Waldstein und Wartenberg (Waldstein-Wartenberg) Franz de Paula Adam Gf. von (1759-1823), Botaniker und Offizier (original) (raw)

Paul von Forchtenstein iudex curiae. Jurist, Staatsmann und Diplomat in Ungarn zur Zeit der Anjou.

Adelheid Krah (Hg.), Quellen, Nachbarschaft, Gemeinschaft. Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Kulturgeschichte Zentraleuropas., 2019

Paul von Forchtenstein served as iudex curiae (court judge) in Hungary from 1328 to 1349. Thereby, he acted at the top of the judiciary of the whole kingdom. At the same time, he carried out significant diplomatic missions in Avignon and Naples – in the context of the dispute between the two Anjou-lines over the throne of Naples, the murder of the Hungarian Prince Andreas and perhaps also the following military intervention of Hungary in southern Italy. Throughout the Hungarian middle ages, no other person served as iudex curiae for the considerable time span of twenty-one years. Hence, the following article wants to investigate on his biography (along his Iberian ancestry) and on the question of the reason for the incomparable duration and intensity of his concentration of power. Especially his itinerary during the Neapolitan throne crisis will be revealed, whereby monthly overlaps with the one of Colas di Rienzo and the one of Petrarch in Avignon can be discerned. The two were both engaging in diplomacy in favour of the Hungarian Prince Andreas in Italy. While the Papal sources from Avignon complement the Hungarian material to an overall extent, with regard to Paul von Forchtenstein, Italian sources lack completely, despite a direct hint to a stay of Paul in Naples. Monthly long gaps in his otherwise well documented and vivid office in Hungary leave the alleged stays in Italy up to be inferred. Considering the fact that the Hungarian court judge descending from Catalan-Provencal immigrants with the German cognomen »von Forchtenstein« operated at the French-speaking court in Avignon as Paul de Ferchiton, one can presume that other forms of this name may exist for Italian deeds. The article expresses at the same time also a demand for a direct investigation at the Italian venue after overlooked sources for Paul von Forchtenstein – additionally also in the southern German region. The depiction of the biography is going to be systematically framed by the argument of his possible constitutional input to the ideology of the under Simon von Kéza operating Gesta Hungarorum as the global question in the background.

Paul von Forchtenstein iudex curiae. Jurist, Staatsmann und Diplomat in Ungarn zur Zeit der Anjou Von Visegrád über Regensburg nach Avignon und Neapel -ein ungarisches Leben am europäischen Schauplatz der ersten Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts

Quellen, Nachbarschaft, Gemeinschaft. Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Kulturgeschichte Zentraleuropas., 2019

Paul von Forchtenstein served as iudex curiae (court judge) in Hungary from 1328 to 1349. Thereby, he acted at the top of the judiciary of the whole kingdom. At the same time, he carried out significant diplomatic missions in Avignon and Naples-in the context of the dispute between the two Anjou-lines over the throne of Naples, the murder of the Hungarian Prince Andreas and perhaps also the following military intervention of Hungary in southern Italy. Throughout the Hungarian middle ages, no other person served as iudex curiae for the considerable time span of twenty-one years. Hence, the following article wants to investigate on his biography (along his Iberian ancestry) and on the question of the reason for the incomparable duration and intensity of his concentration of power. Especially his itinerary during the Neapolitan throne crisis will be revealed, whereby monthly overlaps with the one of Colas di Rienzo and the one of Petrarch in Avignon can be discerned. The two were both engaging in diplomacy in favour of the Hungarian Prince Andreas in Italy. While the Papal sources from Avignon complement the Hungarian material to an overall extent, with regard to Paul von Forchtenstein, Italian sources lack completely, despite a direct hint to a stay of Paul in Naples. Monthly long gaps in his otherwise well documented and vivid office in Hungary leave the alleged stays in Italy up to be inferred. Considering the fact that the Hungarian court judge descending from Catalan-Provencal immigrants with the German cognomen »von Forchtenstein« operated at the French-speaking court in Avignon as Paul de Ferchiton, one can presume that other forms of this name may exist for Italian deeds. The article expresses at the same time also a demand for a direct investigation at the Italian venue after overlooked sources for Paul von Forchtenstein-additionally also in the southern German region. The depiction of the biography is going to be systematically framed by the argument of his possible constitutional input to the ideology of the under Simon von Kéza operating Gesta Hungarorum as the global question in the background.

Oppeker, Walpurga, Joachim Graf von und zu Windhag (1600-1678) Reformationskommissär, Großgrundbesitzer und Stifter im Viertel ober dem Manhartsberg, in: Harald Hitz, Franz Pötscher, Erich Rabl, Thomas Winkelbauer (Hgg.), Waldviertler Biographien II, Horn- Waidhofen/Thaya 2004, 53-88; -

Fritz Krafft: Johann Christian Wiegleb, Wegbereiter der modernen, naturwissenschaftlichen Ausbildung der Apotheker. Zur Eröffnung der Wiegleb-Ausstellung im Stadtmuseum Bad Langensalza. Preprint, nicht identisch mit der Druckausgabe in: Auf Wieglebs Spuren ... Bad Langensalza 2016, S. 7 - 21.

Keewords: Johann Christian Wiegleb (1732-1800), Geschichte der Pharmazie (18. Jh.), Apotheker-Ausbildung (18. Jah.), Chemisches Unterrichts-Laboratorium (erstes, 1779), Verwissenschaftlichung der Pharmazie (18. Jh.), Pharmazeutische Lehrbuch-Literatur, Stammbuch Jacob Friedrich Pfister.

Wolfgang Wüst, Joseph (I.) Ignaz Philipp, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt 1699–1768

Wolfgang Wüst, Joseph (I.) Ignaz Philipp, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt 1699–1768, 2022

Wolfgang Wüst, Joseph (I.) Ignaz Philipp, Landgraf von Hessen-Darmstadt 1699–1768, in: Sabine Wüst (Hg.), Fabrica Historiae. 50 Wege zur Landesforschung. Festschrift zum Rubin-Doktorat von Wolfgang Wüst (1982–2022), Band 1, Regensburg 2022, S. 168–186. Nr. 347 PDF-Eingabe