in the SCS. The current policy of Beijing is counterproductive, because it pushes Vietnam into the sphere of dominant US influence, which in the long range is unfavorable for the PRC. The possible transition of Vietnam to the other side of the East Asian segment of the Eurasian Arc of Instability will become the most important geopolitical defeat of the PRC since its foundation in 1949. Growing tensions in US-China relations and in Vietnamese-Chinese relations create favorable conditions for strengthening Vietnamese-American relations, but the reinforcement of ties with the United States creates specific threats to homeland political stability in Vietnam. In this situation, the scenario of relying on the United States to protect the faraway borders (islands) from China’s expansion in SCS is risky for Hanoi, because following the stratagem “Befriend a distant state and strike a neighbouring one” poses a threat to the stability of regime in Hanoi. To sum up, the current foreign policy situation is not very favorable for the protection of Vietnam’s interests in the SCS, relying on the United States. The problem is aggravated by the remarkably reduced level of propaganda of Hanoi, both in the country and abroad, which is used by external forces to support opposition to the regime.
Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2017
competence it is necessary to develop a model and modern technology, which would have had sufficient scientific justification. Evaluation of educational achievements of students motivation to master the environmental knowledge, ability to solve tasks of productiontechnical nature allowed us to determine methods and forms, which we consider appropriate to include in the technologies of the future. The article characterizes the basic stages of formation technology of student competence of the experimental groups, namely: motivational, cognitive integration and effective assessing. We characterize the forms and methods of work that have been implemented at each of the stages of the proposed technology, and that turned out to be the most effective for the formation of environmental expertise. On the basis of the result analysis of the forming phase of experiment the effectiveness of the introduced technologies is discovered; the basic problems of the development and further improvement of the personality of the future expert on responsible civil and professional attitude to solving environmental problems of mining industry are set. Formation of ecological competence involves the interrelated components of which are leading positive motivation, special environmental knowledge that reveal relationships in the system "man-nature", which will have a positive influence on the formation of environmental values and beliefs regarding the conservation, restoration, protecting and rational using of natural resources.
Today aggression is stadied both morphologically and clinically. For this purpose the blood was taken from 20 subjects (sportsmen-Juniors, control study) before and after training. The analysis conducted by the method of light microscopy show that number of microcytes and macrocytes was a bit lower. Central uncoloured places on the surfaces of erithrocytes had one and the same diameter before and after training. Neutrophils nuclear segments were dislocated. The number of azurophil granules is single. Lymphocytes prevailed in their little forms. Gigantic trombocytes were single. A great number of a-granules were noted in the body of trombocytes. Glycogen grains formed not large clumps, released mainly of a-granules. The bodies of thrombocytes were slightly swollen.
Bulgarian Ethnology, 2021
Anthropology and Sport. History, Methods and New Conceptual Approaches In recent years, anthropologists have increasingly identified topics and facets of sport as important fields of inquiry for their discipline. Following a discussion of the rather sporadic and cursory engagement with sport in social anthropology in the German, French, British and American tradition, we discuss the changing role of an anthropology of sport by analyzing its methodological and analytical value for the study of contemporary social, cultural, economic and political phenomena. Given the ongoing processes of sports’ globalization and commercialization such phenomena are increasingly visible in and through games, events and changing local body cultures. In order to utilize sports’ increasing potential for central debates in anthropology we argue for a further consolidation and institutionalization of sport in the discipline.