“Ancient Chronography on Abraham’s Departure from Haran: Qumran, Josephus, Rabbinic Literature, and Jerome,” Journal for the Study of Judaism 50 (2019): 178-96. (original) (raw)

Book review of Andrew Steinmann, From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology (Concordia, 2013)

From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology, 2013

Andrew Steinmann, Distinguished Professor of Theology and Hebrew at Concordia University Chicago, deals in depth with the chronology of the Bible from the time of Abraham to the New Testament period, ending with the deaths of Paul and Peter. After some introductory matters, including the measurement of time in the ancient world and the importance of a proper chronology in understanding the working of God in history, certain benchmarks are determined from which the basic time-line of the Hebrew Bible can be filled in. These basic dates are the years of Solomon's reign, and from there the date of the Exodus, the date of Jacob's descent into Egypt, and the date of Abraham's birth. Archaeological issues, including radiocarbon dating, are addressed in the process. --This review was published in its original form on the Web site of the Associates for Biblical Research, http://www.biblearchaeology.org/ .

The Pre-Priestly Abraham Narratives from Monarchic to Persian Times, Semitica 59, 2017, 261-296

La recherche récente sur le Pentateuque souligne que l'essentiel de l'histoire d'Abraham en Gn 12–25 est d'origine soit sacerdotale, soit post-sacerdotale. Néanmoins, quelques traditions pré-sacerdotales peuvent être identifiées, notamment en Gn 12,10–20 ; 13* ; 16* ; 18–19*, des passages qui peuvent difficilement être lus comme formant une narration unifiée. Sur la base d'observations littéraires et historiques, l'article défend la thèse selon laquelle Abraham était à l'origine une figure du Sud judéen qui appartenait à divers groupes ethniques. Les traditions les plus anciennes qui nous soient parvenues, en parti-culier le récit d'Abraham et Lot, qui est associé à la promesse d'un fils et à sa naissance, étaient probablement transmises dans le sanctuaire de Mamré durant la période monar-chique tardive. Plus tard, à l'époque exilique, où les sanctuaires judéens hors de Jérusalem reprennent de l'importance, les anciens récits d'Abraham ont été complétés par la tradition de la matriarche en danger en Gn 12,10–20 et celle de la naissance d'Ismaël en Gn 16*. Ces deux passages, qui témoignent de liens importants, accentuent la dimension plu-riethnique de la figure d'Abraham. Ce n'est qu'à la période perse que les récits pré-sacerdotaux sur Abraham ont été utilisés par les élites de Jérusalem en vue de justifier leurs prétentions cultuelles et politiques sur la région du Sud.

Finkelstein, I. and Römer, T. 2014. Comments on the Historical Background of the Abraham Narrative: Between "Realia" and Exegetica", Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 3: 3-23.

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, 2014

Between " Realia " and " Exegetica " In this article we deploy biblical exegesis and insights from archaeology and extra-biblical historical sources in order to offer some preliminary observations on strands of " realia " in the Abraham narratives that could reveal their date and historical context. We first attempt to identify the early Abraham material and suggest that it represents traditions about the eponymous hero of the population of the southern highlands in the later phases of the Iron Age; these traditions could have been kept in the shrine of Mamre, which was possibly connected to the tomb of the hero. We then deal with the next phase in the development of the patriarchal story – the merging of the Abraham and the northern Jacob narratives. Finally, we describe those Abra-ham traditions that seem to date to exilic and post-exilic times and ask whether the Abraham material also contains a few insertions from the Hasmonean era.

Lipschits, O., Römer, T., and Gonzalez, H. 2017. The Pre-Priestly Abraham-Narratives from Monarchic to Persian Times. Semitica 59: 411-447.

La recherche récente sur le Pentateuque souligne que l'essentiel de l'histoire d'Abraham en Gn 12–25 est d'origine soit sacerdotale, soit post-sacerdotale. Néanmoins, quelques traditions pré-sacerdotales peuvent être identifiées, notamment en Gn 12,10–20 ; 13* ; 16* ; 18–19*, des passages qui peuvent difficilement être lus comme formant une narration unifiée. Sur la base d'observations littéraires et historiques, l'article défend la thèse selon laquelle Abraham était à l'origine une figure du Sud judéen qui appartenait à divers groupes ethniques. Les traditions les plus anciennes qui nous soient parvenues, en parti-culier le récit d'Abraham et Lot, qui est associé à la promesse d'un fils et à sa naissance, étaient probablement transmises dans le sanctuaire de Mamré durant la période monar-chique tardive. Plus tard, à l'époque exilique, où les sanctuaires judéens hors de Jérusalem reprennent de l'importance, les anciens récits d'Abraham ont été complétés par la tradition de la matriarche en danger en Gn 12,10–20 et celle de la naissance d'Ismaël en Gn 16*. Ces deux passages, qui témoignent de liens importants, accentuent la dimension plu-riethnique de la figure d'Abraham. Ce n'est qu'à la période perse que les récits pré-sacerdotaux sur Abraham ont été utilisés par les élites de Jérusalem en vue de justifier leurs prétentions cultuelles et politiques sur la région du Sud.

The Pre-Priestly Abraham Narratives from Monarchic to Persian Times


*, des passages qui peuvent difficilement être lus comme formant une narration unifiée. Sur la base d'observations littéraires et historiques, l'article défend la thèse selon laquelle Abraham était à l'origine une figure du Sud judéen qui appartenait à divers groupes ethniques. Les traditions les plus anciennes qui nous soient parvenues, en particulier le récit d'Abraham et Lot, qui est associé à la promesse d'un fils et à sa naissance, étaient probablement transmises dans le sanctuaire de Mamré durant la période monarchique tardive. Plus tard, à l'époque exilique, où les sanctuaires judéens hors de Jérusalem reprennent de l'importance, les anciens récits d'Abraham ont été complétés par la tradition de la matriarche en danger en Gn 12,10-20 et celle de la naissance d'Ismaël en Gn 16*. Ces deux passages, qui témoignent de liens importants, accentuent la dimension pluriethnique de la figure d'Abraham. Ce n'est qu'à la période perse que les récits présacerdotaux sur Abraham ont été utilisés par les élites de Jérusalem en vue de justifier leurs prétentions cultuelles et politiques sur la région du Sud. * This article is based on two papers presented by Oded Lipschits and Thomas Römer at a symposium on The Politics of the Ancestors (held January 15 th to 17 th 2016 at the University of Oldenburg, Germany). The papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium. Observations at the symposium were that Lipschits's historical-archaeological approach and Römer's exegetical investigation resulted in similar conclusions about the origins of the Abraham tradition. These observations triggered the idea of merging the two texts into a combined piece. This was accomplished with the assistance of Hervé Gonzalez, who added further ideas and comments of his own.

Wrangling with Abraham: An Evaluation of Recent Studies on Genesis 12–25

Australian Biblical Review 67 (2019), 13–30, 2019

This article evaluates recent trends in scholarship on the Abraham narratives in Genesis 12–25 based on a selection of works published over the last eighteen years. Four main issues are discussed here: the current lack of consensus on the nature of the oral and written traditions underlying the Book of Genesis, a need for methodological restraint in the historical-critical scholarship, new approaches to the historical study of Genesis 12–25 and current directions in the theological study of the ancestral narratives.

The Pre-Priestly Abraham Story as a Unified Exilic Work, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 29/2 (2015), 157-181

In this article I argue that the pre-Priestly Abraham story was originally a unified and coherent composition, written as part of a larger literary-historical work that describes the history of Israel’s three ancestors. None of the three patriarchs belong to either Israel or Judah; they belong to the entity of the “New Israel.” The story was composed around the mid-sixth century BCE and reflects the anxieties and hopes of the people who remained within the land. Its author was guided by distinctive historiographical and theological concepts and reconstructed the remote past on the basis of some oral stories and his creative imagination. Hence, the cultural memories embedded in the stories cannot be separated from the other literary and theological elements included therein. The Patriarchal story-cycle is wholly innovative in its concepts of both the three ancestors of the people of Israel and the 12 tribes as an embodiment of Israel’s segregated origin. It was written in order to support the claim of the remainees that they are the heirs of Abraham and hence the land had been given to them in possession. These messages did not fit the theology of the returnees, who took over the story-cycle, reshaped the figure of Abraham, and depicted him as a faithful observer of the laws of the Torah.

The Abraham Narratives in Genesis 12-25: Literature Review

Currents in Biblical Research 17.2, 2019

The Abraham narratives in Genesis 12-25 have long been the focus of interest of scholars and general readers. The stories about Abraham and his family have influenced, directly or indirectly, the foundational texts of the three major monotheistic religions. This article attempts to trace the development of exegesis of Genesis 12-25 in scholarly works published since 2000. Five types of studies are introduced and briefly evaluated: (i) commentaries on the biblical pericopes in question; (ii) works discussing the historical formation of the Abraham narratives; (iii) synchronic and theological studies; (iv) reception studies; as well as (v) other detailed studies of Genesis 12-25. The article presents a wide range of methodological approaches to biblical texts, and aims to delineate current trends in the study of Genesis.