Customer Satisfaction in Tourism Service Quality (original) (raw)

The Service Quality Evaluation on Tourist Loyalty in Malaysian Hotels by the Mediating Role of Tourist Satisfaction

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of service quality on tourism loyalty in the hotel industry. Data were collected from international tourists at several top interested places locations in Kuala Lumpur. The study sample included international tourists who stay in four and five star hotels in Kuala Lumpur. Service quality with five dimensions includes reliability, assurance, responsiveness, tangible, and empathy is considered as independent variables. From the result of the study, it was found that service quality affects tourist satisfaction and loyalty directly. The finding of this study is helpful for hotel industry. In fact, the finding of this research informs hotelier to understand about the tourist attitude toward service quality in hotel and its impact on their satisfaction and loyalty.

An Empirical Study of Tourist Satisfaction in Malaysia

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015

Tourism is a fast-growing business that receives global attentions. A successful tourism business brings huge benefits to host countries. In Malaysia, the study on tourism satisfaction context is still limited although Malaysian tourism industry grows rapidly. Hence, conducting more research focusing on tourist satisfaction in the Malaysian context is essential. In order to understand tourist satisfaction better, three factors, that is, experience, service quality and value that are related to satisfaction were examined in this paper. The population of the study was all tourists travelling to Malaysia. A sample was drawn using a multi-stage sampling method. A total of 301 completed and useful questionnaires were used for data analysis. The statistical analyses carried out include Pearson Correlation test and Multiple Regression analysis. The findings showed that value, experience and service quality were the three important variables that collectively contributed to tourist satisfaction level in the Malaysian context. In addition, the contribution of each individual factor on satisfaction revealed that the most influential factor is value, followed by experience. However, the service quality as an individual factor was not considered significant unless it was packed together with value and experience. Therefore, this study suggests that these three factors must be considered and the combination of all three factors must be offered as a complete package to attract many more tourists to visit Malaysia.


GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 2021

Marine based tourism has emerged as a subject of concern in the area of ocean and coastal management. Today, demand for marine tourism has increased dramatically and is highlighted as one of the new horizons and fastest-growing sectors in the world's tourism industry. Malaysia is indeed one of the countries with the most beautiful and diversified marine life. The fundamental purpose of this study is to examine the satisfaction of tourists towards the service quality of marine tourism in Malaysia. The development of the research framework is based on the SERVQUAL model. A total of 300 responses were received from the Klang Valley area of Malaysia. For the purpose of processing and analyzing the data, Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) method was employed. By applying a two-step approach, the study assesses the measurement model and the structural model. Findings from the survey reveal that assurance, tangibility, empathy, reliability, and responsiveness have a significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction thus these factors describe the customer satisfaction adequately. This study would enable policymakers and tourism companies to develop policies to improve customer satisfaction by increasing the quality of service.

The Impact of Tourism Service Quality on Satisfaction

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between tourism service quality with overall satisfaction, intention to revisit and willingness to recommend to relatives and friends. This study is significant in at least two ways. First, it extends the work of Rimmington and Yuksel (1998) who included transport as a general component. This study includes taxis as a separate component since taxis are a popular transportation mode. Second, it provides information to multiple government agencies on ways to improve satisfaction among tourists. data is collected from foreign tourists who visited Kuala Lumpur. A total of 199 completed questionnaires were received. There are three notable findings; first, there is a significant relationship between accommodation service quality, hospitality, entertainment, transportation, taxi service quality and overall satisfaction. Second, there is a significant relationship between overall satisfaction and intention to revisit Kuala Lumpur. Third, there is a significant relationship between overall satisfaction and willingness to recommend Kuala Lumpur to friends and relatives.

Customer satisfaction in hospitality industry: Middle East tourists at 3star hotels in Malaysia

Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2013

Today, Malaysia is the destination of millions of tourists from Middle East countries.3star hotels are the common choice of these travellers due to appropriate service quality and reasonable charges. The purpose of this study is to test the relationship of perceived value, service quality and customer expectation with customer satisfaction. This study uses questionnaire method to collect data from the respondents. The respondents were the Middle East tourists who stayed in 3star hotels at Kuala Lumpur. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 200 were completed. The findings from this study recognized the service quality as the most significant factor effecting the customer satisfaction. This study also proved that customer satisfaction is a key factor that leads the hospitality industry to success and gain competitive advantages. Therefore, findings of this study shall assist the hospitality management to recognize their flaws and minimize the factors causing di...

The Impact of Perceived Value, Destination Service Quality, and Tourist Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty Among International Tourists Visiting Malaysia

Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management

The competitive situation and challenges within the tourism industry worldwide entailed a better understanding of destination loyalty’s determinants in achieving Malaysia’s aspiration to retain its international reputation as one of the most desirable tourist destinations in Asia. Literature proved that factors such as perceived value, service quality and tourist satisfaction could influence in improving destination loyalty. In view of this, there is a need to examine the influence of several constructs namely perceived value, service quality and tourist satisfaction that can contribute to the loyalty of international tourists towards Malaysia as it was suggested in the literature review. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were to examine the influence of perceived value and service quality on tourist satisfaction, which in turn would influence destination loyalty. In this study, tourist satisfaction was treated as the mediating variable. The proposed model was tested usin...

The effects of Malaysian hotels services on customer loyalty”, 4th International Conference on Education and Information Management (ICEIM 2013), Malaysia, pp 141-144

International Foundation for Research and Development (IFRD), 2013

In recent years, the tourism industry has become more important in terms of the global economy. It is revealed that inbound tourism has become one of the major trade categories. Like other countries in Malaysia several industries involve to attract tourists in the country. The hotel industry is one of these industries affects tourists to be satisfied and desire to visit the place again. Service quality is the most important factor by which hotels influence their guests to be loyal; therefore in this study the effect of service quality on tourist loyalty will be investigated. Factors of service quality, which affected from the expected service quality and affect tourist loyalty, include tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. In this study, guests of hotels, apartments and budget hotels are considered as the research population and 500 respondents from both domestic and international tourists are selected by clustering sampling. The finding of this study is helpful for hoteliers to understand the demands of their customer from different countries with different cultures and plan new strategies to meet their needs and influence them to be loyal on hotels.

The Effects of Malaysian Hotels Services on Customer Loyalty

In recent years, the tourism industry has become more important in terms of the global economy. It is revealed that inbound tourism has become one of the major trade categories. Like other countries in Malaysia several industries involve to attract tourists in the country. The hotel industry is one of these industries affects tourists to be satisfied and desire to visit the place again. Service quality is the most important factor by which hotels influence their guests to be loyal; therefore in this study the effect of service quality on tourist loyalty will be investigated. Factors of service quality, which affected from the expected service quality and affect tourist loyalty, include tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. In this study, guests of hotels, apartments and budget hotels are considered as the research population and 500 respondents from both domestic and international tourists are selected by clustering sampling. The finding of this study is helpful for hoteliers to understand the demands of their customer from different countries with

The investigation of the hotels service quality effects on tourist Loyalty

The present study aims to explore the relationship between service quality with tourist satisfaction and loyalty in the Malaysian hotel industry. In this research, the population was international tourists who stayin4 and 5-star hotels located in Kuala Lumpur, sample was selected based on clustering sample method. From the result, it was found that price had a significant effect on tourists` expectation toward hotels. Moreover, tourists` expectation has significant influence on perceived service quality but did not influence on their satisfaction. Finally, the result of this survey support that, tourist`s satisfaction and perceived service quality had significant influence on tourists` loyalty toward hotels. The result of this research is helpful for hotelier to plan new strategies for attracting more tourists therefore it leads to economic development in Malaysia.

To Explore Hotel Service Factors Effect on Increasing Tourist Loyalty-Malaysia Evidence (Preliminary Study)

Tourism industry has become more important in the global economy because it has the fastest growth in recent years. Based on United nation world tourist organization, Malaysia is the 9th country in the world and 3rd country in Asia in attracting tourists with 24.6 million one in 2010. Hotels play important role by providing quality service to customers and enhancing their loyalty. Rapid growth among hotels in tourism industry make hotels to recognize services as an important factor attracting more tourists, hence those are profitable. Therefore this primary study tries to start finding out relationship between important aspects of services such as process, place and personnel in hotels with tourist length of staying and frequency intention to revisit. Other research objectives are to investigate the effect of tourist’s length of stay and frequency intention to revisit on tourist loyalty.