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Role of news media in International Relations Theory Framework- Research.docx
this paper argues the role of media in each of these theories of international relations or how media plays a role in these theories or to find the news media in these theories. Second, what elements or approaches of the international Relation theory framework, does the news media content contain? Does the news content contain realistic, liberal, feminist, Marxism, constructivist, and structuralist, etc. approaches? Or a mix of these approaches at different times and in reference to different contexts? This study seeks to find how news media can shape and influence international relations through the lens of established theories in the field. By examining the relationship between news media and these theoretical frameworks, the research could provide insights into how media can affect how nations interact with each other, how conflicts can be resolved, and how power is asserted in the global arena.
The National Security - Media Power Linkage. A Theoretical Framework
Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2013
The mechanism of national security policy is an issue of increasing interests in post cold war era. But what is the impact of the media upon national security policy decision making? New world wide events show us that more than ever national policy is often at the mercy of the media. The Wiki leaks, the Murdoch inquiry, the impact of new social media on Arab democratic movements are just some examples regarding the effect of nearly simultaneous presentation of information around the world. The world is changing, and the processes by which national policy is developed may also be changing especially in the security domain. The essence of this study, as the title suggests is the idea of a "dual use" media in the national security issues. This study employs a relatively narrow definition of national security issues as only those which are concerned with national survival and preservation of our society. The media affects us as individuals and as a collective body so we will l...
11_Seo_Media and Foreign Policy
This study examines journalists' role conceptions in their coverage of diplomatic issues, strongly that journalists are participants in the negotiation process and that news sources have significant influence on their judgments of the newsworthiness of issues related to the talks. This comparative study offers important implications for the press-government relationships in foreign affairs issues. The role of the media in foreign affairs and international issues has garnered growing attention from scholars, as it has been assumed that the end of the Cold War and advances in communication technologies have increased the ability of the media to influence the foreign policy process (Gilboa 2006). While scholars have presented different opinions and findings regarding the media's roles in shaping foreign policy decision-making That is particularly the case when countries use the media for communication with parties with whom they don't have effective or viable dialogue chann...
The mass media is increasingly enjoying a position of considerable importance throughout the international system precipitated by information explosion that is taking place in the world. This paper on mass Media and foreign policy examines the role of mass media in the coverage and reportage of foreign policy of states through informing, educating and enlightening the international community on issues and nature of international politics in general. Using the communication theory and secondary method of data collection, the paper examines the extent to which mass media practitioners have adhered to the professional journalistic ethics of neutrality, objectivity, impartiality and balancing in matters of foreign policy and also x-rays the multitude of factors impeding the media institutions in effective communicative crusades. The paper submits that the mass media plays a pivotal role in the foreign policy of state and that there is a linkage between the Mass Media and Nigeria's external relations especially in this era of globalization. The paper recommends that the mass media of communication need to be socially, politically, economically, nationally and internationally responsible in the way they carry news stories about foreign policies of states.
Media Coverage as Foreign Policy Intervention Factor
The CNN effect concept is settled in the area of media effect studies and is especially connected with the topic of political decision making in international relationships. These days, the CNN effect concept has the status of an assumption which has not been ultimately confirmed. The lively academic debate on the degree of media influence on making politics remains current today and based on the assumptions, that the media have an impact on public opinion and power of shaping policies. That public opinion, which is informed and stimulated by the media, has significant influence when policy goals are being considered . A more critical view is presented by P. Robinson, who claims that generally the media follow politicians and their policy making, but there are some meaningful exceptions when media coverage exert pressures on political elites to force them to make certain decisions. The proposed study combines the theoretical basis within the agenda setting theory, as regards the interrelationships between the media and policy agenda and empirical seeking using the methodology, covering case studies. The main assumption grounds on the opinion that previous model of relationship between media agenda and policy agenda, in which media agenda generally follows the policy agenda, is changing, so that the media has a growing role in making politics. The detailed hypothesis which is going to be proved in the study implies that media coverage should be considered as an intervention factor within the political decision-making environment.
Media Affecting Upon or Affected By Foreign Policy: The Case of Pakistan
In the modern democratic societies, mass media has emerged as an important contributing factor of foreign policy. Walter Lippmann defines media as 'an organ of democracy' because in democratic societies media has the potential to translate the dictum of 'government of the people, by the people and for the people.' Media and foreign policy relationships are discussed in two parts; the first part defines the issue in broader perspective while the second part describes the issue in Pakistan's perspective. Media and foreign policy dimensions suggested by Hamid Mowlana (1997) are considered in the backdrop of media theories of agenda-setting, gatekeeping, framing, CNN effect, and propaganda model of Herman and Chomsky. Three types of relationships may exist between media and foreign policy; manipulative/monolithic/advocative; adversarial; and indifferent. Media of the capitalist countries and particularly the US media have been manipulative, monolithic and advocative. As far as Pakistani media is concerned, it has remained indifferent towards foreign policy for most of the time as it has been under strict government control during military regimes. Main goals of Pakistan's foreign policy are discussed through the lenses of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. An overview of the different phases of Pakistan's foreign policy, suggested by Hasan Askari, facilitates the reader to establish its relation with the media.
Chanan Naveh The Role of the Media in Foreign Policy Decision-Making: A Theoretical Framework
Kurzfassung: Der vorliegende Aufsatz vertritt die Auffassung, dass die Medien an allen Etappen der Konstituierung von Außenpolitik beteiligt sind und dass die Politiker die nationale und internationale Wirkung der Medien berücksichtigen. Dieser doppelte Medienbezug kommt vor allem auf der Ebene des Medienmanagements zum Tragen. Die Einbeziehung der Medien in den politischen Entscheidungsprozeß ist komplex. Wenn in der Welt etwas passiert, erfahren die Politiker dies aus den Medien. Die Informationen werden über verschiedene Kanäle transportiert , und dann beginnt der politische Entscheidungsprozeß. Medienberater und PR-Experten sind daran beteiligt; Entscheidungsträger konsultieren sie und berücksichtigen ihre Ratschläge. Sie beziehen sich letztlich auf die Medien, wenn sie die Richtlinien ihrer Politik festlegen und mit den geeigneten Medienmitteln abstimmen. Frühere Studien über außenpolitische Entscheidungsprozesse haben sich nicht mit der komplexen Rolle der Medien auseinandergesetzt. Falls überhaupt, beschrieben sie die Medien lediglich als einen der Kanäle, durch welche die Politiker über das internationale Geschehen informiert wurden, d.h. als Input des Entscheidungsprozesses. Die Wirklichkeit zeigt jedoch, dass diese Perspektive die Rolle der Medien unangemessen minimiert. Sie sollte daher sowohl theoretisch als auch mittels angewandter Fallstudien durch einen komplexeren Ansatz ersetzt werden, der die entscheidende Rolle der Medien für die Festlegung der Außenpolitik herausarbeitet. Der Aufsatz entwickelt einen theoretischen Rahmen dafür, der Schwachstellen bisheriger Modelle zu kompensieren versucht und der sowohl den komplexen Prozeß des Medieninputs als auch die Rolle von Presse und Fernsehen für die Konstituierung der Außenpolitik reflektiert.
Media plays an important role in every field in all over the world, government, Political parties and other organizations use media for there own will. After intervention in Swat, Taliban started use of media and designed a special media strategy. Taliban created panic via radio channels and local media and moulding people opinion against government. In Swat, many journalists sacrificed their lives while rendering their professional duties. Five journalists were killed during three years time in Swat. Some highlighted civilian casualties in Swat when military operation started they were declared Taliban sympathizers and were harassed by military and by Taliban also. Media was powerful tool for both sides and they tried to achieve their goals through this technology. During militancy in Swat, Taliban Commander Fazlullah used FM radio technology for preaching. He also warned the inhabitants of the area not to talk against Taliban and motivated them to support Taliban. He was commonly ...