Teori Psikologi Sosial Dalam Psikologi Dakwah (original) (raw)
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Psikologi Dakwah dan Epistemology
Buku daros “Psikologi Dakwah dan Epistemology” ini tidak memberikan perbekalan bagi seseorang yang akan menjadi da’i, tapi lebih merupakan jalan pembuka bagi ilmuwan atau flsuf dakwah yang akan mengembangkan dakwah sebagai sains. karena itu buku ini lebih menekankan pada perkembangan psikhis dalam berfikir tentang peristiwa dakwah yang empiris yang dipersepsi filsuf secara berbeda-beda. Ilmu dakwah dalam perspektif lama, dipersepsi sebagai ilmu yang perlu dimiliki oleh seseorang yang akan menjadi da’i, sehingga psikologi dakwah berkonotasi pada kemampuan da’i dalam membaca psikologi massa disatu pihak dan kemampuan da’i dalam mengendalikan diri dipihak lain. Buku Daros “psikologi dakwah dan epistemology” ini; ‘dakwah’ dipersepsi sebagai ilmu pengetahuan empiris (natural science). Titik berat buku ini cenderung pada perkembangan mental yang kedua.
Dakwah dan Perubahan Sosial dalam Persfektif Teori Sosiologi
Mau'idhoh Hasanah : Jurnal Dakwah dan Ilmu Komunikasi, 2019
Da'wah not only conveys religious messages, but it also organizes social life. For this reason, da'wah is faced with the performance of theoretical analysis that deals directly with social theories. One theory that helps the performance of da'wah is the theory of social change. This article explains that between da'wah and the theory of social change is a necessity to achieve the goal of changing the condition of a society that is the object of da'wah. Da'wah as an activity of an individual or group of people integrated in a series of Islamic religious doctrines-material activities, needs to touch pure sciences (pure sciences) as the basis for laying various approaches, strategies or methods, and other elements of da'wah.
Teori Pertukaran Sosial Tentang Fenomena Dakwah DI Eks Lokalisasi Dadapan
Dinamika Penelitian: Media Komunikasi Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan
This study aims to find out how the role of the preacher in bringing changes to the social conditions of the people who used to work in the Dadapan prostitution localization, Kediri City. Da'i plays an important role as a propagator of religion to protect the community. Thus, the relationship between the preacher and his community must be close regardless of the background or social conditions of the community. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method and is equipped with George Homans' social exchange theory, namely as an analytical tool to understand and seek clarity of cases so that researchers know more clearly about the phenomenon of da'wah in the ex-Dadapan localization community. The results of this study conclude that the da'wah process that occurs in Dadapan Village in social exchange theory explains that they are willing to interact when the interaction produces benefits for themselves. Therefore, in the dynamics of increasing reli...
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AL MUNIR : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam
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Paradigma dan Teori Ilmu Dakwah: Perspektif Sosiologis
Jurnal Ilmiah Syi'ar
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